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I have installed Orangepi RK3399 Armbian 5.75 Bionic kernel 4.4.174 on Videostrong Mecoool RK3399.  ( on eMMC )

I had to do only one thing. Disable DSI-1 monitor, because system regognized HDMI -1 and DSI-1.

xrandr --output DSI-1 --off. ( via armbian-config boot environments setup )

Hardinfo recognized Excavator Single Board Computer.

Meccool works pretty well.




Hi constantius,


i have tried to install the bionic kernel to my videostrong with the upgrade_tool (v 1.24) but this doesn't work because this tool doesn't accept the Bionic image file.


How did you update your videostrong ?


Best regards



Now I have the bionic kernel 4.4.213 running (on eMMC) on my Videostrong. I get no sound from the "PHONE" connector but sound is working on spdif and hdmi. The rest is working pretty well.


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