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I am trying to get composite video fully working on an Orange Pi Zero Plus 2. I installed the legacy kernel image, and I've been able to turn on composite out, but I just get a blank screen on boot and there is no /dev/fb0. Is there anything else I have to do to enable the framebuffer.


This is the (I believe) relevant portions of the script.fex file:

advert_disp = 0
auto_hpd = 1
output_type = 4
hdmi_channel = 0
hdmi_mode = 4
cvbs_channel = 1
cvbs_mode = 11
output_full = 1
hdmi_mode_check = 1

disp_init = 1
disp_mode = 1
screen0_output_type = 3
screen0_output_mode = 5
screen1_output_type = 2
screen1_output_mode = 14
fb0_framebuffer_num = 2
fb0_format = 10
fb0_pixel_sequence = 0
fb0_scaler_mode_enable = 1
fb1_framebuffer_num = 2
fb1_format = 10
fb1_pixel_sequence = 0
fb1_scaler_mode_enable = 1


hdmi_used = 0
hdpc_enable = 0


tv_used = 1
tv_dac_used = 1
tv_dac_src0 = 0


these are some possible relevant lines from boot.

[    0.000000] Kernel command line: root=UUID=ab03f9a3-0ba3-4236-8857-33f3229b7a85 rootwait rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 disp.screen0_output_mode=1920x1080p60 monitor=composite-ntsc panic=10 consoleblank=0 loglevel=1 ubootpart=75ceecdb-01 ubootsource=mmc usb-storage.quirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u cma=96M  cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1
[    0.614087] [DISP]disp_module_init
[    0.614413] cmdline,init_disp=
[    0.614448] cmdline,disp=
[    0.615200] [DISP]disp_module_init finish
[    1.029299] cmdline,disp=
[    1.029629] [DISP] disp_init_tv,line:539:screen 0 do not support TV TYPE!
[    1.029647] [DISP] bsp_disp_tv_register,line:998:'ptv is null
[    1.029710] [DISP] disp_device_attached_and_enable,line:159:attched ok, mgr1<-->device1, type=2, mode=14


I finally got it working. I don't know what the problem was, but I switched back to the default config and started from there again.


This is a diff between the original script.fex and the one that enables composite video out:

< disp_mode = 1
> disp_mode = 0
< screen1_output_type = 2
< screen1_output_mode = 14
> screen1_output_type = 3
> screen1_output_mode = 5
< hdmi_used = 0
> hdmi_used = 1
< tv_used = 1
> tv_used = 0
< tvout_used = 1
> tvout_used = 0


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