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Docker on OPi H3 boards


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I am going to start looking into running Docker on OPi +2E soon, but before I get stuck in details I would like to know whether other people have had experience with it..?


In particular, I would like to know what to expect when trying to run Docker on an OPi +2E.  Having a report from prior experience would be helpful. As far as I understand, Docker is still in pretty much experimental stages on ARM.


Kind regards,



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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

I use docker 24/7 for my home automation for at least 2 years (almost 3). First on a banana pi and since 3 months on a Orange Pi +2E (I switched for the 2Gb of RAM).


I have a dozen of small containers (many small home made python script, mqtt server, nzbget, home assistant, traefik, ...) running all the time and it works great.


I don't know what to say specifically as it's been working mostly good. The only caveat I have is that sometimes docker bridge network get stucked and I have to reboot to get it back but it happened 3 times over 2 years.

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1 hour ago, vlad59 said:

I use docker 24/7 for my home automation for at least 2 years (maybe 3). First on a banana pi and since 3 month on a Orange Pi +2E (I witched for the 2Gb of RAM).


I have a dozen of small container (many small home made python script, mqtt server, nzbget, home assistant, traefik, ...) running all the time and it works great.


Thank you @vlad59.  This is very reassuring.  What packages did you install to get it working?  From Armbian, and also from Docker Hub?  It's not clear from the official Docker instructions what I'm supposed to do exactly.


One of the issues that sticks out immediately, is that Docker Engine (https://hub.docker.com/search?type=edition&offering=community) only comes in x86 versions from the official website.  I might have to go hunting around on the Docker GitHub pages to figure out how to build it for ARM unless Armbian already has binaries in its repositories.


My aim is to turn a OPi +2E cluster into a Kubernetes cluster, but the instructions I have need modification because a.) they assume RPi 3 (or 2); and b.) they assume the use of Hypriot, which in my opinion only adds more things that can break in the workflow.  I would rather simply use the plain OS, ensure Docker works properly on that, and then install it the usual way.


1 hour ago, vlad59 said:

I don't what to say specifically as it's been working mostly good. The only caveat I have is that sometimes docker bridge network get stucked and I have to reboot to get it back but it happened 3 times over 2 years.


OK thx for the heads up.  I'll watch out for this!  I wonder what causes this, i.e., whether it's a hardware glitch or software issue...

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I use Armbian (of course) with debian or ubuntu (lately I've been using ubuntu but debian also work). I followed this documentation : https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/ you just have to use the armhf repository (there's 5 tabs with different arch).


I never have tested kubernetes on Arm devices even though I really want to test k3s but time is a limited resource :(.



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6 hours ago, vlad59 said:

I use Armbian (of course) with debian or ubuntu (lately I've been using ubuntu but debian also work). I followed this documentation : https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/ you just have to use the armhf repository (there's 5 tabs with different arch).


Awlright!  Thank you @vlad59!  This is exactly the part of the official docs that I need, and somehow missed despite looking specifically for instructions like this.


I never have tested kubernetes on Arm devices even though I really want to test k3s but time is a limited resource :(.


I looked at the K3S website for preparation, and this snippet is on the very front page:

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -

This idiom is very poor due to many reasons and is a serious red flag.  I think regular K8S would be better.

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