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failed to install docker-ce in Armbian_20.05.4_Armbian focal


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I followed a standard guide to install docker on Ubuntu 20.04




everything went fine until I tried


sudo apt install docker-ce


which suggested I try a amd64 specific version:


Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree       

Reading state information... Done

Package docker-ce is not available, but is referred to by another package.

This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or

is only available from another source

However the following packages replace it:



not sure what I did wrong, but I can't find armbian specific docker guides, 


root@arm-64:~$ lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.

Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Release: 20.04

Codename: focal


any help is appreciated



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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

4 hours ago, a16bitsysop said:

I think docker-ce is only if you have the docker repos added


Yes. Docker works on all officially supported Armbian builds since a few years. It can be installed via preinstalled armbian-config -> software -> softy -> "Install Docker"


For this particular build I don't know since it is not an official build. Perhaps it will just work ... or not.

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10 minutes ago, Igor said:


Yes. Docker works on all officially supported Armbian builds since a few years. It can be installed via preinstalled armbian-config -> software -> softy -> "Install Docker"


For this particular build I don't know since it is not an official build. Perhaps it will just work ... or not.

It does work, I have had it running since 20.04 was released with no difference from the official docker build I was using in 18.04.  The main reason for me using the official version before was the one in the Ubuntu repo was too old before.

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So, I tried installing form armbian-config, however it starts downloading packages and installing and returns to the software list which the docker entry unmarked and not installed, it doesn't work.


do you suggest I follow


However the following packages replace it:



and install the amd64 variant instead of the regular docker-ce, not sure it is even the same thing 

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1 hour ago, moshem said:

I tried installing form armbian-config


Try on a clean system, not on a system that you already break with some manual from the internet ...

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WAY 1: 

follow the official guide,

after source added in the list file as below:



when i ran 

apt-get install docker-ce


没有可用的软件包 docker-ce,但是它被其它的软件包引用了。

E: 软件包 docker-ce 没有可安装候选

means no package in the source.


so I reied 


in the armbian-config to install docker, it always breakout when loading to 3%....



so why was that? any solutuon? any suggestion will help, thank you.

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I'm trying to use armbian OS to host hass.io, and have ran into the same problem.

I can't install docker.  Tried all suggested here, and then others too.   All failing, common error also being 404 (not found).


Armbian config fails at as described, jumping suddenly from 3% to 100% and then back to the install selection window with the selection ticks not marked.

I'm running version 20.05.6 stable


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