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Hi guys! 


I am making a separated network to connect my OPi3 to my old notebook to run some codes of my research. So, the problems is with ethernet connector in Orange Pi 3 that when I connect the cable from OPi3 to my switch LEDs just flash slow and in big intervals. When I try to ping from OPi3 to computer the ping just happens after big time later.


I verify the cable and the switch with other devices (my personal notebook and my notebook from work). Everything is ok and running well. One thing blow my mind: when I connect cable from OPi3 directly to my notebook the LEDs of ethernet of OPi3 works normally but in the armbian the networks not always being up and even LEDs flash normal in the software it comes down being necessary to activate again.


So, I am new on networks and connections. I saw the topic: 

 But nothing could be used in my case.  I hope you can help me! Below I out the videos before I connect OPi3 to my notebook and in the second video after, remembering I just connect OPi3 to notebook to "activate" the ethernet connector, after this both, OPi3 and notebook were connected to switch.


If anyhow possible always provide the output of armbianmonitor -u along with bug reports.


Hi guys! Fortunately I found a solution to the problem: Use a gigabit switch. 


Orange Pi 3 and Orange Pi 4 just work on switch with Gigabit technology fine and not with 10/100 interface. Orange Pi One works fine but as exposed in old topic it was fixed. I found after first update many scripts of NetworkManager modified, maybe there are flags and other scripts impacting on NetworkManager.



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