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[SOLVED] Correct way of adding files to image

Go to solution Solved by bozden,

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I have several files I want to embed into the compiled image, such as logos, desktop backgrounds, some public keys, scripts etc.

I can put them in correct place (e.g. /usr/local/bin) or put it in a directory at root (e.g. /MyAppSetup) and run a script to handle/move them.

In the past I was using a private git repo on my server to clone these, but if I'm compiling, I'd like to get rid of this extra layer.


I could not find a way to do that. Could someone please advise?



OK, learning...


I just recognized customize-image.sh is run in chroot, so direct access to host OS is not possible, maybe there is a variable for host binding which I couldn't find.

On the other hand lib.config is run on host. Although it seems to be used for setting variables, it is source'd, so I can run anything there. So, this might work:




And in customize-image.sh, I can move files around and do whatever I like with them.


Can somebody please confirm? It takes too long to test...


  • Solution
2 hours ago, Werner said:

Maybe this help:



Thank you Werner, that helps.


I had a misconception with the namin. "Userpatch" mixed with kernel pathing, "overlay" with overlayfs.


After examining the code I found correct keywords for search and found this:

I also recognized from the code that only customize-image.sh is copied to destination and my other files (which I call from it) do not.


Now the post you shared comes into play...


Thank you again.


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