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after some hours of not using the banana, it seems the system is dead. I cannot log in with a terminal. I cannot bring back the black screen to the console (i am using only the console) with a connected mouse and keyboard.


All I can do is a reset. This is horrable, beccause the deamons in background should capture same data.


Maybe is it an energie saver? How can I switch off them?


Or how can I examine, what was happens?






how can I examine, what was happens?


I you don't find any informations in the logs (var/log/syslog) then you should have a closer look whether it's really off (eg. caused by an emergency shutdown due to overheating or undervoltage) or you aren't able to interact with the Board.


In general it's a good idea to use monitoring to get a clue what's going on. In case you're using Kernel 3.4 then RPi-Monitor would be the weapon of choice (see pinned thread in this forum)


I you don't find any informations in the logs (var/log/syslog) then you should have a closer look whether it's really off (eg. caused by an emergency shutdown due to overheating or undervoltage) or you aren't able to interact with the Board.


In general it's a good idea to use monitoring to get a clue what's going on. In case you're using Kernel 3.4 then RPi-Monitor would be the weapon of choice (see pinned thread in this forum)

Thank you for your hint.


I installed it by performing the "Installation using the repository" NOT the "Manual Installation" from http://rpi-experiences.blogspot.fr/p/rpi-monitor-installation.html


I also downloaded http://kaiser-edv.de/downloads/sunxi-monitor.tar.gzand untared it. I also looked to the files in the folder that the tar were really performed. the scripts did not have executable rights - so i added them


With user root i performed:

# become root eg. by "sudo su -"
service rpimonitor stop
cd / && tar -xzf /path/to/sunxi-monitor.tar.gz
nohup /usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/sunxi-temp-daemon.sh &
service rpimonitor start

And i added "/usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/sunxi-temp-daemon.sh &" prior to "exit 0" to /etc/rc.local


The answer from starting the deamon:

root@bananapi:/usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts# service rpimonitor start
[ ok ] Starting RPi-Monitor: rpimonitord.

But i cannot enter the Website by enter http://bananaIP:8888


I receive only a This Site is not available.


BTW: Unfortunately  have only a poor linux knowledge.

AND on the banana is allready another web instance running. (But I dolnt know which kind. It is not a generic xaml ).


Here a ps overview:

root@bananapi:/usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts# ps -ef|grep rpi
root      5910  2436  0 23:40 pts/0    00:00:01 /bin/bash /usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/sunxi-temp-daemon.sh
root      5970     1  0 23:40 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/rpimonitord -b /var/run/rpimonitord.pid
root      7596  5970  0 23:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/rpimonitord -b /var/run/rpimonitord.pid

Any further Hints for me, please?







But i cannot enter the Website by enter http://bananaIP:8888


Since you get "This Site is not available" and RPi-Monitor has its own web server you might check which process is listening on port 8888 and in case there is the other web app then adjust /etc/rpimonitor/daemon.conf (add a line with eg. "daemon.port=8088" and try to access this port afterwards) and restart rpimonitor afterwards. To check which process listens of which port you could use 

lsof -i

BTW: Your ps output only shows the rpimonitord process responsible for collecting data (and running as root). The web server runs under an unprivileged account (and it seems in your case it does not run maybe due to port conflicts)


Thank you for your answers.


@Igor: I am using the image Bananapi_Debian_3.2_wheezy_3.4.108.raw


@tkaiser: I am using only the ports 8080, 8081, 8082 . lsof -i confirmed me this assumption.


8888 is a free and good Port for me and should work fine.


So I stopped all running (web) deamons on the bananapro (for the other applikation).

Also stopped rpimonitor


Then I startet rpimonitor. But with http:<ipadress>:8888 nothing hapens except the error: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED


Here an overview of my doings:

root@bananapi:/opt/iobroker# lsof -i
ntpd    2270  ntp   16u  IPv4   3458      0t0  UDP *:ntp
ntpd    2270  ntp   17u  IPv6   3459      0t0  UDP *:ntp
ntpd    2270  ntp   18u  IPv4   3465      0t0  UDP localhost:ntp
ntpd    2270  ntp   19u  IPv4   3466      0t0  UDP
ntpd    2270  ntp   20u  IPv6   3467      0t0  UDP [fe80::::xxxx:xxx]:ntp
ntpd    2270  ntp   21u  IPv6   3468      0t0  UDP localhost:ntp
sshd    2373 root    3u  IPv4   3518      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd    2373 root    4u  IPv6   3520      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd    2511 root    3u  IPv4   3738      0t0  TCP>pc1.fritz.box:50399 (ESTABLISHED)
root@bananapi:/opt/iobroker# service rpimonitor start
[ ok ] Starting RPi-Monitor: rpimonitord.
root@bananapi:/opt/iobroker# ps -ef|grep rpi
root      2399     1  0 12:50 ?        00:00:05 /bin/bash /usr/share/rpimonitor/scripts/sunxi-temp-daemon.sh
root      7789     1  0 13:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/rpimonitord -b /var/run/rpimonitord.pid
root      7791  7789  0 13:35 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/rpimonitord -b /var/run/rpimonitord.pid
root      7818  2527  0 13:36 pts/1    00:00:00 grep rpi

Now it should work - but it does't.


Any further hint for me?


Any further hint for me?


It seems on your system no unprivileged user exists and therefore the rpimonitor's web process doesn't start. I would try to create a user tim (with which you should connect from then on -- working as root isn't the best idea):

​/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/tim -m -s /bin/bash tim
gpasswd -a tim sudo
passwd tim
service rpimonitor start

You should be able to login from then on as 'tim' and become root via 'sudo su -'


Thank you.


Okay I add the user, I can log in, but I doesn't work. Always "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" in the Webbrowser.


Here are some outputs:

root@bananapi:/home/tim# service rpimonitor restart
[ ok ] Stopping RPi-Monitor: rpimonitord.
[ ok ] Starting RPi-Monitor: rpimonitord.
root@bananapi:/home/tim# service rpimonitor status
RPi-Monitor status: [ ok ][FAIL][ ok ]
root@bananapi:/home/tim# ps -ef|grep rpi
root     28887     1  0 17:10 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/rpimonitord -b /var/run/rpimonitord.pid
root     28936 28887  0 17:12 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/rpimonitord -b /var/run/rpimonitord.pid
root     28938 28782  0 17:12 pts/0    00:00:00 grep rpi

There is in the status on fail an two okays. Who is the [fail]?

Is there any further log what can give the right clue?


Is there any further log what can give the right clue?


OK, the web process still isn't running. AFAIK the the next step would be a "service rpimonitor stop" and then let RPi-Monitor run interactively in debug mode:

/usr/bin/rpimonitord -v

Should print out everything that's wrong on stdout/stderr.

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