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eth0 on orange pi 3 not working after armbian upgrade

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Working on orange pi 3.

With the latest version of armbian (20.11.3), my eth0 network interface is not able to connect to network.

If I deploy an old image (20.02.1), it works. As soon as I apt update and apt upgrade, reboot, the new armbian version shown becomes 20.11.3 again, and eth0 is not able to connect anymore :

at startup, a long job runs with the message "A start job is running for Network Manager Wait Online" and after some times, fails with "Failed to start Network Manager Wait Online".

As soon as I redeploy the old image, it's working again.

I did not touch anything else from the fresh image, only apt install/upgrade.

Is this a known issue ? I can do some tests if needed.

Thank you.

  • Werner locked this topic

Fixed Merged via 7bb5101


Note: Fix applied to "dev" Branch only as it is Kernel 5.10. and we are transitioning to it for next release.

Will be available in next nightly dev kernel.

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