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[Invalid] - Latest armbian images for odroid all corrupt, checksums dont match

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$ sha256sum Armbian_21.02.4_Odroidn2_buster_current_5.10.27.img.xz
aff027c69e1e855ba408703ff6a3c3dd9574ee9e500073640657b1e5adc7492d  Armbian_21.02.4_Odroidn2_buster_current_5.10.27.img.xz



Your issue report is not a valid bug report per the Armbian bug reporting instructions (https://www.armbian.com/bugs).  With limited resources the Armbian project is only able to spend time on issues where all the requested information has been provided and for only the boards/images/software that are supported.  Your report is invalid for one or more of the following reasons (non-exhaustive list):


  • it is for an unsupported board or image (CSC/EOS/WIP/edge)
  • it is for software that is not supported (such as userspace modules installed on top of the core operating system)
  • it has been logged in the wrong forum (for example requests for help that are not actual bug reports)
  • it lacks requested data (armbianmonitor output)
  • it could have been easily solved by a quick search and/or reading documentation


Please review what you have submitted and the bug logging instructions (https://www.armbian.com/bugs) and either add the required information or open a new topic in the correct forum (such as Common issues / peer to peer technical support or General chit chat)

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