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Orange Pi 4B fails on benchmarks

Go to solution Solved by Werner,

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Armbian (I try a lot of versions include Armbian Focal xfce mainline based kernel 5.10.y) fails on Orange Pi 4B.


1. Orange Pi 4B booting normal, I try to do hard job and... it restarting every time after try to do hard job like build Qt or running benchmark and never boot normal again while powered. I need off power supply, on power supply and Armbian boot normal again and goto 1.


I use Orange Pi 4B (on pcb v 1.4) with Ubuntu 18 from xunlong (Linux 4.4.179-g4cac54c6-dyrty). It works ok even I build big apps like Qt or run benchmarks. I also building my own Ubuntu 18 using xunlong script and it also working ok.


Why I can't use Armbian for my Orange Pi 4B?

My power supply from xunlong is good. Also I try a lot of others power supply.


23 hours ago, Werner said:

Do you have a proper heat sink on the SoC?

nope and I haven't box too


With xunlong Ubuntu 18 temperature is less 83 °C with hard job and about 70 °C in idle.


The problem was in temperature. If temperature > 93  °C system will shuting down.


So after start I am goint to

sudo armbian-config

and change CPU's GOVERNOR to savemod.


So now temperature is about 80 °C.

I use Orange Pi 4B in room with 25 °C without any box.


Is it normal that armbian can't work on board presents as is? I don't understand why armbian wants proper heat sink by default... May be armbian should provide another GOVERNOR by default?


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