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Green led booting orange pi plus 2


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Hi, I have a new Orange Pi+ 2 and I was trying to write armbian image from: http://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-plus-2/(legacy build) but I couldn't make it work. Steps that I follow on Windows 10:


- Download 7z file from armbian

- Uncompress

- Quick format SanDisk 32GB with SDFormatter

- Write .raw file with Rufus 2.0.1 (stable). All preferences by default.

- Insert micro SD to Orange Pi+ 2

- Connect HDMI, keyboard and power supply.

- Green LED lights continuously. Why??


When the green LED was on, nothing happens. I had tried to install the official .img builds and just works. 


Why I couldn't with armbian builds?

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Disconnect keyboard and reboot.



Thanks in advance! But... didn't work. Could I enable a verbose mode or something like that?


- No video signal

- Processor heat didn't change

- Always green light

- Power supply official 5V/2A

- Micro SD tested several times and works fine with others official OS like Raspbian, Debian and Ubuntu.



My Orange Pi+ 2 actually.

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Strange. Can you try this image:



You need to wait few seconds before HDMI is lit up. If you have a serial console, boot log would be nice to see, since it looks like it stuck at boot loader. The main difference between our and old stock images is boot loader. We use mainline and it could stuck at boot when some "bad" USB keyboard is attached or noise via serial console. But here you don't have them.

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Strange. Can you try this image:



You need to wait few seconds before HDMI is lit up. If you have a serial console, boot log would be nice to see, since it looks like it stuck at boot loader. The main difference between our and old stock images is boot loader. We use mainline and it could stuck at boot when some "bad" USB keyboard is attached or noise via serial console. But here you don't have them.


Hi again. 


I tested that image but didn't work. Also I tried with another image of Orange Pi Plus 2e and same green light.

Today, I was trying with the serial console (USB to TTL Port method).


1. I found a USB with PL-2303HX chip:




2. I put this cables to connectors, following the scheme: Red (+5V), Black (GND), White (TX Port), Green (RX Port).




3. I connected this on the Orange pi+ 2 according the GPIO image:





4. I installed the drives on macOS: http://prolificusa.com/portfolio/pl2303hx-rev-d-usb-to-serial-bridge-controller/(universal binary driver), I restarted my laptop and I checked on System Information > Hardware > USB if the drivers are installed:




5. I used CoolTerm to get the output with this options:

My reference: http://www.orangepi.org/Docs/LogintotheOrangePi.html#Using_TTL_serial_port




Also I tried with the terminal, just running: "screen /dev/tty.usbserial 115200" but I nothing appears on the screen  :wacko:. Terminal and CoolTerm detect the signal but I think that is my wrong, like bad configuration or something.


Could you help me with this? What's wrong? 


Edit: If I type on Coolterm, TX indicator send this signal, is it okay right?

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Serial console has it's own header. Connect there, 3pins only, RX, TX, GND.


Yes, my bad. Really thanks for that help  :lol:


Hands on, Serial Console with Armbian Xenial Server release for Orange Pi+2, green light on:



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All "other" images uses old Allwinner uboot. Here it looks like uboot is not loaded at all. Why? I cant reproduce and it currently have no idea why this happen. Perhaps you need to clear / zero the uboot env part. Only a guess.


Wrote on mobile phone

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This image OrangePI-PC_Ubuntu_Vivid_Mate.img https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1hyW7T0dqn6UTFCa2FpbjFHcVE load without problem, but not working WiFi. Maybe it has something to help.


Yes. I'm using a Loboris image (Ubuntu 15.10) and it's working, but is not armbian  :wacko:

Some people advised me to use DietPi but I prefer armbian because it really gets excellent performance. 



All "other" images uses old Allwinner uboot. Here it looks like uboot is not loaded at all. Why? I cant reproduce and it currently have no idea why this happen. Perhaps you need to clear / zero the uboot env part. Only a guess.


Wrote on mobile phone


Sorry if I seem a bit annoying but I want to learn about this and is my first time with a SBC.


I read this article: http://www.orangepi.org/Docs/Building.html#Building_u-boot but is outdated? Do they talk about the new uboot or the old?

Could you recommend me some documentation to read? It would help quite know what is the right way.


Thanks again.  :)

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Sorry to state the obvious: The file you linked is a 7-zip archive, it contains the image.raw, the PgpChecksum.raw.asc and armbian.txt with the license. You should boot from the .raw not from the archive.


best, gnasch

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Is any docs to make bootable sd-card for OPi PC from another linux machine? My OPi PC doesn't boot from


Changed a lot of cards and drives. Other images, like Lubuntu_jacer boots great.

All the instructions you need are on this page: http://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/

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Orange Pi PC+ works fine. I have it here on my desk ... have you change SD card, PSU, ... ?

I tried Samsung EVO card and SanDisc, but not booting. PSU - is original OrangePC PSU. And Lubuntu image is booting fine.

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The problem was in the cardreader . Replaced cardreader and everything is ok. But noticed an interesting thing - if you remove the card with operating system and insert a card with a broken system, and then insert cart with good OS - Oprange PI will not boot.

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Today I'm testing the last Ubuntu Xenial version for Orange pi+ 2 and the serial console throw me a new error:

U-Boot SPL 2017.01-armbian (Feb 02 2017 - 03:04:04)
DRAM: 2048 MiB
Trying to boot from MMC1MMC: no card present
spl: mmc init failed with error: -123
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

I will hope that maybe helps to fix the green light. 

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Today I get the same error.


I accept suggestions or things to test and debug this.

U-Boot SPL 2017.09-armbian (Nov 22 2017 - 16:51:53)
DRAM: 2048 MiB
Trying to boot from MMC1
MMC: no card present
mmc_init: -123, time 2
spl: mmc init failed with error: -123
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###


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39 minutes ago, orangeGiraffe said:

@Aerz Hi, I had the same symptoms
I wrote .img with Win32DiskImager
But after that i formatted SD card and wrote .img with Etcher (recommended https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-plus-2/)
After that it's still green led, but after 30 seconds OS launched successfully.
Try write img using Etcher.


Hi, I used Etcher. Did you get this error using a USB Serial Port? 


U-Boot SPL 2017.09-armbian (Nov 22 2017 - 16:51:53)
DRAM: 2048 MiB
Trying to boot from MMC1
MMC: no card present
mmc_init: -123, time 2
spl: mmc init failed with error: -123
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###


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23 hours ago, Aerz said:

No. I tried with several SD Cards but it didn't work. I only success with Loboris images. 

"Broken SD card detect switch" means that SD card slot on the board is broken, not the cards that you plug into it.



Images that don't use mainline u-boot will boot fine since SD card detect switch is not checked there.

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