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  On 6/27/2018 at 11:21 AM, balbes150 said:

I put together a version Libreelec KODI-18 for S805 and Linux images with the main kernel, but I have only one "half-dead" device s805, at which the run system to panics (perhaps because of hardware faults). I am interested in the process of running these systems (with full logs from the start of u-boot) on other Board options.

To enable USB, try to decompile (in dts format) with utilite DTC, your dtb, where USB works and compare it with the decompiled dtb version from the latest image. If there is a difference, try to make the necessary changes to the new file and build the dtb from it.



That older Android 4.4.2 (kernel 3.10.33) had in its device tree:


	usb_con {
		lm-compatible = "logicmodule-bus";

		usb_b {
			lm-compatible = "amlogic,usb";
			lm-periph-id = <0x1>;
			clock-src = "usb1";
			port-id = <0x1>;
			port-type = <0x1>;
			port-speed = <0x0>;
			port-config = <0x0>;
			port-dma = <0x0>;
			port-id-mode = <0x1>;
			status = "okay";

		usb_a {
			lm-compatible = "amlogic,usb";
			lm-periph-id = <0x0>;
			clock-src = "usb0";
			port-id = <0x0>;
			port-type = <0x1>;
			port-speed = <0x0>;
			port-config = <0x0>;
			port-dma = <0x0>;
			port-id-mode = <0x0>;
			gpio-vbus-power = "GPIOAO_5";
			gpio-work-mask = <0x1>;
			status = "okay";

So through usb_a which is seen in system as lm0 is driven gpio-vbus-power = "GPIOAO_5"

Question is, how can I drive that gpio-vbus-power in newer kernels?

My MXQ box is (I think) very inspired by Odroid C1, they use only GPIOAO_4 (instead of GPIOAO_5) for driving internal USB hubs RESET signal.


  On 6/27/2018 at 1:08 PM, balbes150 said:


I tried all this before already ;)

There must be something more I think, maybe in some script, switching that gpio-vbus-power or so...



  On 6/27/2018 at 7:03 PM, arimak said:


I tried all this before already ;)

There must be something more I think, maybe in some script, switching that gpio-vbus-power or so...




My box use the gpioao_5 usb bus and I use the attached dtb and all the usb works.  Remove .txt and test it!




  On 6/28/2018 at 10:49 PM, Titot said:

My box use the gpioao_5 usb bus and I use the attached dtb and all the usb works.  Remove .txt and test it!



meson8b_mxv-u-j.dtb.txtFetching info...


Thanks, but this dtb doesn't work too. Still can't see the hub and other devices hanged on it.

Could you link me pics of your box inside, with little description? How many USBs, what chip for internal USB hub,...

There's a lot of versions of these S805 boxes, MXV, MXQ - I've seen about 5 versions of MXQs :o with different PCBs, USB hubs, wifi chips,...


For inspiration I'm attaching the .dts which worked for me in an old android (but is not working for Armbian at all, can't boot ).


meson8mediamanv2.dtsFetching info...

  On 6/29/2018 at 11:04 AM, arimak said:

Thanks, but this dtb doesn't work too. Still can't see the hub and other devices hanged on it.

Could you link me pics of your box inside, with little description? How many USBs, what chip for internal USB hub,...

There's a lot of versions of these S805 boxes, MXV, MXQ - I've seen about 5 versions of MXQs :o with different PCBs, USB hubs, wifi chips,...


For inspiration I'm attaching the .dts which worked for me in an old android (but is not working for Armbian at all, can't boot ).


meson8mediamanv2.dtsFetching info...


I use your dts compiled to dtb and my box and  boot,  but off course no wifi and only 3of  the 4 usb working. One thing I use the kernel 3.10.61 . I dont know is that could make the difference??


  On 6/30/2018 at 4:42 AM, Titot said:

I use your dts compiled to dtb and my box and  boot,  but off course no wifi and only 3of  the 4 usb working. One thing I use the kernel 3.10.61 . I dont know is that could make the difference??



Your MXV doesn't have wifi inside? As we know, S805 have 2 USBs on-chip (OTG and HOST), OTG is mainly for flashing and usually works always, on some boxes is marked as USB-1, next 3 USBs (USB-2,..,USB-4) are connected to internal USB hub.

Differences among kernels can be important reasons, why some things works or not. As I wrote I'm now with Ubuntu Mate with 3.10.108 kernel, and don't want go to older versions.



  On 6/30/2018 at 10:19 AM, arimak said:

Your MXV doesn't have wifi inside? As we know, S805 have 2 USBs on-chip (OTG and HOST), OTG is mainly for flashing and usually works always, on some boxes is marked as USB-1, next 3 USBs (USB-2,..,USB-4) are connected to internal USB hub.

Differences among kernels can be important reasons, why some things works or not. As I wrote I'm now with Ubuntu Mate with 3.10.108 kernel, and don't want go to older versions.




My MXV comes with wifi inside . With your posted dtb file I cant only use 3 of the usb , the OTG not active. You use Ubuntu Mate ... with what dtb file?

  On 6/30/2018 at 6:08 PM, Titot said:

My MXV comes with wifi inside . With your posted dtb file I cant only use 3 of the usb , the OTG not active. You use Ubuntu Mate ... with what dtb file?


For now with this my experimental, but still not working USB hub (and its 3 USBs + wifi).

I'm trying use the GPIOAO_5, but still without success :/



  On 6/30/2018 at 8:44 PM, arimak said:

For now with this my experimental, but still not working USB hub (and its 3 USBs + wifi).

I'm trying use the GPIOAO_5, but still without success :/

mxqPR011.dtsFetching info...

mxqPR011.dtbFetching info...



I use the dtb from my MXV box android OS . and all works. You post the  "meson8mediamanv2.dts" used by android . Right? and that dts dont have the gpioao_5 on the usb part?  Also like I said , your android dts file boot my device but with other kernel , so  here is the kernel :




Hi balbes150,

I'm trying to reuse my old OTT S805 box and succeeded in getting the 5.37 build to install to nand, but can't get either of the later ones 5.41 or 5.44 to run after they seem to install.

I need to install to nand on this box as it seems to have a faulty sd card slot and not always reading correctly.

I've used the method ./install.sh to do the install to nand, as the othet method doesn't seem to be installed in these builds (nand-sata-install)

Is there a way to update to a later build straight from the running nand install or does it have to be a fresh install from the sd card?


  On 8/5/2018 at 10:42 PM, l m m said:

I'm trying to reuse my old OTT S805 box and succeeded in getting the 5.37 build to install to nand, but can't get either of the later ones 5.41 or 5.44 to run after they seem to install.

I need to install to nand on this box as it seems to have a faulty sd card slot and not always reading correctly.

I've used the method ./install.sh to do the install to nand, as the othet method doesn't seem to be installed in these builds (nand-sata-install)

Is there a way to update to a later build straight from the running nand install or does it have to be a fresh install from the sd card?


If you are running version 5.37, you can upgrade packages in the standard way without running a new installation.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/6/2018 at 9:39 AM, balbes150 said:

If you are running version 5.37, you can upgrade packages in the standard way without running a new installation.


That would be great but I can't find any details on how to do an in-line upgrade. Have you mentioned before?
I want to try ang get to build 5.44 as it has Plex server embedded

Edited by l m m
Forgot to mention why I'm trying to upgrade
  On 8/6/2018 at 9:18 PM, l m m said:

That would be great but I can't find any details on how to do an in-line upgrade. Have you mentioned before?
I want to try ang get to build 5.44 as it has Plex server embedded


1. The update is performed on all Debian\Ubuntu, the command "apt update" "apt upgrade".

2. The composition of packages in 5.37 and 5.44 does not contain Plex. You install and configure it yourself.


Hi, balbes150, I was wondering, could you either show me the tools needed to build Armbian for Meson8b/S805 on m201d MXQ with 512MB RAM, or build an image with included support for UVC/Video4Linux2, because I need to have TV capture / web camera with USB device and the current builds do not support UVC... Thanks so much for your work! :)


Yes, thank you. I managed to build it, so I'll be testing it out. I enabled multimedia, usb web camera and v4l2 support in amlogic drivers section. So I think it should work.. We'll see...




Hope someone can point me in the right direction,


I downloaded the Armbian_5.44_S805_Ubuntu_bionic_3.10.108_server_20180521.img image and booted successfully from an sd card and executed /root/install.sh as the root user, but when I remove the sd card and reboot, the s805 boots into busybox.


Have anyone successfully installed it onto their system without the need to have the sd card in the whole time?




Can someone give me the link of the kernel source code and the config for 




I want to recompile the kernel inside the device


root@vegas805:/usr/src# uname -r

root@vegas805:/usr/src# mkimage -l /boot/uImage                                                                               
Image Name:   Linux-3.10.108
Created:      Fri Mar 30 09:19:14 2018


best regards

  On 9/12/2018 at 6:02 AM, balbes150 said:




The config can be found in the /boot directory of the recorded image.





I can't manage to boot the device. My box is MXQ S805

I recompiled the kernel in my Linux PC. Used your link but branch S805. The config which I used was 



I'll write my steps:

- I downloaded gcc 4 from here



- git clone -b S805 https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s8xx-kernel/tree/S8xx


- I made the .config file from your file (config_20170815)

cp config_20170815 .config


- I made a script: set_make2  (edited your script with my gcc path)

export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export PATH=/home/marabej/Downloads/Armbian_S805/kernel/gcc-linaro-4.9.4-2017.01-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/:$PATH
make -j6 uImage modules dtbs


- I made another script "set_modules_install"

export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export PATH=/home/marabej/Downloads/Armbian_S805/kernel/gcc-linaro-4.9.4-2017.01-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/:$PATH

make -j6 modules_install


- ./set_make2

- ./set_modules_install

Compilation is OK


Image Name:   Linux-3.10.33                                                                                                    
Created:      Thu Sep 13 12:44:24 2018                                                                                         
Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)                                                                         
Data Size:    6168724 Bytes = 6024.14 kB = 5.88 MB                                                                             
Load Address: 00208000                                                                                                         
Entry Point:  00208000 



- After that I overwrite the box's /boot/uImage with  arch/boot/uImage from the kernel

- I copied my PC /lib/modules/3.10.33 (these are the compiled ARM modules)  to the box's /lib/modules


Turned on the device and MXQ logo appeared. After 3-4 sec. the logo dissapeared and the device hangs,  

no video, keyboard not working etc.

Note: the original image 3.10.108 is workign without dtb.img file on my device.

I tried the new kernel with or without dtb file - the same result


Can you help me with advice?


Best Regards





  On 4/1/2018 at 1:12 PM, verb said:


I have problems after instaling 5.41 20180330.  ubuntu server  image here is the log from uart : https://pastebin.com/raw/qLb4Kd9M 

and here some pics from console : https://pasteboard.co/HeBhPXa.jpg

                                                 ->  https://pasteboard.co/HeBjEwq.jpg


Sorry for bad pic quality . Also i do the install via uart with these commands :

usb start

fatload usb 0 11000000 aml_autoscript

autoscr 11000000




ps : the installtonand script goes without any issue but after that i am not able to boot from nand if i remove the flash drive



  On 4/1/2018 at 2:59 PM, balbes150 said:

You do not have root mounted, so the system does not start.



  On 4/1/2018 at 5:49 PM, verb said:


I saw that but i dont understand  why it fails to mount /dev/data  and i go through the same steps with armbian 5.37 and it works fine.



All just started with this, have a MXQ S805, m201d, device, I can get it working on 5.37, onto eMMC, with wifi, but I like above can't get any later version to successfully install onto the eMMC.


What is required to get it working for the later versions after ./install.sh is run, why are the mounts not working, and how do I do this manually if required?


@balbes150 any thought pleeese?






First - great job @balbes150, thank you!

My issue is that I can't get wifi working - tried all builds and all dtb-s...

I know that armbian-config clearly says regarding drivers "...if not - you are on your own", but what can be done then?


My board:

MB: AM_MXQ_A 20150825 rev.  MXQ_S805_V03
WiFi: RTL8189ETV

Ethernet: IC IP101GR


Install to eMMC doesn't work too (same way fails to mount /dev/data after all) but it doesn't matter, no wifi is more pain for me.

I'd greatly appreciate any tips in what direction to dig further - got stuck without ideas...

Thank you in advance.


  On 10/17/2018 at 3:29 AM, greenais said:

First - great job @balbes150, thank you!

My issue is that I can't get wifi working - tried all builds and all dtb-s...

I know that armbian-config clearly says regarding drivers "...if not - you are on your own", but what can be done then?


My board:

MB: AM_MXQ_A 20150825 rev.  MXQ_S805_V03
WiFi: RTL8189ETV

Ethernet: IC IP101GR


Install to eMMC doesn't work too (same way fails to mount /dev/data after all) but it doesn't matter, no wifi is more pain for me.

I'd greatly appreciate any tips in what direction to dig further - got stuck without ideas...

Thank you in advance.



So my wifi is RTL8189, I tried modprobe 8189es and it worked so put that in /etc/modules, and wifi up and running, might be worth a try


@balbes150 thanks you for all you have done on this, its great to find I can use an old S805 box for something useful again. 


I'm using theArmbian_5.44_S805_Debian_stretch_3.10.108_server_20180521.img, and now running OctoPrint on it to control my 3D printer.

Wifi is up and working using 8189es driver etc.


Only two things I wish I could sort:

1) getting it to install on the eMMC, I know you say the mounting is broken how do I fix

2) download of the Kernel headers doesn't work from armbian-config, so I am a bit lost in where to get the right source from to add in a driver I need to run a webcam for the OctoPrint server.


Anyone help?


Many thanks this is a great project



  On 8/7/2018 at 9:18 AM, Milan Kragujevic said:

Yes, thank you. I managed to build it, so I'll be testing it out. I enabled multimedia, usb web camera and v4l2 support in amlogic drivers section. So I think it should work.. We'll see...


Hi @Milan Kragujevic, did you get your kernel build to work, and is it 3.10.108 variant, I would like web cam etc and my board is the same as yours m201d MXQ, if so can you share?

  On 10/21/2018 at 5:05 PM, mcc05 said:

Hi @Milan Kragujevic, did you get your kernel build to work, and is it 3.10.108 variant, I would like web cam etc and my board is the same as yours m201d MXQ, if so can you share?


Hi, send me an email at milankragujevic [at] gmail [dot] com, and I will try to help you. In any case, I will publish my build here, for lazy people who don't wanna build it themselves. Btw, I just tonight build a new one. 

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