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I am try to activate the audio for cubieboard 2 with the OS armbian with the kernel 4.1.4 and I do not get it by the output jack.


Before I install this distribution, I had a cubieez and this OS worked the audio with alsa. Is impossible have audio with this kernel?


Thanks in advance!


An for example, ​If in the future it will get audio with some new kernel, I could update all system only adding the new kernel or would I have to reinstall all OS?


​Thanks for your prompt response :)


System is fully upgradeable. Some manual work is needed if you come from some other system or one of my very old creations.

Current images: download kernel .deb package and install it with dpkg -i


Next build will be done even better / standard way: apt-get upgrade / update. On old images all you will need to do is adding repository and installing certain packages. 


Thanks! I installed the system with the kernel 3.4.108 and it works perfect :D


Only I have found one problem, and it is that some audios in mp3 sound wrong with mpd. These audios are newer than the rest, I want to say that these have been recorded later.

Is it posible to miss some codec to install?


Sure it's possible. Armbian is a basic system.


Do you get some particular error or it just sounds wrong? Is it possible to check what is codec / bitrate and Google for "problems in linux"?


I am not much familiar with advanced audio codes. Maybe someone else does.


Finally I solved the problem with some audios that these sound wrong. I post it if anyone happens.


I think that there was not a problem with codecs.


I normalize the wrong songs with normalize-audio and it sounds correctly.

$ normalize-audio -bv *.mp3



I see in the page a new kernel 4.2 that it have "enabled USB audio". Only have audio with usb speaker? or also have audio with jack output?



I see in the page a new kernel 4.2 that it have "enabled USB audio". Only have audio with usb speaker? or also have audio with jack output?

Probably you can have audio with an USB "sound card".

Will be ever an onboard audio support for A20 with 4.x kernels? Or if i want to have audio with 4.x i should buy a cheap USB audio adapter from fe. tinydeal? Will it work? Are drivers needed?


I don't know if you need to buy a USB audio adapter with the new kernel, therefore I asked because I have a jack's speakers. When I test the new kernel with the jack output, I will write here.


I download the last kernel 4.4.1 with jessie (vanilla version), and I see "Enabled audio devices: analog playback and capture"

I have installed pulseaudio and alsa but I do not get sound by output jack.

I probed with mplayer and mpd. Also I see alsamixer and the values are in 100%.



Edit: When I put "modprobe snd_pcm_oss" I receive the message: FATAL: Module snd_pcm_oss not found

Attach more information:

$ systemctl status alsa-restore.service
â alsa-restore.service - Restore Sound Card State
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/alsa-restore.service; static)
   Active: inactive (dead) since mar 2016-02-23 12:44:56 CET; 4h 31min ago
 Main PID: 473 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
$ systemctl status alsa-store.service
â alsa-store.service - Store Sound Card State
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/alsa-store.service; static)
   Active: inactive (dead)

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