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Getting stuck out of the gate  (of course never goes as documented🤣)



While attempting to flash the required uboot update I keep getting a "permission" type error


I've tried with usb stick and sd card,  formated ext4, formatted fat  and various permutations including simple filename....all give the same error even though usb and mmc commands say the media is there


This is a v5.  I have an identical one I set up a few years ago with ubuntu 18 but I did not have to flash this new uboot.   


Any thoughts?   Do one of the jumpers have to be set in order to flash?  


Marvell>> usb info
1: Hub,  USB Revision 3.0
 - U-Boot XHCI Host Controller 
 - Class: Hub
 - PacketSize: 9  Configurations: 1
 - Vendor: 0x0000  Product 0x0000 Version 1.0
   Configuration: 1
   - Interfaces: 1 Self Powered 0mA
     Interface: 0
     - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 1
     - Class Hub
     - Endpoint 1 In Interrupt MaxPacket 8 Interval 255ms

1: Hub,  USB Revision 2.0
 - u-boot EHCI Host Controller 
 - Class: Hub
 - PacketSize: 64  Configurations: 1
 - Vendor: 0x0000  Product 0x0000 Version 1.0
   Configuration: 1
   - Interfaces: 1 Self Powered 0mA
     Interface: 0
     - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 1
     - Class Hub
     - Endpoint 1 In Interrupt MaxPacket 8 Interval 255ms

2: Mass Storage,  USB Revision 2.0
 - SanDisk Corporation Staples Relay SNDK7E38850327C07602
 - Class: (from Interface) Mass Storage
 - PacketSize: 64  Configurations: 1
 - Vendor: 0x0781  Product 0x5202 Version 0.32
   Configuration: 1
   - Interfaces: 1 Bus Powered 200mA
     Interface: 0
     - Alternate Setting 0, Endpoints: 2
     - Class Mass Storage, Transp. SCSI, Bulk only
     - Endpoint 1 In Bulk MaxPacket 512
     - Endpoint 1 Out Bulk MaxPacket 512


Marvell>> bubt flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin spi usb
Burning U-BOOT image "flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin" from "usb" to "spi"
USB0:   Register 2000104 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
USB1:   USB EHCI 1.00
scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 1 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
** File not found flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin **
Error: Failed to read file flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin from usb
exit not allowed from main input shell.



Marvell>> mmc info
Device: sdhci@d0000
Manufacturer ID: 3
OEM: 5344
Name: SU08G 
Tran Speed: 50000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 3.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 7.4 GiB
Bus Width: 4-bit
Erase Group Size: 512 Bytes
Marvell>> bubt flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin spi mmc
Burning U-BOOT image "flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin" from "mmc" to "spi"
Card did not respond to voltage select!
mmc_init: -95, time 42
MMC Device 1 not found
No SD/MMC/eMMC card found
Error: Failed to read file flash-image-DDR3-2g_2cs_7-1000_800.bin from mmc
exit not allowed from main input shell.




Nevermind,  😙 kept trying  reformatted stick again and it worked.   


So for those having this issue make sure to format your stick to MBR not GPT and then make a FAT32 partition.

5 hours ago, dkebler said:

Nevermind,  😙 kept trying  reformatted stick again and it worked.   


So for those having this issue make sure to format your stick to MBR not GPT and then make a FAT32 partition.

Yes, those has to be fat32. Strange. Otherwise instructions on download pages are working - but with most recent images only.

15 hours ago, dkebler said:

format your stick to MBR not GPT and then make a FAT32 partition

If you had a recent u-boot, you wouldn't have this problem.  It can read gpt, it can read ext4.  Of course, you can't flash recent u-boot until you solve this problem.


Also, the "new bootscript" is no longer required with u-boot 2022.04.  They include the distro_boot method which finds the boot.scr, and that loads the kernel. 


env default -a


5 hours ago, ManoftheSea said:

env default -a

Could you please share or point to this default environment, as I don't have the board available for tests at the moment?



I believe this is the default environment, which is compiled into u-boot so the command "env default -a" will set it:


boot_a_script=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}${script}; source ${scriptaddr}
boot_efi_binary=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${kernel_addr_r} efi/boot/bootaa64.efi; if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi ${kernei
boot_efi_bootmgr=if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi bootmgr ${fdt_addr_r};else bootefi bootmgr;fi
boot_extlinux=sysboot ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} any ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}${boot_syslinux_conf}
boot_net_usb_start=usb start
boot_pci_enum=pci enum
boot_prefixes=/ /boot/
boot_scripts=boot.scr.uimg boot.scr
boot_targets=usb0 mmc1 mmc0
bootcmd=run distro_bootcmd
bootcmd_dhcp=devtype=dhcp; run boot_net_usb_start; run boot_pci_enum; if dhcp ${scriptaddr} ${boot_script_dhcp}; then source ${scriptaddr}; fi;seten;
bootcmd_mmc0=devnum=0; run mmc_boot
bootcmd_mmc1=devnum=1; run mmc_boot
bootcmd_pxe=run boot_net_usb_start; run boot_pci_enum; dhcp; if pxe get; then pxe boot; fi
bootcmd_scsi0=devnum=0; run scsi_boot
bootcmd_usb0=devnum=0; run usb_boot
distro_bootcmd=scsi_need_init=; setenv nvme_need_init; for target in ${boot_targets}; do run bootcmd_${target}; done
efi_dtb_prefixes=/ /dtb/ /dtb/current/
load_efi_dtb=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}
mmc_boot=if mmc dev ${devnum}; then devtype=mmc; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
nvme_boot=run boot_pci_enum; run nvme_init; if nvme dev ${devnum}; then devtype=nvme; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
nvme_init=if ${nvme_need_init}; then setenv nvme_need_init false; nvme scan; fi
sata_boot=if sata dev ${devnum}; then devtype=sata; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
scan_dev_for_boot=echo Scanning ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart}...; for prefix in ${boot_prefixes}; do run scan_dev_for_extlinux; run scan_d;
scan_dev_for_boot_part=part list ${devtype} ${devnum} -bootable devplist; env exists devplist || setenv devplist 1; for distro_bootpart in ${devplist
scan_dev_for_efi=setenv efi_fdtfile ${fdtfile}; for prefix in ${efi_dtb_prefixes}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${e
scan_dev_for_extlinux=if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${boot_syslinux_conf}; then echo Found ${prefix}${boot_syslinux_coi
scan_dev_for_scripts=for script in ${boot_scripts}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${script}; then echo Found U-Boote
scsi_boot=run boot_pci_enum; run scsi_init; if scsi dev ${devnum}; then devtype=scsi; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
scsi_init=if ${scsi_need_init}; then scsi_need_init=false; scsi scan; fi
usb_boot=usb start; if usb dev ${devnum}; then devtype=usb; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi



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