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I'm equally interested in an Armbian image file for R4SE.

There's an official Debian Buster desktop image (works fine, installed via USB), but I'm looking for an open sourced Debian Bullseye headless version.

I'm trying to understand how I can use the EFlasher to flash from a SD, ideally with the Armbian Bullseye or R4S on it.

Any ideas, what would be the steps ?


I assume to be make armbian run in R4SE an additional patch is needed that enables eMMC in the device tree. Then nand-sata-installer should be able to do the rest.


Update: a working Armbian image (both SD card and eMMC) has been made available from c0rnelius / pyavitzhttps://github.com/pyavitz/binary/releases/download/images/rk3399-nanopi-r4se-debian-bullseye-5.19.11-arm64-2022-09-27.img.xz


Boot using an SD card (either the image above or the Armbian R4S image with my dtb file above) and run the following to image the eMMC:


wget https://github.com/pyavitz/binary/releases/download/images/rk3399-nanopi-r4se-debian-bullseye-5.19.11-arm64-2022-09-27.img.xz

xz -dc rk3399-nanopi-r4se-debian-bullseye-5.19.11-arm64-2022-09-27.img.xz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk2 status=progress



Note: if booting using pyavitz image from an SD card, you'll need to use a toothpick to press in the MASK button on the R4SE for 3 seconds during power on to use the SD card bootloader.

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