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System does not boot from nand after nand-sata-install script


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Thank you, after installing lubuntu and executing nand-sata-install system booted. But I've got one error. I compiled wi-fi driver to use usb wifi module. Wifi works well while system was on sd-card. After copying system to nand driver shows some errors and module doesn't work. Can you give me some advice to make it work?

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error messages looks like this:

RtmpAsicLoadFirmware: ver 21/21, sum cdf7/cdf7, mac cdf72100
NICLoadFirmware: firmware loaded already
Error in Alloc Bulk buffer for HTTxContext!
RTMPAllocTxRxMemory failed, Status[=0x00000003]
rt28xx Initialized fail!!!
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If everything was correctly installed the only difference is u-boot and separate boot partition. This can provoke certain troubles but I never heard for such.


Double check that you have correct script.bin on (boot) nand1 partition. When you install to nand, script bin from SD card /boot/script.bin is copied there, kernel zImage is converted to uImage and copied there ...

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If you copy it won't work. Simple as that. ;) zImage kernel type is not supported by that boot loader for which I don't have sources or newer version. Yet.


Eventually this will be solved too but now there is no other way.

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You mean in a combination with NAND? Doubt, I don't think it exits.


If you need a modern kernel, go for Vanilla, latest stable which is available for download is 4.2 and it's in much better condition than any kernel down to 3.4.108 (latest legacy). 


All my images are upgradable from 3.4.x to 4.1x and back. Check docs for details. Just remember to upgrade an u-boot not just kernel.

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Maybe will be useful for you.

I found one nand install script on github: https://github.com/remahl/Cubietruck_sd2nand/blob/master/nand-install.sh. There is using of nand-part for creating partitions. This script will partition nand itself before copying bootfs and rootfs.

And there will be no need to flash lubuntu to make good partitioning before using nand-sata-install

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That's a fork of my early script :) Lubuntu flash is needed if this procedure fails, if your NAND come without boot loader, ... It's not possible to achieve this otherwise.


Wrote on mobile phone

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I remebered that some time ago I wrote a script to partition nand based on someones script.



echo "Copying nand-install.sh to rootfs/root..."
echo ""

cp ./sd2nand/nand-install.sh ${targetdir}/root
cp ./sd2nand/nand-install-no-prompt.sh ${targetdir}/etc/init.d

echo "Copying bootpartition.tar.gz to rootfs/root..."
echo ""

cd ./sd2nand/bootpartition/
tar -zcvf bootpartition.tar.gz ./*
cd ../../
mv ./sd2nand/bootpartition/bootpartition.tar.gz ${targetdir}/root

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Unmounting partitions..."
echo ""

umount ${card}-part1
umount ${card}-part2

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Cleaning 1 MB..."

dd if=/dev/zero of=${card} bs=1M count=1

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Writing u-boot..."

dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl-ct-20131102.bin of=${card} bs=1024 seek=8

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Making partitions..."

cat <<EOT | sfdisk --force --in-order -uS $card

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Creating fs part1... "

mkfs.ext2 ${card}-part1

read -p "Creating fs part2. Press enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

mkfs.ext4 ${card}-part2

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

mkdir /run/ct1
mkdir /run/ct2

mount ${card}-part1 /run/ct1
mount ${card}-part2 /run/ct2

#tar -C /run/ct1 -xvf bootfs-part1.tar.gz
echo "Copying bootfs..."

cp bootfs/* /run/ct1

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Rsyncing rootfs..."

rsync -axPHS --delete $targetdir/ /run/ct2 > /dev/null

read -p "Done. Press Enter... " -n1 -s
echo ""

echo "Umounting bootfs..."

umount /run/ct1

echo "Umounting rootfs..."
umount /run/ct2

echo  "Done."

echo "Removing temp folders..."

rm /run/ct1 -R
rm /run/ct2 -R

echo "Done."
echo "Ejecting card..."

eject $card

echo "Done."

Why don't you use something similar in your nand-sata-install script. Maybe you know some drawbacks of this method? Sorry for my english, if it sounds rude.

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