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I'm using OPI PC + with 8GB external SD card. I detected a strange bug. I was using nand_sata_install.sh script to install Armbian to emmc card. So far so good, I was messed with configuration and decided to start over. Wrote fresh image into SD card and power up. So far so good until I rebooted. System boot up from EMMC instead from external SD card. When reboot again it start from SD card. I was wondering WTF is happening. Thinking about system is somehow confused so I delete emmc card partition. Now even with fresh install it boots one time from SD card, on second reboot it fail too boot (because I erased emmc), when restart again it boot from SD ..............

Though that may be problem with my SD card and because got no other card at the moment, decided to go with Loboris image for OPI PC

installed debian_jessie_mini and there is no problem.  Conclusion is that must be a armbian bug. Can someone else confirm that and suggest how to fix it. I really like armbian, but cannot use it.



EDIT: Digging further - problem occurs only when system is rebooted properly - using reboot command for example, if power it off and then on. It boots from proper place.


I noticed problems myself but haven't found time to dig in. It looks like u-boot related problem too me. Using some older u-boot should fix this.


Sorry to write again in this topic, but I just downloaded Armbian_5.24_Orangepipcplus_Ubuntu_xenial_3.4.113 and boot bug persist, but it was a little changed.

Assuming I have debian release on EMMC and Ubuntu on external SD card I start the system it, boot from SD. I use reboot command, after that it boots from EMMC, I use reboot command again, and it boots from SD card and so on .............

restarting the system from AC adapter, result always booting from SD card.

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