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Disable autologin and desktop


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Hello, when I turn on my orangepi with armbian, it automatically logs me in and shows desktop. How can I please disable autologin and auto desktop?


For example, on raspberry pi after boot I see just terminal with username and password, when I type these it logs me in and stays in terminal, and when I want dekstop environment I type startx and then I am in desktop. I would like to have the same behaviour on the orangepi (first headless after boot, I juust after then I should be able to login and choose to display desktop). Many thanks.

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thanks @Igor! If I understand functionality of display managers good, It let's me to choose which desktop environment I want to see after login. But is there a way how to disable it temporarily, so I will be able to "recover" the same behaviour later as I have now (directly logs me in and shows desktop)?

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thanks @Igor! If I understand functionality of display managers good, It let's me to choose which desktop environment I want to see after login. But is there a way how to disable it temporarily, so I will be able to "recover" the same behaviour later as I have now (directly logs me in and shows desktop)?

Then just disable nodm and start it manually when you need the desktop - this scenario was discussed too many times on this forum.

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