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CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards


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Ubuntu noble base-files broken after Armbian 24.5.1.

Upgrading Ubuntu Jammy to Noble is working OK is little trixy.

Current base-file is not in noble (last is 24.5.1).

So is losing rk322X-config and all Arbian futures.


Its depends on armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current and armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box that have 24.5.1 so can forcing downgrading and get the base-files installed but in on obliterate version.

Both is having the current version of 24.8.3 but cant being used then base-files not exiting in this version.


Command used for debug and installing working file set for getting armbian working after ubuntu update:

apt install  base-files=24.5.5-13ubuntu10-noble

apt list -a base-files
Listing... Done
base-files/noble,now 24.5.5-13ubuntu10-noble armhf [installed]
base-files/noble 24.5.1-13ubuntu10-noble armhf
base-files/noble 24.2.1-13ubuntu7-noble armhf
base-files/noble-updates 13ubuntu10.1 armhf
base-files/noble 13ubuntu10 armhf

apt install  armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box=24.5.1

apt list -a armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box
Listing... Done
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box/noble 24.8.3 armhf [upgradable from: 24.5.1]
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box/noble 24.8.2 armhf
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box/noble,now 24.5.1 armhf [installed,upgradable to: 24.8.3]
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box/noble 24.2.5 armhf
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box/noble 24.2.1 armhf

apt install  armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current=24.5.1

apt list -a armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current
Listing... Done
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current/noble 24.8.3 armhf [upgradable from: 24.5.1]
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current/noble 24.8.2 armhf
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current/noble,now 24.5.1 armhf [installed,upgradable to: 24.8.3]
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current/noble 24.2.5 armhf
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current/noble 24.2.1 armhf

Then getting one little more happy RK322X box:


      _    _________  ____            _
 _ __| | _|___ /___ \|___ \__  __    | |__   _____  __
| '__| |/ / |_ \ __) | __) \ \/ /____| '_ \ / _ \ \/ /
| |  |   < ___) / __/ / __/ >  <_____| |_) | (_) >  <
|_|  |_|\_\____/_____|_____/_/\_\    |_.__/ \___/_/\_\

Welcome to Armbian 24.5.1 Noble with Linux 6.6.47-current-rockchip


And apt-get is saying:

The following packages have been kept back:
armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box armbian-bsp-cli-rk322x-box-current


Then base-files is broken.



Pleas triggering one new build of base-files for our RK322X boxes so we can getting then updated to newer version of armbian without installing the OS new.


Thanks in advance.


Edit: Wast testing the daily build with  current build state but after doing update with apt the installed base-files and its dependencies is flagged as local and is not working OK but is possible installing the same version as for the normal current ubuntu Noble and its working on one old code base = working but not expected of the edge build that  shall being at  the last code base


   /_\  _ _ _ __ | |__(_)__ _ _ _    __ ___ _ __  _ __ _  _ _ _ (_) |_ _  _
  / _ \| '_| '  \| '_ \ / _` | ' \  / _/ _ \ '  \| '  \ || | ' \| |  _| || |
 /_/ \_\_| |_|_|_|_.__/_\__,_|_||_|_\__\___/_|_|_|_|_|_\_,_|_||_|_|\__|\_, |
                                 |___|                                 |__/
 v24.8.3 for rk322x-box running Armbian Linux 6.6.47-current-rockchip

 Packages:     Ubuntu stable (noble)
 Support:      DIY (community maintained)

= base-files is the nightly build and the 2 dependency files is the old one but its possible downgrading the  base-files but then cant going back to the nightly ones.

Edited by MattWestB
Edge test
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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

base-files looks being fixed for ARM32 devices now after updating with apt-get:


    _             _    _
   /_\  _ _ _ __ | |__(_)__ _ _ _
  / _ \| '_| '  \| '_ \ / _` | ' \
 /_/ \_\_| |_|_|_|_.__/_\__,_|_||_|

 v24.8.4 for rk322x-box running Armbian Linux 6.6.47-current-rockchip

 Packages:     Ubuntu stable (noble)

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I am having some problem following the tutorial for this board (identified as R69):


I thought of using the multitool to burn an image to the tv box, but after picking an image and inserting the sd card, it did not respond, since it booted from the original firmware and ignored multitool.
I also tried using a usb sd card adapter, but same thing.
My questions are: what is happening? Did this happen to someone alrealdy? Was it solved? How to solve it? I am almost sure I did the process right, since I already did it to some tv boxes and got good results...
I would have attached some log, but don't know if there is one, since the multitool didnt even open.
Thanks a lot in advance!

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how to force set a boot resolution for this system on rockchip rk322x box?

on armbian s9xx tv box images, I append this 'video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60D' to the kernel boot line and this will force the boot resolution to be the desired one, due to its tiny font on a 4k monitor. 

With the image here for rk322x, there's no uEnv.txt, but a similar armbianEnv.txt,

I tried to add  'video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60D' to be the last line in this file, but it has no effect. 

my rk322x borad, it will think my 4k monitor HDMI is 5k , or 60hz, actually its only 4k@30Hz on HDMI, the result is it will blackscreen after the uboot output.  

when this board connected to a Full HD monitor, it outputs fine from start to end 


                ..                     root@rk322x-box
            `:]x**j-,'                 ---------------
       .,+t***********z\<"             OS: Armbian bookworm 24.11.0-trunk.192 armv7l
       ?******************;            Host: Generic RK322x Tv Box board
      '*n` .'`^,;;,^`'. ,cc.           Kernel: Linux 6.6.52-current-rockchip
      -<.                .[l           Uptime: 7 mins
     //     ^^      ^^    \\           Packages: 714 (dpkg)
     !^         ^^         ":          Shell: bash 5.2.15
    'tt}`     !~]rj_     ")t/.         Display (U2879G6): 3840x2160 @ 30 Hz in 28 [External]
    Itttt?'   ~~]rr]   `{tttt,         Cursor: Adwaita
    \tttttt!""I_]r("""~tttttt1         Terminal: /dev/pts/0
  '_tttttttttttt)ftttttttttttti.       CPU: Generic DT based system (4) @ 1.39 GHz
 \*ztttttttttttttttttttttttttf**[      GPU: Rockchip rk3228-mali [Integrated]
l**c)tttttttttttttttttttttttt(z**,     Memory: 331.82 MiB / 977.04 MiB (34%)
.z*x.`tttttttttttttttttttttttt.`u*n    Swap: 0 B / 488.52 MiB (0%)
>`   (tttttttttttttttttttttt]   "I     Disk (/): 1.86 GiB / 6.94 GiB (27%) - ext4
     ,tttttttttttttttttttttt`          Disk (/var/log): 7.38 MiB / 46.84 MiB (16%) - ext4
     ./tttttfttttttttfttttt(           Local IP (end0):
      'I)))(\()(tt))|\()({;'           Locale: en_US.UTF-8
          ",,,"    ",,,^                                       


Edited by rampagepi
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13 hours ago, rampagepi said:

I tried to add  'video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080M@60D' to be the last line in this file, but it has no effect. 

uhm no, as the last line it should have no effets; it may have an effect if you append to extraargs= line, or create such a line for that:



here there is a comprehensive documentation: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/fb/modedb.rst

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I am trying to get the module for the esp8089 working, but I cannot install kernel headers for 6.1.68-current-rockchip (from 24.2.0-trunk.357).


How can I build the driver without updating the kernel?


Update: Switched to stable kernel (6.6.47), everything works except hdmi initial output.

Edited by striga
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@striga esp8089 module is already available in the armbian kernel releases. Proof is that if you run sudo modinfo esp8089 you get the module info.

About the hdmi initial output, you should mention what board you have, and perhaps run rk322x-config to setup your board peculiarities

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