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I tried to connect via ssh. the box provided the ip and mac address. I connected it like this: 1) lan option: PC -(lan)-  router  -(lan)- TV box. no connect. 2) Wi-Fi option: PC -(wifi)- router -(LAN)- TV box. no connect. Through the mobile application, Fing saw that the multitool did not have an open port. Although there are different IP and Mac addresses in multitool mode and Android mode. The multitool was downloaded from a link on this website

vor 7 Stunden schrieb Void Spirit:

downloaded from a link on this website


but that a good sign that the box get a ip address by dhcp , than its online , do you use the latest one from first page or my older ones from google drive ( 2023 and befor dont have ssh active)


there should be no diffirent mac and ip address because they use same hardware 

On 3/13/2025 at 11:31 AM, Void Spirit said:

I tried to connect via ssh. the box provided the ip and mac address. I connected it like this: 1) lan option: PC -(lan)-  router  -(lan)- TV box. no connect. 2) Wi-Fi option: PC -(wifi)- router -(LAN)- TV box. no connect. Through the mobile application, Fing saw that the multitool did not have an open port. Although there are different IP and Mac addresses in multitool mode and Android mode. The multitool was downloaded from a link on this website


Hello; multitool has the port 22 open and listening for ssh connections. If it does not show the open port, then it is either freezed or did not start at all.

Regarding your A6 Mini board, which seems the only one with rk322x, it is not a board that we have encountered here on the forums, which is quite curious since the board marks a production date of 2018. Consider it to be a fake board.


I have not exactly understood what is what, since you declare you have a 2/16 S905W board with fake specs and a 1/8 RK322x board with (supposedly) real specs, but they could easily be both fake. Looking on google for A6_Mini boards, I only see S905L devices. You also say LibreELEC boots, but you did not say on which of those two boards boots.

Posted (edited)

Hello. I will respond to everyone with one message.

@RaptorSDS   Yes, the last link from this site. IP android tv MAC ......79.81
From the SD card multitool IP MAC ........fe:9b    but when scanning ports, there are no free ones. Connection through Putty failed.

@Alexander Sokolov   Thank you for the links. I tried. But unfortunately, they didn't work either.  Did you install it via a multitool or directly onto an SD card using balenaEtcher or Rufus?

@jock    Communicating through a translator. Incorrect translations of my text are possible. This is a board that indicates 2/16 S905W but in fact it is 1/8 RK322x. On the previous page, I sent screenshots. Screenshot number 8 aida64 with the original factory firmware. This is one tv box. Maybe I should have reverted to the factory firmware after LibreELEC but I don't have a dump.

Edited by Void Spirit

@Void Spirit

First of all, I recommend removing the radiator from the processor. To make sure that it's rk3228a. I use rpi image writer and balenaEtcher. And to check the operation of the multitool, it is best to connect the set-top box to the router. The console should be assigned an IP address and you can work with it via SSH, and you can use the screen command for the GUI interface of the utility.


@Александр Соколов Please look at the previous page. There is also a photo without a radiator. I connected it to the router. I accepted the IP address. I tried to connect via the windows command prompt, then through the Putty application. As a result, I scanned the network and found no open ports. I can capture the process on video.  Главное шьётся на другие андроиды и на LibreELEC а мультитул никак не реагирует. 

vor 3 Stunden schrieb Gustavo Rgs:

Have any build rk322x armbian server version, without desktop?

yes every build that was compile has a minimal version that is the server one , please search for that at this post or github

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