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changing motd on banana pro


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Hello Igor,



I want to put my own stuff inside motd.


 I'm not sure which scripts are responsible. In


there is your banana text, but this is dinamically changing.


how is the best approach to exchange the motd on your distros?




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Hi, thanks, somehow the search in the forum for "motd" doesn't work. I got a 404 error, but searching for other keywords wrked well. Many thanks,,, Im reading now...


Here it is the key:

root@locky ~ # toilet -f standard -F metal  Banana Pro >> /var/run/motd.dynamic
root@locky ~ # cat /var/run/motd.dynamic
Linux locky 4.2.3-sunxi #2 SMP Sun Oct 11 14:12:18 CEST 2015 armv7l
 ____                                  ____
| __ )  __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __   __ _  |  _ \ _ __ ___
|  _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | |_) | '__/ _ \
| |_) | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |  __/| | | (_) |
|____/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_|   |_|  \___/

root@locky ~ #

beatifull thing this toilet, but it sound like toilette...

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thanks for the explanation! yes, I was thinking about if the keyword "motd" was producing some unexpected behaviour in the search process...


I extended your file:

root@locky ~ # vi /etc/init.d/armhwinfo

adding one line more (#119) in the mentioned "armhwinfo" file, the script chooses the "banana pro" and the motd feeling looks like more accurate.

    102 if [[ $KERNELID != "3.4"  ]]; then
    103         MACHINE=$(cat /proc/device-tree/model)
    104 fi
    106 if [[ $MACHINE == *LIME2 ]]; then ID="Lime 2"; fi
    107 if [[ $MACHINE == *LIME ]]; then ID="Lime"; fi
    108 if [[ $MACHINE == *Micro ]]; then ID="Micro"; fi
    109 if [[ $MACHINE == *Banana* ]]; then ID="Banana"; fi
    110 if [[ $MACHINE == *Udoo* ]]; then ID="udoo"; fi
    111 if [[ $MACHINE == *Lamobo* ]]; then ID="Lamobo R1"; fi
    112 if [[ $MACHINE == *Orange* ]]; then ID="Orange"; fi
    113 if [[ $MACHINE == *Neo* ]]; then ID="Udoo Neo"; fi
    114 if [[ $MACHINE == *Cubietruck* ]]; then ID="Cubietruck"; fi
    115 if [[ $MACHINE == *Cubieboard* ]]; then ID="Cubieboard"; fi
    117 if [[ $MACHINE == *M2* ]]; then ID=$ID" M2"; fi
    118 # added by me 24.10.2015
    119 if [[ $MACHINE == *Pro* ]]; then ID="Banana Pro"; fi

and changing the parameters of toilet:

    123 echo $ID  >> /var/run/machine.id
    125 echo "" > /var/run/motd.dynamic
    126 # original below
    127 #toilet -f standard -F metal  "$ID" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic
    128 # modified by me 24.10.2015
    129 figlet-toilet  -F border -F gay -f standard "$ID" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic
    130 #echo "$DISTROID - $DISTROCODE - $KERNELID - $KERNELDATE" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic
    131 echo "" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic

to get something like this:



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