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Two stupid questions for Igor P. and others in the future HELP


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Igor P. please help me what to do and what is missing?

Step0.(run) ./compile.sh

Step1. Choose a board (cubietrack)

Step2. Choose a distribution (trusty)

Step3. Install desktop with HW accel… (No)

Step4. Choose a branch (default)

And I get the message in console error:

[ o.k. ] Dependencies check [ @host ]

[ o.k. ] Building [ Armbian 4.6 Cubietrack Ubuntu trusty default ]

[ error ] Installation of package failed

The core is not collected :(

how to fix the situation???


And another question:

Why different values have BogoMIPS on Cubieboard (proc/cpuinfo) in distributions  desktop (956.10) and CLI (27.14)? :o 

Cubie operates in CLI mode on a lot slower?

This is because HW acceleration use on desktop mode?

And how to enable HW acceleration in CLI mode?

Or this is a normal situation and run all the CPU cores the same everywhere?

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

That means you probably use incompatible distribution. What do you use?


Please add more details - especially which kernel are you using / comparing.


Both should work the same speed, just different kernel generations can show different numbers. 3.4 vs 4.x is a big diff.


There is no HW acceleration in CLI mode. This is only for playing movies.

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All of my issues dissapeared when applying instructions from




ok, the instructions can be found in http://www.armbian.com/documentation/

Would it be nicer to link "geek-faq.md" as a "README for using Armbian tools", please? thanks (too many pieces of info kills the interesting piece of info!)

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