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Hello OPI5 users. Running Joshua Riek's Ubuntu distro, I keep getting stability issues. Perhaps because I keep using Xorg. Perhaps because hardware acceleration is buggy. In the past I used super stable Armbian OPI5 distro's without hardware acceleration. Infact I still use Armbian on another RK3588 box, I don't think it has EVER crashed, running docker, Mosquito, HomeAssistant, and a buch of other things.


Now that my Orange Pi 5 gets a slightly more serious use as webserver, I really like to get rid of the unpredictable Xorg crashes, and gladly would sacrifice HW acceleration for stability. My situation is this:


  • Using JR Ubuntu
  • Because I want to use headless RealVNC (runs only under Xorg) for several devices I switched off Wayland
  • Using a slightly hacked RealVNC server originating from Raspberry Pi
  • Want to use OPI5 as a NodeJS + Nginx webserver serving Node apps now


Any suggestions for a super stable uncrashable distro for the Opi5, for server use but with gui? I kind of hate to set everything up again, especially with the internal M.2 sata quirks, but I gotta have stability now. Hopefully I can ask a second question: is there an easy way to totally turn off HW acceleration in JR Ubuntu? Maybe I should try that first...


Kind regards,






1 hour ago, Bas said:

Using JR Ubuntu

We cannot support 3rd party OS. State your questions here: https://github.com/Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip/issues

1 hour ago, Bas said:

Any suggestions for a super stable uncrashable distro for the Opi5

Armbian :) Though it is not uncrashable. Because no distro could every be, especially for this soc. Basically all distros available using the same vendor bsp, some are even built around Armbians modified sources (just like Joshuas images).


Totally understand your reply. My experience with Armbian has been very positive, especially WITHOUT hardware accel. In HW accelerated JR I regularly see segmentation faults in Xorg, which make me think whacky chinese mali code is the cause though I'm not sure. Shouldn't segmentation faults be a thing of the past anyway? It should not even be possible except for broken hardware...





- Using the panthor driver might help, the 6.1.75 kernel with the panthor overlay enabled.

- If Xorg is the trouble maker, try wayland with Sunshine server and moonlight-qt as client.

- Disable hw acceleration in de xorg config file, although here it never crashed for months


Thanks Roy, will take a look at that Xorg config file. As a webserver the OPI5 is pretty brilliant! As long as I leave de server running and don't log in with VNC and start doing heavy graphical Xorg stuff (or heavy JAVA stuff in VSC) it keeps working fine and stable.  

  •  OPI5 with Ubuntu
  • NodeJS server serves my iqthink.nl domain
  • Site changes uploadable via FTP, very convenient
  • Nginx reverse proxy server handles SSL and https

It works extremely FAST, wow! I have an aluminium passively cooled OPI5 case, the thing is the size of a pack of cigarettes. See www.iqthink.nl 🙂




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