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I ran into an issue when configuring ssh. As it seems, ssh listens only to the first interface that is enabled (it seems it is always eth0). Probably, if I set a listen to 192.168.x.x in the config file of the sshd (same as the IP set in the wlan0), and a different network on the ethernet, it would work, but as I won't be using ethernet I would rather disable it completly.
I tried already ifdown, ifconfig down,  ifconfig eth0 down && rmmod -f sunxi_gmac,  and some others. I even tried removing nmtui just to check if that was causing the problem. all what that step does is removing the bond0 interface (something I would like to do too).
I checked the interface config file and everything seems in order (even tried to comment out everything and also comment out everything and just leaving auto eth0 and the inet dhcp thing - same for wlan0).

But when I reboot, the interface becomes active again.


(sorry if the post is duplicated, but I didn't find anything on the forum)


Is there anything else I can do?




I managed to fix it.
I just reformatted and everything is allright now.
Funny thing is... I got that problem right at the start, like from first boot after format. but after the second one, is ok.


How do I close this post? ^^


Strange issues are usually related to failures in area of Power supply or SD card. I am glad you manage to sort out.


2 hours ago, Freiheitpt said:

How do I close this post? ^^

Just leave it and it will fade out.

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