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1 hour ago, t.munzer said:

I try to use it and report (as I can see it) how well it performs

Yes, thank you. But as already explained the difference in thermal behaviour is most probably the result of the device now switching between 1.1V and 1.3V CPU voltage whereas it was sitting on 1.1V before all the time. Has anyone of you already tried to 'modprobe xradio_wlan' module now? Since maybe Wi-Fi works already?


And then running a heavy benchmark with Beelink X2 fex crashing the device would be a useful test to see whether the assumption that this board uses 1.1V by default is correct or not.

root@beelinkx2:~# modprobe xradio_wlan
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'xradio_wlan': Connection timed out

According to Sven Kay, in his Facebook post, USB port on the back is the OTG one.


In another thread you (tkaiser) suggest the following to stress test


stress -c 2 -t 120 && sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run --num-threads=$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo)

How long should I let that running (wishing not to fry that poor little thing) ?


With armbian card inserted, finger on space at the putty-keyboard (TTL-Connection to com-port) and switching on via powercable I did get into u-boot

(0 seconds wait time)

BUT the "armbian u-boot" doenst seeem to have fatdown :(


U-Boot SPL 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:23:26)
DRAM: 1024 MiB
Failed to set core voltage! Can't set CPU frequency
Trying to boot from MMC1

U-Boot 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:23:26 +0200) Allwinner Technology

CPU:   Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680)
Model: Xunlong Orange Pi PC Plus
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  1 GiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   phy interface0
eth0: ethernet@1c30000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
38518 bytes read in 148 ms (253.9 KiB/s)
Unknown command 'bmp' - try 'help'
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr
3565 bytes read in 195 ms (17.6 KiB/s)
## Executing script at 43100000
U-boot loaded from SD
Boot script loaded from mmc
115 bytes read in 157 ms (0 Bytes/s)

U-Boot SPL 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:23:26)
DRAM: 1024 MiB
Failed to set core voltage! Can't set CPU frequency
Trying to boot from MMC1

U-Boot 2017.05-armbian (Jun 15 2017 - 02:23:26 +0200) Allwinner Technology

CPU:   Allwinner H3 (SUN8I 1680)
Model: Xunlong Orange Pi PC Plus
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  1 GiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Net:   phy interface0
eth0: ethernet@1c30000
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
=> help
?       - alias for 'help'
base    - print or set address offset
bdinfo  - print Board Info structure
boot    - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootd   - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootefi - Boots an EFI payload from memory
bootelf - Boot from an ELF image in memory
bootm   - boot application image from memory
bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
bootvx  - Boot vxWorks from an ELF image
bootz   - boot Linux zImage image from memory
cmp     - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp      - memory copy
crc32   - checksum calculation
dhcp    - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
dm      - Driver model low level access
echo    - echo args to console
editenv - edit environment variable
env     - environment handling commands
exit    - exit script
ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem
ext2ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
ext4load- load binary file from a Ext4 filesystem
ext4ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
ext4size- determine a file's size
false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
fatsize - determine a file's size
fatwrite- write file into a dos filesystem
fdt     - flattened device tree utility commands
fstype  - Look up a filesystem type
go      - start application at address 'addr'
gpio    - query and control gpio pins
help    - print command description/usage
i2c     - I2C sub-system
iminfo  - print header information for application image
imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
itest   - return true/false on integer compare
load    - load binary file from a filesystem
loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads   - load S-Record file over serial line
loadx   - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
loop    - infinite loop on address range
ls      - list files in a directory (default /)
md      - memory display
mdio    - MDIO utility commands
mii     - MII utility commands
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mmc     - MMC sub system
mmcinfo - display MMC info
mw      - memory write (fill)
nfs     - boot image via network using NFS protocol
nm      - memory modify (constant address)
part    - disk partition related commands
ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
pxe     - commands to get and boot from pxe files
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
run     - run commands in an environment variable
save    - save file to a filesystem
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
setenv  - set environment variables
setexpr - set environment variable as the result of eval expression
showvar - print local hushshell variables
size    - determine a file's size
sleep   - delay execution for some time
source  - run script from memory
sysboot - command to get and boot from syslinux files
test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
true    - do nothing, successfully
usb     - USB sub-system
usbboot - boot from USB device
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version

so I did use fatwrite and save as replacement for fatdown with a old 256MB FAT USB-Stick in the USB-port at the side:

( a big help (many Thanks to Martin Michlmayr ) was the Sheevaplug u-boot upgrade Guide at the following page):

=> usb start
starting USB...
USB0:   USB EHCI 1.00
USB1:   USB OHCI 1.0
USB2:   USB EHCI 1.00
USB3:   USB OHCI 1.0
USB4:   USB EHCI 1.00
USB5:   USB OHCI 1.0
scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 2 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
scanning bus 4 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found

=> save
save - save file to a filesystem

save <interface> <dev[:part]> <addr> <filename> bytes [pos]
    - Save binary file 'filename' to partition 'part' on device
      type 'interface' instance 'dev' from addr 'addr' in memory.
      'bytes' gives the size to save in bytes and is mandatory.
      'pos' gives the file byte position to start writing to.
      If 'pos' is 0 or omitted, the file is written from the start.
=> save usb 0:1 0x43000000 config_sys.bin 35444
writing config_sys.bin
218180 bytes written in 373 ms (570.3 KiB/s)

=> fatwrite usb 0:1 0x43000000 fatwrite.bin 35444
writing fatwrite.bin
218180 bytes written

=> fatls usb 0:1
            system volume information/
   218180   config_sys.bin
   218180   fatwrite.bin

2 file(s), 1 dir(s)

As attachment the 2 files (I think they should compare 1:1)

@tkaiser I think you could get easily a config_sys.fex from the bin's with bin2fex :)




u-boot printenv after setting (for me) bootdelay to 3 seconds:

=> printenv bootdelay
=> setenv bootdelay 3
=> printenv bootdelay
=> saveenv
Saving Environment to MMC...
Writing to MMC(0)... done

=> printenv
boot_a_script=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}${script}; source ${scriptaddr}
boot_efi_binary=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${kernel_addr_r} efi/boot/bootarm.efi; if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdt_addr_r};else bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdtcontroladdr};fi
boot_extlinux=sysboot ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} any ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}extlinux/extlinux.conf
boot_net_usb_start=usb start
boot_prefixes=/ /boot/
boot_scripts=boot.scr.uimg boot.scr
boot_targets=fel mmc0 mmc1 usb0 pxe dhcp
bootcmd=run loadsplash; run distro_bootcmd
bootcmd_dhcp=run boot_net_usb_start; if dhcp ${scriptaddr} ${boot_script_dhcp}; then source ${scriptaddr}; fi;setenv efi_fdtfile ${fdtfile}; if test -z "${fdtfile}" -a -n "${soc}"; then setenv efi_fdtfile ${soc}-${board}${boardver}.dtb; fi; setenv efi_old_vci ${bootp_vci};setenv efi_old_arch ${bootp_arch};setenv bootp_vci PXEClient:Arch:00010:UNDI:003000;setenv bootp_arch 0xa;if dhcp ${kernel_addr_r}; then tftpboot ${fdt_addr_r} dtb/${efi_fdtfile};if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdt_addr_r}; else bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdtcontroladdr};fi;fi;setenv bootp_vci ${efi_old_vci};setenv bootp_arch ${efi_old_arch};setenv efi_fdtfile;setenv efi_old_arch;setenv efi_old_vci;
bootcmd_fel=if test -n ${fel_booted} && test -n ${fel_scriptaddr}; then echo '(FEL boot)'; source ${fel_scriptaddr}; fi
bootcmd_mmc0=setenv devnum 0; run mmc_boot
bootcmd_mmc1=setenv devnum 1; run mmc_boot
bootcmd_pxe=run boot_net_usb_start; dhcp; if pxe get; then pxe boot; fi
bootcmd_sunxi_compat=setenv root /dev/mmcblk0p3 rootwait; if ext2load mmc 0 0x44000000 uEnv.txt; then echo Loaded environment from uEnv.txt; env import -t 0x44000000 ${filesize}; fi; setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${root} ${extraargs}; ext2load mmc 0 0x43000000 script.bin && ext2load mmc 0 0x48000000 uImage && bootm 0x48000000
bootcmd_usb0=setenv devnum 0; run usb_boot
dfu_alt_info_ram=kernel ram 0x42000000 0x1000000;fdt ram 0x43000000 0x100000;ramdisk ram 0x43300000 0x4000000
distro_bootcmd=for target in ${boot_targets}; do run bootcmd_${target}; done
efi_dtb_prefixes=/ /dtb/ /dtb/current/
load_efi_dtb=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}
loadsplash=if load mmc 0 ${splashimage} /boot/boot.bmp || load mmc 0 ${splashimage} boot.bmp; then bmp d ${splashimage}; fi
mmc_boot=if mmc dev ${devnum}; then setenv devtype mmc; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
scan_dev_for_boot=echo Scanning ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart}...; for prefix in ${boot_prefixes}; do run scan_dev_for_extlinux; run scan_dev_for_scripts; done;run scan_dev_for_efi;
scan_dev_for_boot_part=part list ${devtype} ${devnum} -bootable devplist; env exists devplist || setenv devplist 1; for distro_bootpart in ${devplist}; do if fstype ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} bootfstype; then run scan_dev_for_boot; fi; done
scan_dev_for_efi=setenv efi_fdtfile ${fdtfile}; if test -z "${fdtfile}" -a -n "${soc}"; then setenv efi_fdtfile ${soc}-${board}${boardver}.dtb; fi; for prefix in ${efi_dtb_prefixes}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}; then run load_efi_dtb; fi;done;if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} efi/boot/bootarm.efi; then echo Found EFI removable media binary efi/boot/bootarm.efi; run boot_efi_binary; echo EFI LOAD FAILED: continuing...; fi; setenv efi_fdtfile
scan_dev_for_extlinux=if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}extlinux/extlinux.conf; then echo Found ${prefix}extlinux/extlinux.conf; run boot_extlinux; echo SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...; fi
scan_dev_for_scripts=for script in ${boot_scripts}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${script}; then echo Found U-Boot script ${prefix}${script}; run boot_a_script; echo SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...; fi; done
usb_boot=usb start; if usb dev ${devnum}; then setenv devtype usb; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi

Environment size: 4648/131068 bytes


14 minutes ago, guidol said:

save usb 0:1 0x43000000 config_sys.bin 35444


Hmm... wens wrote the size has to be converted to hex (0x8A74). Yes, both files are identical but I get empty files as result: 'size: 218180 (0 sections)'


22 minutes ago, t.munzer said:

How long should I let that running (wishing not to fry that poor little thing) ?


You don't need to fear frying things :) There's still thermal protection (throttling with very conservative settings). But I would prefer the following:

sudo armbianmonitor -p
minerd --benchmark

This uses cpuminer and if the box with Beelink X2 fex is using 1.1V by default it should be able to freeze the board within seconds at 1.2 GHz (so better backup/clone the SD card first since this is the only thing that could happen: fs corruption due to OS freezing/crashing)

32 minutes ago, t.munzer said:


According to Sven Kay, in his Facebook post, USB port on the back is the OTG one.

The USB-port on the back is the only one - when connecting the R69 via USB-A / USB-A to a PC - which does generate a USB-Driver install on the PC while pwering on.

4 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Hmm... wens wrote the size has to be converted to hex (0x8A74). Yes, both files are identical but I get empty files as result: 'size: 218180 (0 sections)'



Oops - I did miss this info :(


=> save usb 0:1 0x43000000 config_sys.bin 0x8A74
writing config_sys.bin
35444 bytes written in 204 ms (168.9 KiB/s)

=> fatwrite usb 0:1 0x43000000 fatwrite.bin 0x8A74
writing fatwrite.bin
35444 bytes written


=> fatls usb 0:1
            system volume information/
    35444   config_sys.bin
    35444   fatwrite.bin

2 file(s), 1 dir(s)

Are these files better= :)



5 minutes ago, guidol said:

Are these files better

No, length is ok now but I missed before that the whole process is wrong :)


This can only work if you boot Allwinner's u-boot starting Android since only then the compiled sys_config.fex is available at that memory address.

root@beelinkx2:~# minerd --benchmark
[2017-10-21 18:45:34] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1
[2017-10-21 18:45:34] 4 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-10-21 18:45:34] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0
[2017-10-21 18:45:34] Binding thread 2 to cpu 2
[2017-10-21 18:45:34] Binding thread 3 to cpu 3
[2017-10-21 18:45:43] thread 1: 4098 hashes, 0.50 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:43] thread 2: 4098 hashes, 0.49 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:43] thread 3: 4098 hashes, 0.49 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:43] thread 0: 4098 hashes, 0.49 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:48] thread 1: 2478 hashes, 0.46 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:48] thread 3: 2469 hashes, 0.46 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:48] Total: 1.90 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:48] thread 2: 2469 hashes, 0.46 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:48] thread 0: 2442 hashes, 0.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:53] thread 1: 2301 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:53] thread 3: 2307 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:53] Total: 1.78 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:53] thread 2: 2298 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:53] thread 0: 2244 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:58] thread 1: 2187 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:58] thread 3: 2181 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:58] Total: 1.74 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:58] thread 2: 2178 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:45:59] thread 0: 2181 hashes, 0.42 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:03] thread 0: 1695 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:03] thread 1: 2184 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:03] thread 3: 2178 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:03] Total: 1.74 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:03] thread 2: 2169 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:07] thread 0: 2160 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:08] thread 1: 2190 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:08] thread 3: 2181 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:08] Total: 1.74 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:08] thread 2: 2172 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:09] thread 0: 438 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:12] thread 0: 1533 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:13] thread 0: 432 hashes, 0.42 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:13] thread 1: 2184 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:13] thread 3: 2178 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:13] Total: 1.73 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:13] thread 2: 2163 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:18] thread 0: 2127 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:18] thread 1: 2190 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:18] thread 3: 2190 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:18] Total: 1.74 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:19] thread 2: 2181 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:22] thread 2: 1725 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:23] thread 0: 2157 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:23] thread 1: 2181 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:23] thread 3: 2169 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:23] Total: 1.74 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:23] thread 2: 438 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:28] thread 0: 2139 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:28] thread 2: 2127 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:28] thread 1: 2187 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:28] thread 3: 2184 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:28] Total: 1.75 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:33] thread 0: 2190 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:33] thread 1: 2193 hashes, 0.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:33] thread 2: 2184 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:34] thread 3: 2181 hashes, 0.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:34] Total: 1.73 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:38] thread 3: 1728 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:38] Total: 1.71 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:38] thread 0: 2172 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:39] thread 2: 2148 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:39] thread 1: 2184 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:43] thread 3: 2049 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:43] Total: 1.65 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:43] thread 1: 1662 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:43] thread 2: 1647 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:43] thread 0: 2067 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:48] thread 2: 1989 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:48] thread 1: 2046 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:48] thread 3: 2049 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:48] Total: 1.62 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:49] thread 0: 2055 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:53] thread 0: 1599 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:53] thread 1: 2028 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:53] thread 3: 2019 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:53] Total: 1.58 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:53] thread 2: 2010 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:58] thread 0: 1962 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:58] thread 2: 1926 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:58] thread 3: 1968 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:58] Total: 1.54 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:46:58] thread 1: 1980 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:03] thread 0: 1908 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:03] thread 1: 1920 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:03] thread 2: 1917 hashes, 0.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:03] thread 3: 1917 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:03] Total: 1.51 khash/s
Error writing session log (raw mode) to file: putty.log
[2017-10-21 18:47:08] thread 0: 1890 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:08] thread 2: 1872 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:08] thread 3: 1884 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:08] Total: 1.47 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:08] thread 1: 1911 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:13] thread 0: 1815 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:13] thread 2: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:13] thread 3: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:13] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:13] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:18] thread 0: 1776 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:18] thread 2: 1797 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:18] thread 3: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:18] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:18] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:23] thread 0: 1794 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:23] thread 2: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:23] thread 3: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:23] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:23] thread 1: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:28] thread 0: 1758 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:28] thread 2: 1791 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:28] thread 3: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:28] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:28] thread 1: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:33] thread 0: 1788 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:33] thread 2: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:33] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:33] thread 3: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:33] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:38] thread 0: 1746 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:38] thread 2: 1800 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:38] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:38] thread 3: 1794 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:38] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:43] thread 0: 1815 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:43] thread 2: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:43] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:43] thread 3: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:43] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:48] thread 0: 1749 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:48] thread 2: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:48] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:48] thread 3: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:48] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:53] thread 0: 1809 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:53] thread 2: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:53] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:53] thread 3: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:53] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:58] thread 0: 1764 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:58] thread 2: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:58] thread 3: 1797 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:58] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:47:58] thread 1: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:03] thread 0: 1806 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:03] thread 2: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:03] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:03] thread 3: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:03] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:08] thread 0: 1761 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:08] thread 2: 1794 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:08] thread 1: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:08] thread 3: 1791 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:08] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:13] thread 0: 1788 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:13] thread 2: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:13] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:13] thread 3: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:13] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:18] thread 0: 1746 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:18] thread 2: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:18] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:18] thread 3: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:18] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:23] thread 0: 1809 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:23] thread 2: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:23] thread 1: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:23] thread 3: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:23] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:28] thread 0: 1755 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:28] thread 2: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:28] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:28] thread 3: 1800 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:28] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:33] thread 0: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:33] thread 2: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:33] thread 1: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:34] thread 3: 1809 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:34] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:37] thread 3: 1416 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:37] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:38] thread 0: 1785 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:38] thread 2: 1800 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:38] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:38] thread 3: 363 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:38] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:43] thread 0: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:43] thread 2: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:43] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:44] thread 3: 1812 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:44] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:48] thread 3: 1413 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:48] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:48] thread 0: 1782 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:48] thread 2: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:48] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:53] thread 3: 1806 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:53] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:53] thread 0: 1776 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:53] thread 2: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:53] thread 1: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:58] thread 3: 1770 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:58] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:58] thread 0: 1773 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:58] thread 2: 1800 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:48:58] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:03] thread 3: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:03] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:03] thread 0: 1806 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:03] thread 2: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:03] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:08] thread 3: 1782 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:08] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:08] thread 0: 1758 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:08] thread 2: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:08] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:13] thread 3: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:13] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:13] thread 0: 1818 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:13] thread 2: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:14] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:17] thread 1: 1449 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:18] thread 3: 1794 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:18] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:18] thread 0: 1764 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:18] thread 2: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:19] thread 1: 366 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:23] thread 1: 1455 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:23] thread 3: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:23] Total: 1.45 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:23] thread 0: 1809 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:23] thread 2: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:28] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:28] thread 3: 1815 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:28] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:28] thread 0: 1767 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:28] thread 2: 1806 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:33] thread 1: 1812 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:33] thread 3: 1794 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:33] Total: 1.44 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:33] thread 0: 1797 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:34] thread 2: 1809 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:37] thread 2: 1440 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:38] thread 1: 1818 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:38] thread 3: 1803 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:38] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:38] thread 0: 1761 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:49:38] thread 2: 363 hashes, 0.36 khash/s

Thats what I get (using original Beelink X2 script.bin).

When running, temperature went up to 70°C. - proc frequency then decreasing - as reported by OPi-Monitor.


With revised Sunvell fex file I get


root@beelinkx2:~# minerd --benchmark
[2017-10-21 18:56:07] Binding thread 1 to cpu 1
[2017-10-21 18:56:07] Binding thread 0 to cpu 0
[2017-10-21 18:56:07] 4 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-10-21 18:56:07] Binding thread 3 to cpu 3
[2017-10-21 18:56:07] Binding thread 2 to cpu 2
[2017-10-21 18:56:17] thread 1: 4098 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:17] thread 3: 4098 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:17] thread 2: 4098 hashes, 0.41 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:17] thread 0: 4098 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:22] thread 1: 2073 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:22] thread 2: 2052 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:22] thread 3: 2064 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:22] Total: 1.59 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:23] thread 0: 2025 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:27] thread 0: 1509 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:27] thread 1: 1983 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:27] thread 2: 1971 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:27] thread 3: 1962 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:27] Total: 1.57 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:32] thread 0: 1896 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:32] thread 1: 1989 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:32] thread 2: 1980 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:32] thread 3: 1971 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:32] Total: 1.56 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:37] thread 0: 1881 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:37] thread 1: 1986 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:37] thread 2: 1980 hashes, 0.40 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:37] thread 3: 1974 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:37] Total: 1.57 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:42] thread 0: 1905 hashes, 0.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:42] thread 1: 1989 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:42] thread 2: 1986 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:42] thread 3: 1971 hashes, 0.39 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:42] Total: 1.54 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:47] thread 0: 1863 hashes, 0.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:48] thread 1: 1956 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:48] thread 3: 1932 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:48] Total: 1.51 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:48] thread 2: 1947 hashes, 0.38 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:52] thread 1: 1506 hashes, 0.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:52] thread 3: 1503 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:52] Total: 1.47 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:52] thread 2: 1506 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:52] thread 0: 1845 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:57] thread 1: 1830 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:57] thread 3: 1791 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:57] Total: 1.43 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:57] thread 2: 1800 hashes, 0.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:56:57] thread 0: 1797 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:02] thread 1: 1776 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:02] thread 2: 1776 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:02] thread 3: 1767 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:02] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:02] thread 0: 1743 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:07] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:07] thread 3: 1686 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:07] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:07] thread 2: 1719 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:07] thread 0: 1683 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:12] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:12] thread 2: 1725 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:12] thread 3: 1719 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:12] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:12] thread 0: 1698 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:17] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:17] thread 2: 1725 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:17] thread 3: 1710 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:17] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:17] thread 0: 1671 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:22] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:22] thread 2: 1722 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:22] thread 3: 1689 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:22] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:22] thread 0: 1686 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:27] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:27] thread 2: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:27] thread 3: 1722 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:27] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:27] thread 0: 1662 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:32] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:32] thread 2: 1713 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:32] thread 3: 1689 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:32] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:32] thread 0: 1662 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:37] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:37] thread 2: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:37] thread 3: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:37] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:37] thread 0: 1689 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:42] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:42] thread 2: 1716 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:42] thread 3: 1707 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:42] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:42] thread 0: 1635 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:47] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:47] thread 2: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:47] thread 3: 1716 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:47] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:47] thread 0: 1668 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:52] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:52] thread 2: 1722 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:52] thread 3: 1713 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:52] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:52] thread 0: 1659 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:57] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:57] thread 2: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:57] thread 3: 1719 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:57] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:57:57] thread 0: 1704 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:02] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:02] thread 2: 1719 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:02] thread 3: 1707 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:02] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:02] thread 0: 1632 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:07] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:07] thread 2: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:07] thread 3: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:07] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:08] thread 0: 1665 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:11] thread 0: 1296 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:12] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:12] thread 2: 1713 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:12] thread 3: 1707 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:12] Total: 1.37 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:12] thread 0: 339 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:17] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:17] thread 2: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:17] thread 3: 1719 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:17] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:17] thread 0: 1653 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:22] thread 1: 1725 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:22] thread 2: 1722 hashes, 0.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:22] thread 3: 1719 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:22] Total: 1.36 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:22] thread 0: 1623 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:27] thread 1: 1731 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:27] thread 2: 1728 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:27] thread 3: 1725 hashes, 0.34 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:27] Total: 1.35 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:28] thread 0: 1671 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:32] thread 0: 1287 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:32] thread 1: 1698 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:32] thread 2: 1689 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:32] thread 3: 1683 hashes, 0.33 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:32] Total: 1.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:37] thread 0: 1602 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:37] thread 1: 1653 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:37] thread 2: 1650 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:37] thread 3: 1650 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:37] Total: 1.28 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:42] thread 0: 1560 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:42] thread 1: 1620 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:42] thread 2: 1608 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:42] thread 3: 1605 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:42] Total: 1.28 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:47] thread 0: 1569 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:47] thread 1: 1623 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:48] thread 3: 1605 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:48] Total: 1.27 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:48] thread 2: 1617 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:52] thread 2: 1266 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:52] thread 3: 1272 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:52] Total: 1.26 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:52] thread 0: 1545 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:53] thread 1: 1593 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:57] thread 1: 1266 hashes, 0.32 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:57] thread 2: 1599 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:57] thread 3: 1587 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:57] Total: 1.25 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:58:57] thread 0: 1551 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:02] thread 1: 1584 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:02] thread 2: 1566 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:02] thread 3: 1557 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:02] Total: 1.22 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:02] thread 0: 1500 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:07] thread 1: 1533 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:07] thread 2: 1545 hashes, 0.31 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:07] thread 3: 1536 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:07] Total: 1.22 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:07] thread 0: 1509 hashes, 0.29 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:12] thread 1: 1545 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:12] thread 2: 1539 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:12] thread 3: 1524 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:12] Total: 1.20 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:12] thread 0: 1473 hashes, 0.30 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:17] thread 1: 1506 hashes, 0.29 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:17] thread 2: 1503 hashes, 0.29 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:17] thread 3: 1503 hashes, 0.29 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:17] Total: 1.17 khash/s
[2017-10-21 18:59:17] thread 0: 1482 hashes, 0.28 khash/s


5 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

No, length is ok now but I missed before that the whole process is wrong :)

This can only work if you boot Allwinner's u-boot starting Android since only then the compiled sys_config.fex is available at that memory address.


:( *sniff*

I did see any change to interrupt the android-boot (no delay to break) and when powering on with u-boot button no text :(

Didnt got an idea :(

41 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

This can only work if you boot Allwinner's u-boot starting Android since only then the compiled sys_config.fex is available at that memory address.

I did read wens instructions again and pressing "s" in the TTL-serial-console while booting up android stops to?



sunxi#fatdown mmc 2:2 0x43000000 config_sys.bin 0x8A74
writing config_sys.bin

35444 bytes write
sunxi#fatls mmc 2:2
  3686456   bootlogo.bmp
   344813   font24.sft
   357443   font32.sft
      512   magic.bin
    35444   config_sys.bin

5 file(s), 1 dir(s)

So - OK I "got" the real version - but how do I mount this partiton in Android for copying?
A "find / -name config_sys.bin" in a android root-shell doesnt find anything - so I cant copy it with like EFS-File

5 minutes ago, guidol said:

OK I "got" the real version - but how do I mount this partiton in Android for copying?

Why Android? Why not booting back in Armbian and doing a 'mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt'?


46 minutes ago, t.munzer said:

With revised Sunvell fex file I get

Interesting 'thermal performance' but both runs not suitable to test for DVFS stability since throttling is way too heavy on your box.

4 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Why Android? Why not booting back in Armbian and doing a 'mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt'?

Nice idea - but when booting armbian from uSD I couldnt see mmcblk1p2, because can see in /dev only

mmcblk0 and mmcblk0p1


Someone told also the other way - when booting from eMMC the uSD-Reader isnt useable,

so - I think - the best chances are to mount this is to use android because it did boot from eMMC where the file should be located... :(

14 minutes ago, guidol said:

Nice idea - but when booting armbian from uSD I couldnt see mmcblk1p2, because can see in /dev only

mmcblk0 and mmcblk0p1

Then the base image you're using is not the one for Beelink X2 but for another board that does not feature eMMC (eg. OPi Zero). See the sprunge.us links from @t.munzer from yesterday or the day before in this thread.


17 minutes ago, guidol said:

Someone told also the other way - when booting from eMMC the uSD-Reader isnt useable,

This is something different and with legacy kernel most probably just a fex setting (or not, too tired to get into details)


Anyway, it gets boring wasting my spare time helping people who obviously tried to buy as cheap as possible (since why choosing such an unsupported TV box over a dev board where schematics and documentation are available and none of the issues here are a problem?)

2 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Anyway, it gets boring wasting my spare time helping people who obviously tried to buy as cheap as possible (since why choosing such an unsupported TV box over a dev board where schematics and documentation are available and none of the issues here are a problem?)


OK - I did it and mounted the mmcblk0p2 under android as /mnt/mmc and copied the .bin with EFS-File to a USB Stick


So this is the third try :)


19 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Anyway, it gets boring wasting my spare time helping people who obviously tried to buy as cheap as possible (since why choosing such an unsupported TV box over a dev board where schematics and documentation are available and none of the issues here are a problem?)

Just to be clear, I DID not ask for help or support. At start I just report what I see as a successful install. And I (fruitfully as I learn some tricks along the way) spent my spare time to test the fex file you post.


Yes at 16€ delivered it was the cheapest way to have an armbian solution with emmc. I'm happy with my Orange Pi PC running Domoticz, but I see many user's reports (not related with armbian) complaining of uSD card crash on the long run. And, I guess, speaking of TV Box, that Beelink X2 wasn't supported... until it was. 




35 minutes ago, guidol said:

So this is the third try

That one worked, imported the stuff into Armbian's build system and did then the usual modifications: https://github.com/armbian/build/commits/master


So hopefully when you grab latest version of the fex file there you get Wi-Fi running after loading the xradio module. Some fex contents seemed to be weird (eg. PL06 as wake-up source) but when walking through the whole contents it became obvious that PL06 is not needed and the box does not implement voltage regulation. According to fex H2+ is fed with 1.2V all the time and max cpufreq therefore limited to 1008 MHz (reasonable choice). The thermal settings are funny since starting with 80°C and allowing to go up to as much as 115"C. On the other hand the throttling settings were 'typical Allwinner' so with the default Android you boot with 4 cores active and as soon as you do anything heavy one CPU core after the other gets killed.


Those settings should be more sane now.


Another problem: DRAM according to the Android fex is clocked with 576 MHz while the Beelink X2 image uses AFAIK 624 MHz already in u-boot. So in case instabilities occur a better base than an Armbian image for Beelink X2 might be one of the eMMC equipped H3 boards with single bank DRAM config (since those are clocking DRAM by default with 408 MHz). That's eg. NanoPi Air or Orange Pi Zero Plus 2 H3 (what a stupid name!)

2 hours ago, tkaiser said:

Then the base image you're using is not the one for Beelink X2 but for another board that does not feature eMMC (eg. OPi Zero). See the sprunge.us links from @t.munzer from yesterday or the day before in this thread.


my /etc/armbian-release tells me that Iam using the Beelink-Version.
Didnt switched to the OrangePi Version because you did wrote Beelink with new .fex/.bin would be better:

root@sunvellr69:/boot# more /etc/armbian-release
BOARD_NAME="Beelink X2"

For this late evening I installed you latest .fex as .bin for the sunvell-r69.
Didnt try the WiFi because Iam using Ethernet....but it boots normally :)


But as before

root@sunvellr69:/# ls /dev/mmc*
/dev/mmcblk0  /dev/mmcblk0p1


13 hours ago, tkaiser said:

Please output from

modprobe xradio_wlan
sleep 1
modprobe xradio_wlan
armbianmonitor -u



root@sunvellr69:/home/guido# ./tkaiser.sh
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'xradio_wlan': Connection timed out
/var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/VdSB

but before the script this is in dmesg looping endless:


[   12.140405] ======== bcm_wlan_set_plat_data ========
[   12.140441] bcm_wlan_get_oob_irq enter.
[   12.140609] gpio [11] map to virq [11] ok
[   12.140635] host_oob_irq: 11
[   12.140652] host_oob_irq_flags=0x414
[   12.140671] dhd_wifi_platform_load: Enter
[   12.140743] Power-up adapter 'DHD generic adapter'
[   12.140771] wifi_platform_set_power = 1
[   12.140796] ======== PULL WL_REG_ON HIGH! ========
[   12.140820] [wifi_pm]: set wl_reg_on 0 !
[   12.482855] vmouse_input_dev_open
[   12.499457] [wifi_pm]: set wl_reg_on 1 !
[   12.600288] vmouse_input_dev_close
[   13.476739] systemd-journald[248]: Received request to flush runtime journal from PID 1
[   13.483416] gmac0: probed
[   13.483853] gmac0 gmac0: eth0: eth0: PHY ID 00441400 at 0 IRQ poll (gmac0-0:00)
[   13.550210] wifi_platform_bus_enumerate device present 1


[   59.867418] [wifi_pm]: set wl_reg_on 1 !
[   60.370136] wifi_platform_bus_enumerate device present 1
[   60.370179] ======== Card detection to detect SDIO card! ========
[   60.371953] [mmc]: sdc1 power_supply is null
[   60.432203] mmc1: new high speed SDIO card at address 0001
[   62.370173] failed to power up DHD generic adapter, 2 retry left
[   62.386610] wifi_platform_set_power = 0
[   62.386649] ======== PULL WL_REG_ON LOW! ========
[   62.386687] wifi_platform_bus_enumerate device present 0
[   62.386721] ======== Card detection to remove SDIO card! ========
[   62.386800] wifi_platform_set_power = 1
[   62.386832] ======== PULL WL_REG_ON HIGH! ========
[   62.386867] [wifi_pm]: set wl_reg_on 0 !
[   62.387407] mmc1: card 0001 removed
[   62.388263] [mmc]: sdc1 power_supply is null


After the script I do get something like a dump an then another loop, but only on the HDMI-console

- so see attached picture....

(and after a power-reconnect the mystery...the tkaiser.sh isnt in /home/guido anymore...hasnt synced?)



Hmm... let's stop. Too much waste of time. The contents of /etc/modules have to be checked (since dhd driver for Broadcom/Ampak seems to be loaded which is conflicting with xradio) and all the 'magic' needed to deal with this other TV box (Beelink X2) has to be moved out of the way (see armhwinfo for example -- different batches of X2 have different Wi-Fi modules so we had to add a few ugly hacks here and there but I fail to remember what we did exactly).

26 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

Hmm... let's stop. Too much waste of time. 

For me personally it would be ok NOT to use the onboard WiFi and only include some RTL-Wifi-USB devices like on the Raspeberry before he has included WiFi onboard - like RTL8192CUS or something which could be buyed easily....


More important to me is a working ethernet Port like it works now :) and then it should be stable :)

6 minutes ago, guidol said:

For me personally it would be ok NOT to use the onboard WiFi

And for me it would be interesting whether it works now or not ;)


In the meantime I remembered a bit more (eg this). So please do

echo 'blacklist dhd' >/etc/modprobe.d/dhd.conf
echo -e "xradio_wlan\nsndspdif\nsunxi_sndspdif\nsunxi_spdif\nsunxi_spdma\nsunxi-cir\nxradio_wlan" >/etc/modules
sed -i -e 's/Beelink X2/Sunvell R69/' -e 's/beelinkx2/sunvellr69/' /etc/armbian-release

Followed by a reboot. If dmesg and iwconfig output look reasonable then please armbianmonitor -u output.


15 minutes ago, guidol said:

then it should be stable

Well, the new fex adopts the vendor's setting obviously taking care of a fixed VDD_CPUX voltage of 1.2V so we limit maximum cpufreq to 1008 MHz now which should result in (more) stable operation compared to allowing 1200 MHz before. If you're somewhat skilled (I'm not) you could search for testpoints on the PCB near the SoC and measure yourself whether the assumption is true or not.


Using standard Beelink X2 jessie image, disabling HDMI (h3consumption -g off) decreases idle CPU temp by 6 degrees (circa 60 down to 54 °C). I think temperature variation I notice between standard fex and first tkaiser provided fex was only due to HDMI enabling in tkaiser fex file.



To access µSD card inserted after booting from emmc , using Beelink X2 standard Jessie Image,  it's necessary to edit script.bin (using bin2fex/fex2bin cf supra) to change 


sdc_detmode = 3


sdc_detmode = 1


1 hour ago, t.munzer said:

To access µSD card inserted after booting from emmc , using Beelink X2 standard Jessie Image,  it's necessary to edit script.bin

No it's not since this change is already part of the adopted fex: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/160f9ea9fbb3e71b4f155d9bcf54c7fea635b90f/config/fex/sunvell-r69.fex#L428 (it's the entry for mmc0, the others shouldn't be changed). It makes no sense to fiddle around with the Beelink fex file on this device.


And then it's REALLY IMPORTANT to clear the SPL header on all SD cards where an OS image has been written to before as outlined here: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-install-to-emmc-nand-sata-usb Since otherwise SD card has higher boot priority and then an SD card without bootloader will lead to a bricked device.


What about helping with the remaining problems


5 hours ago, tkaiser said:

Followed by a reboot. If dmesg and iwconfig output look reasonable then please armbianmonitor -u output.


dmesg isnt looping anymore without a script:

[   13.507693] gmac0: probed
[   13.508153] gmac0 gmac0: eth0: eth0: PHY ID 00441400 at 0 IRQ poll (gmac0-0:00)
[   13.627348] vmouse_input_dev_open
[   13.680597] vmouse_input_dev_close
[   15.500410] PHY: gmac0-0:00 - Link is Up - 100/Full
[   21.540655] [STA] !!!xradio_vif_setup: id=0, type=2, p2p=0
[   21.623610] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready

iwconfig looks OK to me:

root@sunvellr69:~# iwconfig
lo        no wireless extensions.

wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any
          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm
          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:on

eth0      no wireless extensions.

root@sunvellr69:~# armbianmonitor -u
/var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/MBVS


After that I started"tkaiser.sh" (modprobe xradio_wlan etc) and got no error message :)
and no more additional looping dmesg


[   15.800403] PHY: gmac0-0:00 - Link is Up - 100/Full
[   21.800466] [STA] !!!xradio_vif_setup: id=0, type=2, p2p=0
[   21.853499] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[   94.890195] [ddrfreq] DDR: 624000KHz->576000KHz start
[   94.890243] [ddrfreq] current cpu is cpu0
[   94.893103] [ddrfreq] elapsed: 1041us
[   94.893122] [ddrfreq] DDR: 624000KHz->576000KHz ok!

iwconfig then

root@sunvellr69:/home/guido# iwconfig
lo        no wireless extensions.

wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any
          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm
          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Encryption key:off
          Power Management:on

eth0      no wireless extensions.

root@sunvellr69:/home/guido# ./tkaiser.sh
/var/log/armhwinfo.log has been uploaded to http://sprunge.us/ZRHO



PS: reboot or shutdown -h now also gives a kernel panic without a sync

15 hours ago, guidol said:

root@sunvellr69:/home/guido# ./tkaiser.sh

Hmm... there should be no need to execute scripts any more if you did the modifications above. According to dmesg output it already worked at startup and still loading the xradio_wlan module twice seems to be necessary.


What about a quick check with 'nmtui-connect' to see whether Wi-Fi really works? And maybe even a quick iperf3 test to confirm that data can be transmitted? That would finally confirm fex settings so anyone interested in supporting this device long-term could then start to hack a .dts for the board suitable for mainline kernel (fairly easy when starting with the DT for OPi Zero and then adding the necessary node for eMMC/mmc2 and different pin mappings for XR819. It would also be a great idea to create a device page in linux-sunxi wiki similar to the one for Beelink X2 at least documenting Wi-Fi settings and DVFS situation (no voltage regulation and 1.2V VDD_CPUX)


15 hours ago, guidol said:

PS: reboot or shutdown -h now also gives a kernel panic without a sync

Maybe caused by the sound drivers? Usually crashes at shutdown are related to driver hassles. You could try to remove all the snd_* entries from /etc/modules so that only the two xradio lines remain.


After this commit I built an Ubuntu Xenial image: http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/NumpU8/Armbian_5.34_Sunvellr69_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.img.xz (MD5 sum: 06e5a14865f0be6861f7e11babdd8bb3) New image: http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/NumpU8/Armbian_5.34_Sunvell-r69_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.img.xz (MD5 sum: 44fdbd858437df4c1cfce81f0d92a8a6)


Still feedback wanted but only based on this image (none for other devices, really):

  • Wi-Fi working / which 'performance'
  • led functionality (there should be two leds and both accessible through sysfs as @guidol demontrated already with one of them)
  • Stability (should be fixed already since max cpufreq limited to 1008 MHz as in vendor's Android settings)
  • nand-sata-install still working (it's based on boot config from OPi Zero 2 Plus whatever so u-boot clocks DRAM with 408 MHz until first throttling happens then DRAM freq switches to 576 MHz)

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