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1 hour ago, Ex3c said:

in this thread it is mentioned that the minimal idle power consumption of the HC-1 is 3.7W


Yes. And I also provided a link in the post to Hardkernel's own measurements (3.6W minimum). I measured the only realistic use case possible: HC1 with a connected but sleeping disk (sent to sleep/standby back then by a JMS578 firmware setting). So since there's always the JMS578 active (using two highspeed PHYs -- USB3 SuperSpeed at one side and SATA 3.0 at the other) and a 'sleeping' disk idle consumption must be higher than a XU4 without an external disk.


As soon as you do the same there (connect a good USB-to-SATA bridge with a XU4 powered disk behind) you get also higher numbers of course. And power consumption varies by disk. I tested another time with HC2 and a SSD drew 0.4W in sleeping state while a 3.5" Barracuda needed 1.4W while not spinning.


I already suggested to Hardkernel overthinking the PCB design to allow either only the JMS578 to be powered through a GPIO or even both JMS578 and disk. Hardkernel's answer (nothing more heard since then):


I agree that 1~2Watt in idle mode is a quite big number. We will measure the power consumption of HDD and JMS578 in standby mode early next week.
But the first batch of HC2 PCB was already under production and we can consider a PCB revision in the next batch if there is no negative side effect.
As far as I remember, unpowered USB device needed a USB host reset event to make it detect when it resumes from suspend mode.
But the Exynos root hub might not have a soft-reset function. We will double check it too.



Than you very much for your answer.

 So the big difference is the powered USB 2 SATA Bridge and idle/sleep power consumption of the drive.


Have you also done measurements of the HC-1 with no additional disk connected, just a sd card for the system?



I want to build a small server with low power consumption for usage with Nextcloud, Firefox Sync Server, Print/Scan Server, ...

The XU4 /HC-1 seems to be a good compromise between performance, (idle) power consumption and software support. (compared to RasPi 3, Odroid C2)

But as there is already a small Synology NAS running i think i don`t need much disk space in this small server.


The HC-1 with passive cooling seemed to be a nice option, but when the idle power consumption is signifcant larger maybe the XU4 would be the better option. Using the XU4 with an emmc for the system and a 128/200/256 GB microSD as disk space for local data (although the micro sd card reader should be limited to ~40MB/sec). Or some other disk connected over USB3 with less idle consumption.

7 hours ago, Ex3c said:

Have you also done measurements of the HC-1 with no additional disk connected, just a sd card for the system?


Of course not since it absolutely makes no sense at all. Using the HC1 without connected disk is a pretty strange use case. If you for whatever reasons feel the need to use Exynos boards why not using an XU4 running off SD card and choosing a quality USB pendrive for storage? It all depends on your needs and if you need high random IO performance then a connected SSD will be for sure the best solution (or even better choosing a different device since USB3 negatively affects random IO a lot)


And please open up a new thread wrt alternatives since this is a REVIEW thread that should remain somewhat readable. :)


Ah, I thought that noise was a bit worrying, but not having used these particular disks in any other system I pushed it to the back of my mind. Thanks for raising awareness.

On 8/23/2017 at 2:50 AM, tkaiser said:

usb5 interrupt (handling the USB3 port to which the USB Gigabit Ethernet adapter on ODROID XU3/XU4/HC1/HC2/MC1 is connected) from cpu3 (little) to cpu7 (big core):


Can you explain how you achieved this? I have tried a couple of steps including https://obihoernchen.net/1416/odroid-xu4-tune-network-and-usb-speed it doesn't seem to affect performance significantly when copying files from Win to HC1 through 1GE. It averages 55Mbytes/s which is think is too low. The same disk connected to my Odroid, I used with an USB/SATA cable before attached to my Win machine, the disk takes easily 130MBytes/s. I have tried that same disk with a rock64 (no tuning) and that same USB/SATA cable and Samba, it was twice as fast. I timed copying the same ~100GB of files.

4 hours ago, xorinox said:


Everything that's written in blogs and tutorials becomes outdated sooner or later. The most important information regarding obihoernchen is:


it’s all fixed now.
Just install the latest OMV v3 release and you should be fine.


So if you follow any of these outdated 'tuning' articles you simply destroy performance. And I won't discuss this in a REVIEW thread since it destroys readability. So please open up a new thread if you run into performance problems with an OMV image that has not been modified at all (if you try to tweak things you make it worse for sure!). And everything that has been done to tweak performance on Armbian and OMV is already documented.

6 hours ago, tkaiser said:

This https://www.armbian.com/odroid-hc2/ is so horrible that I really can't believe what's going on it's time to quit.

I see a picture, two download links, and a text content which is horrible to some extent - you know where is an edit button - or you complain with a specific data/hints and this is fixed. A website and a download page are horrible in general and I won't fix this now since all website related work is going into a new one. 

What is going on? Which are other options than doing nothing?

- ignore this yet another variant board on the download page

- merge it with HC1

- add it
- add it and fix all information below to the perfect state


Be specifics what exactly is so horrible. Nobody lives in your head but you. 


Armbian-config - alternative kernels -dev ... but procedure for this upgrade is untested.

Wrote on mobile

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