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Orange Pi Prime: max cpu freq


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Could you please clarify, is there a way to increase default limitations for max cpu freq (H5) on Orange Pi Prime?

As i understand, according to driver (cpufreq-dt):


available frequency steps: 408 MHz, 648 MHz, 816 MHz, 912 MHz, 960 MHz, 1.01 GHz

/etc/default/cpufrequtils is a bit less restrictive: 



cat /etc/default/cpufrequtils 







Is this a driver limitation ? Or there is a way to increase cpu-freq, but it's not used by default ? ( ... and why, if it is so ?)



uname -a

Linux orangepiprime 4.13.14-sunxi64 #246 SMP Mon Nov 20 01:58:09 CET 2017 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux




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:) i put a 19x19x24 small-tower-like radiator for CPU (not too effective, but the best ones i got without "manual working with saw & rasp") and 9x9x12 for each mem + ethernet chips. So if you give me link to testing guide i could try. Of course, i suppose you have "well-defined QA-procedures" and "sporadic results from unknown guys" is not a too good idea, but ... maybe, i just want to burn my board ;)

As i "understood" (i guess) from "brief search" the problem is with setting correct DVFS levels (voltage + frequency/throttling) to keep system stable.

Simple FREQ=1008Mhz testing with 


grep@orangepiprime:~$ stress -t 900 -c 2 -m 2 -i 2 -d 2

stress: info: [8154] dispatching hogs: 2 cpu, 2 io, 2 vm, 2 hdd

stress: info: [8154] successful run completed in 910s


gave  [max...min] = [45..49.1] (don't ask about median/avg/quantiles, it was just watching at "armbianmonitor -m" output); normal temp (non-idle, 1.25..2 LA) is ~35..37

P.S. PSU is 5V / 3A of course.

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