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we are testing set of 50devices and on 20%-30% of them we are detecting errors, which seems as hardware issues with eMMC cards. Issues looks very similar to us. Example of device usage is:
1) device boots operating system (Armbian GNU/Linux kernel 3.14.79-odroidc2),
2) device works as expected for hours/days,
3) system logs starts containing emmc errors,
4) system freezes with console message:

Message from syslogd@avast-hkc213254dfea768 at Feb 14 13:49:58 ...
kernel:[189164.931207] Disabling IRQ #250

After consultation with Hardkernel we tried theirs ubuntu image and it looks better. After 4 hour test we do not detect broken card (test continues), with Armbian we had first issue after few minutes.

Can you help us?

Reference to Hardkernel forum post https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=30244

Thank you

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