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A speed test on my Laptop shows >300 MBPS download speed.  when i run the same test using my orange pi 2e+  on the same ethernet GB switch , I get 50 MbPS download.   I disabled wifi.  tested the cable.What's going on?


If you have internet access please provide the output of:

armbianmonitor -u


2 hours ago, mrmulti said:

you probably missed something... This log doesn't look like armbian...  :P 



insgesamt 119M -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 14M 12. Mai 05:01 [0m[01;31mpatches.tbz2[0m -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 17M 12. Mai 05:00 [01;31mpatches.tgz[0m -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 12M 12. Mai 05:04 [00mpatches.xz[0m -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 25M 7. Mai 07:38 [00mpatch-v2.6.34-rc6-next-20100507[0m -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 26M 10. Mai 07:50 [00mpatch-v2.6.34-rc6-next-20100510[0m -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 26M 11. Mai 07:34 [00mpatch-v2.6.34-rc7-next-20100511[0m -rw-r--r-- 1 psy wheel 228 12. Mai 05:06 [00mtimes[0m


7 hours ago, mrmulti said:

tested the cable.What's going on?

tested cable means you use the same cable for both tests? 

15 hours ago, mrmulti said:

What's going on?


  ___      _           _     _  __  ___   _ _  _   
 / _ \  __| |_ __ ___ (_) __| | \ \/ / | | | || |  
| | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \| |/ _` |  \  /| | | | || |_ 
| |_| | (_| | | | (_) | | (_| |  /  \| |_| |__   _|
 \___/ \__,_|_|  \___/|_|\__,_| /_/\_\\___/   |_|  

Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.42.180318 nightly Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS 4.14.26-odroidxu4   
System load:   0.00 0.00 0.00   Up time:       11:57 hours
Memory usage:  3 % of 1995MB    IP:  
CPU temp:      48°C           
Usage of /:    18% of 7.2G   

Last login: Sat Mar 17 19:21:09 2018 from

root@odroidxu4:~# armbianmonitor -u


... and we get something like this: http://ix.io/YPF 

This is a minimum to start looking into the problem.


Well, that's what I got , and it said paste this link into the forum.   Maybe I should have used -U? 

"Tested the cable" meant that I used a good ethernet cable, one that I know would provide the high speed.   I said that because I had a cable laying around that would not support the high speed.   I just tried armbianmonitor -U, and got a lot of output I'll paste that but I also got a lot of errors. yes and i used same cable for both.



Mbps download


Mbps upload

Latency: 27 ms

Server: Toronto

Your Internet speed is slow

Your Internet connection should be able to handle one device at a time streaming a video. If multiple devices are using this connection at the same time, you may run into some slowdowns.


I just ran speedtest.net  & speakeasy, and the above test.  I got 60 & 70 as the download speeds, but they both stopped before the upload test ran.  30.9 is the upload i should be getting , but now the tests just stop after the the download test and do not run the upload test at all.  the test above shows a 3.93 download speed. 

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