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Setup WiFi on SD card


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Before I start, I want to thank the developers for making great products. I am fairly new to SBCs, but unlike the official images, Armbian works great on my OP plus 2E.


I have recently bough a OP zero+ H5, but as it lacks ethernet, I can't set it up. Is there a way (like raspbian) to set up wifi on the sd card after i burn the image on to it?

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

On 5/19/2018 at 10:51 AM, Igor said:

Is it broken?


It is totally broken:

  • Unsafe temp file handling
  • Incompatible to Armbian's recommended way to setup Wi-Fi (nmtui/nmcli)
  • It stores the Wi-Fi credentials in cleartext in a world readable file

It's a mystery to me why you ever accepted this code as PR, we agreed on deleting it already (now that DietPi doesn't use Armbian as 'pre-image' any more) and now you start to recommend this stuff to users?


Only sane way would be to allow to create a NM profile only readable by root below /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ -- since this does not exist users either need to use serial console (easy on OPi Zero since available through Micro USB) or keyboard/display.




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1 hour ago, tkaiser said:

It is totally broken:

Perhaps true on current images.

On 5/19/2018 at 10:51 AM, Igor said:

At least on recent images made from the development branch.


The case is I reworked and it should work on self-made images via Network manager.  Security wise we could improve, sure.


1 hour ago, tkaiser said:

It's a mystery to me why you ever accepted this code as PR


A lot of decisions are based on trust since they require less mental energy. I have been fooled and made a mistake. Since we have moved to development branch and this is reworked there, there is no need to revert the PR now. Or is?


1 hour ago, tkaiser said:

to allow to create a NM profile


Well, that might be already too complex for many people ... while passwords are plain text in the profile.

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