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Hi. I am having this issue with Orange PI PC. If it boots up when the TV it connects to over HDMI is off, I am getting blank pink screen. I guess it is because it chooses different video output when TV isn't detected.


Raspbian forums suggest disabling "HDMI hotplug" by editing /boot/config.txt , but Armbian hasn't got this file.


Please share your suggestions as this TV is on the wall in my kid's school at 2m height - and if it reboots due to short power failure, it needs a ladder to get fixed. Please help me before school year starts :)


i am assuming you are using legacy kernel (uname -a)
Linux OrangePiPCPlus 3.4.113-sun8i #18 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 24 22:10:49 CET 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

My OS is Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS



i just tried on my OrangePi PC Plus. My method doesn't work. 

sudo cp /boot/script.bin /boot/bin/script.bin.backup

sudo bin2fex /boot/script.bin /tmp/custom.fex

sudo nano /tmp/custom.fex

advert_disp = 0
auto_hpd = 1 -> auto_hpd = 0

sudo fex2bin /tmp/custom.fex /boot/bin/custom.bin

sudo ln -fs /boot/bin/custom.bin /boot/script.bin



Still got pink screen if display is not connected/powered on when the board reboots.


I also tried another Armbian image, Debian desktop Mainline kernel which doesn't have pink screen issue. The OS is easily corrupted if you always cutoff the board's power supply without shutting it down.



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