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I'm using Banana PI and latest Armbian_5.00_Bananapi_Debian_jessie_3.4.110.  SInce it came without xservert and fact that I like to only use board in "kiosk" mode, I should execute only couple of application which use xserver. One is matchbox-keyboad and other is pyQT application. So....


Using apt-cache search xfce I got list of packages for xfce desktop. So I presume i have to install at least:


xfce4 - Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment

xfconf - utilities for managing settings in Xfce

xfwm4 - window manager of the Xfce project

xfe - lightweight file manager for X11


Since I'm newbee in linux I'd like to know what I have to installl, just to execute "graphical" application withot whole desktop?


Thank you!




Hi  tkaiser.


Thank you for fast response !


Regarding image I'm not sure is possibel to install banana pi pro files to "simple" banana pi. I downloaded mentioned image from Igor's FTP http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/


However, I installed all files you suggested and it's work great.... But   :(


That is not wnat I ment, sorry.  What I ment is to just execute one graphical application without loading desktop. How's that possible ?


Regarding image I'm not sure is possibel to install banana pi pro files to "simple" banana pi.


Igor switched to the Banana Pro being the default (since when we ship one image for Banana Pi/Pro/M1/M1+ we ship with activated WiFi settings/driver and can then detect whether we're running on Pro/M1+ or Pi/M1). But I would believe here's a small piece of code missing: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/master/scripts/firstrun#L97-L100since the script.bin link and/or dtb/dts should be replaced when running on Banana Pi/M1.


Regarding your desktop/graphical questions I fear I can't help (most of the times I run the boards headless and quite a few of them were never connected to a display over years :) )


If i understand right, you only need xorg (apt-get install xorg), without anything else. Additionally you can install - Mali binary driver for framebuffer and fbturbo.


Please do not recommend following outdated LeMaker instructions when using Armbian. With the desktop images (at least for sunxi: A10/A20 or H3) we're already shipping with all this stuff enabled. So choosing/building a desktop image is the way to go. Our desktop images boot into the user account that was created on installation and that's already 'just xorg' without a whole desktop environment.


At least one of our devs is working on re-packaging this stuff so you would get both CedarX and GPU acceleration also when upgrading one of our 'server' images to a desktop image sometimes in the future.


And then it depends on the needs. I had one time the requirement to display status informations and used Iceweasel in kiosk mode for this (IIRC). Now I would give pygame a try...


Igor switched to the Banana Pro being the default (since when we ship one image for Banana Pi/Pro/M1/M1+ we ship with activated WiFi settings/driver and can then detect whether we're running on Pro/M1+ or Pi/M1). But I would believe here's a small piece of code missing: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/master/scripts/firstrun#L97-L100


I fixed that in the meantime and tested whether all this HW acceleration works with a desktop Armbian build: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/pull/225


It does, just tested the image (made for Pro but automagically detecting that it runs on Banana Pi instead on first boot:


 ____                                  ____  _

| __ )  __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __   __ _  |  _ \(_)

|  _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | | |_) | |

| |_) | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |  __/| |

|____/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_|   |_|



Welcome to ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.110-sun7i 


System load:   0.03            Up time:       12 min

Memory usage:  17 % of 872Mb  IP:  

CPU temp:      48°C           

Usage of /:    30% of 7.3G   storage/:      24% of 466G   


[ 12 updates to install: apt-get upgrade ]


tk@bananapi:~$ ls -al /boot/script.bin 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Mar 12 22:16 /boot/script.bin -> /boot/bin/bananapi.bin


Close to unbelievable but I'm watching now a 1080p/H.264 movie on this little board :)


In case anyone wants to give it a try here's a preliminary build for A20.

Close to unbelievable but I'm watching now a 1080p/H.264 movie on this little board  :)



What player you using ?


What player you using ?


The preinstalled mpv of course. I simply doubleclicked on a movie file and this one opened.


Close to unbelievable but I'm watching now a 1080p/H.264 movie on this little board :)


In case anyone wants to give it a try here's a preliminary build for A20.


Im looking forward to the day we can do this on an OrangePiOne... roll on the mainline kernerl support...

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