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using latest Armbian:

Linux indi 4.4.156-rockchip64 #21 SMP Wed Sep 19 13:14:57 CEST 2018 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux


I can do the following (as sudo su), but, no voltage on the specified pin (pin 5, Linux pin 4):

echo -n "4" > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo -n "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/direction
echo -n 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/value
echo -n 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/value
echo -n "4" > /sys/class/gpio/unexport


I get no light on my generic LED with a 100k resistor - which lights when I move from pin 5 (Linux pin 4)


MicroSD end of the board ->

[ .   . ]

[ .   . ]

[ .   . ]  <- I'm connected here, pin on left is pin 5/4 (?) and pin 6 is GND


Am I missing a kernel module?

WiringOP and WiringPI libraries aren't working, gpiod (gpioset, gpiodetect, etc) not helping.


This is the pin guide I'm using:



Here is the output of cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio:


GPIOs 0-31, platform/pinctrl, gpio0:

gpio-0   (                    |vcc_host_5v         ) out hi 

gpio-4   (                    |sysfs               ) out hi  <---- this seems correct to me when /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/value is 1

gpio-30  (                    |vcc_sd              ) out hi    


GPIOs 32-63, platform/pinctrl, gpio1:

gpio-50  (                    |mdio-reset          ) out hi    

gpio-58  (                    |vcc_host1_5v        ) out hi    


GPIOs 64-95, platform/pinctrl, gpio2:


GPIOs 96-127, platform/pinctrl, gpio3:


GPIOs 510-511, platform/rk8xx-gpio, rk8xx-gpio, can sleep:

gpio-510 (                    |?                   ) out hi    

gpio-511 (                    |?                   ) out lo   




Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thx


Armbian for the Renegade is still in the first stages of its development, so it is expected that some things won't work. Also, as a Community Supported Board, that means that the main developers sometimes don't even own the board, so bug fixing is a community collaborative task. Personally, I didn't even test the GPIO in the Renegade, so it is a road that we are barely starting now.


So all the input you gave in your post is very valuable. I would also ask you for a couple extra pieces of information:

  • Output of "sudo armbianmonitor -u"
  • Have you tested all these features in the Firefly image? What were the results?



Overall, the OS is quite good.

I got an oled i2c display working using the luma.oled library and it gave me no grief whatsoever.

Installed a 16GB eMMC module and dd'ed the armbian image and it booted just fine.


The firefly image is a shit-show, I build it and was not impressed.
Like you say, Armbian is a community supported project, so, I thought I'd direct my efforts here instead of a single-board fork.
That said, they do provide some firefly specific code for gpio, I'll investigate that.


Here is the armbianmonitor output link:



thanks for replying,

On 10/4/2018 at 12:52 PM, gnasch said:

Surely the 100k resistor in series with a led must be a typo?

best, gnasch

No, it's 100k - the LED lights when connected to both 5v and 3.3v pins.

Are you thinking the GPIO current isn't high enough with that 100k resistor? 'cause that's what I'm thinking.....

The spec says the GPIO "HIGH" values are 3.3v, but, who knows.

I'll drop the value the 330ohm and see if it's working.

19 minutes ago, davembg said:

No, it's 100k - the LED lights when connected to both 5v and 3.3v pins.

Are you thinking the GPIO current isn't high enough with that 100k resistor? 'cause that's what I'm thinking.....

The spec says the GPIO "HIGH" values are 3.3v, but, who knows.

I'll drop the value the 330ohm and see if it's working.

Of course with 100K it won't ever lite, except if you plug it on 100V ... :P

With 330 or 1K, it will work !

On 10/5/2018 at 2:25 PM, martinayotte said:

Of course with 100K it won't ever lite, except if you plug it on 100V ... :P

With 330 or 1K, it will work !


It actually wasn't 100k, it was 220ohm - so, that wasn't the issue.


After additional testing, I found that SOME of the pins to respond.

I'll post a list when my testing is completed.

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