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11 minutes ago, NicoD said:

What needs to be written on his grave for EOS?

It is difficult to answer ...

Personally, I'm still doing builds for some because I own boards such "micro" and "nanopim1plus2" ...

They kind of getting back to CSC, but without much updates.

10 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

Personally, I'm still doing builds for some because I own boards such "micro" and "nanopim1plus2" ... 

Good news to have more CSC. I didn't know FriendlyElec also have a +2 board? I thought Orange Pi was the only one with such ridiculous naming. I've got the OPi+2.
I just checked the eos. Any reason why the OPi2 is eos? It's got the H3 that's supported on many other boards. Orange Pi's are the most downloaded images on Armbian. So I wonder if somethings wrong with it.

I can just do this. Clear enough I guess.



12 minutes ago, NicoD said:

I've got the OPi+2.
I just checked the eos. Any reason why the OPi2 is eos?

You mean OPi+2E ... it is not EOS ... (I own one too)

4 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

You mean OPi+2E ... it is not EOS ... (I own one too) 

No, I've got the OPi+2. Actually a good board. But when I bought it I believed it would be 1.6Ghz. How foolish I was :) So for that I hated it. But it's good for data sharing. 
But I'm wondering why the OPi2 is eos.

8 minutes ago, NicoD said:

But I'm wondering why the OPi2 is eos.

The only EOS in OPi familly are config/boards/orangepi.eos and config/boards/orangepimini.eos


First render.
I'll make the dirt look more rough. I don't know of the color(colorblind...) I'll make the stone look marble.

I can also make grass and make it look a lot more cheerfull, maybe flowers or so.

armbian end of support.png

2 minutes ago, NicoD said:

https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-2/ ?

It looks to be a nice board. But I say that on what I see...

Oh ! I see ... It seems to be a mistake on the Web pages, because in Armbian build scripts, ie : config/boards, it is still orangepi2.conf, so not an EOS ! :P


On my side, I wonder why nanopim1plus2 is EOS, probably due to micro-usb powering, but I power it thru GPIO pins ... <_<


I guess there'll be no grass. I tried to render, pc fell out. I've never had that happen in my life. The calculated time was +10 hours. And that was for a low resolution render.
I'll give up for today. Tomorrow is another day.


I've finished the grave stone. But I'm having troubles making the ground look right. I'll add more texture to it and hope it'll turn out better.
If anyone has any idea's... Please let me know, mine have dried up.




I've finished the EOL background.

I'm rendering everything in 4K with my N2. I've finished a few.
Here's one with rounded shape.

I'll upload them all together when ready. Cheers.



I've finished all of them. All 4k except the transport one. That would take too long since there are many light sources and bounces.(+10hours) And even then the quality would be less since I've got to lower some things.
And the N2 isn't super stable either.
They are all converted to jpg because the original png's are together 560MB.

My favorite is the under construction one :) But you can't use that for supported :lol:

@lanefu If you need anything more, let me know. I hope people are going to like them, I've already seem them too much. 

Now I can start putting my render farm together to make new animations for my channel.

Armbian Backgrounds JPG.7z

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