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 Is there support planned for this board anytime soon? I've been using Armbian on my Banana Pi M1 since more than a year ago and I've been thinking of upgrading to a more powerful board and the M2 seems quite nice.




I know it is just shouting in the desert but nowbody should buy a board and then ask a third party for support.

Instead we all should write the seller and say: You know what? Your product looks great but I will not buy a single one neither advice anyone to buy until third parties (sunxi, armbian...) say yes, this board has released all required docs to support it.


Or if you have purchased one return it back: You sell it as open source. I have found your sources are missing. Here it is and give me my money back


I know it is just shouting in the desert but nowbody should buy a board and then ask a third party for support.

Instead we all should write the seller and say: You know what? Your product looks great but I will not buy a single one neither advice anyone to buy until third parties (sunxi, armbian...) say yes, this board has released all required docs to support it.


Or if you have purchased one return it back: You sell it as open source. I have found your sources are missing. Here it is and give me my money back


SINOVOIP which design Banana PI is a special case : it is the most distributed arm manufacturer. You (I in France) can purchase a board in many local sites. So their "costumers feedback" would be the best place to complain about the price, hardware and software bugs, and lack of support.


The BPI M1 was worse the price, the other boards ... :wacko: . So with the "m2 ultra", you just got a little more power for twice the price. Their marketing strategy and business model is not much encouraging to invest time or money both for users or for developers !


I suggest you use the search function in the forum for an answer. Before opening a new topic


If I search for banana pi m2 ultra, the forum replies there is no results for "banana ultra". So much for the "search function..."  :rolleyes:


Ah, apparently the "forum" scope is not the whole forum, but just the section we're in!


SINOVOIP which design Banana PI is a special case : it is the most distributed arm manufacturer. You (I in France) can purchase a board in many local sites. So their "costumers feedback" would be the best place to complain about the price, hardware and software bugs, and lack of support.


The BPI M1 was worse the price, the other boards ... :wacko: . So with the "m2 ultra", you just got a little more power for twice the price. Their marketing strategy and business model is not much encouraging to invest time or money both for users or for developers !

Fully agree. If the vendor wouldn't be that ignorant (still providing wrong 'specs' even if been told that it's incorrect) and these new boards not that overpriced then M2 Ultra could be interesting.


But if I compare with performance and price of eg an Marvell ESPRESSOBin then there's absolutely no reason to consider this R40 device (especially since one can add two more real SATA ports on Marvell boards by adding an ASM1062 miniPCIe card). When/if other vendors like FriendlyARM, Olimex or Xunlong come up with competitively priced R40 devices then adding Armbian support would make some sense.


When/if other vendors like FriendlyARM, Olimex or Xunlong come up with competitively priced R40 devices then adding Armbian support would make some sense.

Or when/if there is good enough mainline support for R40 without too many additional patches.


Or when/if there is good enough mainline support for R40 without too many additional patches.

Yes, but we should then consider supporting these boards only with mainline/vanilla (maybe the same with OPi PC2). At least I want to avoid touching a smelly Allwinner BSP ever again.

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