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Posts posted by Igor

  1. It's much simpler and faster to add this functionality than teach you step by step how to do it ... even if it's written clearly enough for average Linux user. But problems might occur and this bring more questions.


    Read forum / FAQ and you'll get much needed info. It's simple but you need to invest some time.


    Download this image and burn to SD (wait until it's uploaded)



    I added support for Philips SAA7111/3/4/5 video decoders


    You need to use my image for easy update. For rest read FAQ. Some manual work is needed. I never try to compile kernel on device because it's way to slow. I don't know if my tool works without any fixes but in any case you need to download a proper Linux source.


    And I hope you know limitations of kernels 3.4 vs 4.x ? BTW: most important things are documented on my blog, sunxi wiki, ...

  2. If you have serial console you can manually execute boot commands to boot any kernel. And if you upgrade / downgrade kernel it should not affect what you have installed on the system.


    If you can't boot is probably because of not proper U-boot. You always need to install that to. (I wrote FAQ to minimize such troubles).

  3. Also, am I compiling the kernel correctly?


    Short answer. No.


    You can compile on a image the driver if you have a source and required dependencies.


    If you manage to compile a driver the usual output is:




    than you load it with


    insmod something.ko


    if you got no error, try to insert a hardware and check what is kernel telling you with:



    But you will probably need a whole source and build a kernel with all dependencies if this is not so. I recommend you to compile on some X86 machine otherwise you will compile whole day.


    The proper start would be here:



    Stick to latest stable kernel 4.1.3 but still you might run into troubles.

  4. Yes this is "normal" ... Debian Jessie related bug. I wasn't been able to nail it down yet.


    Workaround. Just wait until first boot is finished. You can normally login after first reboot.



    Wheezy and Ubuntu trusty doesn't have this issue.

  5. Like I said with Bananian or Raspian there is no problem with BananaPro and Lemaker LCD...

    Any idea?


    I guess the script file is bad - I just copy it from lemaker Github - but we nail down another bug :) I'll fix this asap.


    Just get the latest build 3.4.108 ... some 3.4.107 have stability issues.

  6. Oh  :P Nice to meet you again!


    I just checked and it's working out of the box. First I used some old 3.4.107 image with link to bananapilcd7.bin since I have normal Banana not PRO ... (try bin from normal Banana. Anyway it should work)


    Than I made an upgrade to latest 3.4.108 kernel together with u-boot. Reboot. Again, no problem ... boot output is to LCD.


    With default modules on Wheezy:



    Made another test with fresh Ubuntu trusty 3.2 with 3.4.108

    cd /boot
    ln -sf bin/bananapilcd7.bin script.bin



  7. Aha, this is missing from FAQ.

    Download latest root filesystem and install with dpkg -i


    This is the latest at the moment:



    Kernel upgrade is also advisable. That's described in FAQ. If you are on 3.4.10 upgrade to latest 3.4.x, if you are on 3.19 or higher upgrade to latest 4.x .. You can also upgrade from 3.4 to 4.x but make sure you know about the limitations and changes.

  8. Hard to comment on this. If you can't connect it's not working ;) Try open mode - without password. The config looks fine but I guess the driver is probably not capable of AP @5Ghz Try the suggested driver. I think it's the best we have than check / open an issue.


    I know. Pity :(



    I have two sample hostapd.config for my hostapd binary. Have you tried that?





  9. Uh :unsure:  No ideas for a simple strait answer. It's not simple but also not so complex.





    Try google for more info if this is not enough.


    It's strange because I use similar desktop configuration and it's working without a problem. Also it's pity that Ramlog is not supported anymore: http://www.tremende.com/ramlog/ Try to ping author  ;)

  10. I never try this myself but according to user feedback I2S is working well on Cubietruck and Banana PRO with the kernel source you are pointing to. I think the problem is if it is wired to the connector and of course if your device settings are correct. On which board you are trying to do that?


    On Cubietruck should work out of the box, on Banana PRO you might need to adjust FEX settings (script.bin with decompile, edit, compile back).

    i2s_used = 1
    i2s_channel = 2
    i2s_mclk = port:PB05<2><1><default><default>
    i2s_bclk = port:PB06<2><1><default><default>
    i2s_lrclk = port:PB07<2><1><default><default>
    i2s_dout0 = port:PB08<2><1><default><default>
    i2s_dout1 =
    i2s_dout2 =
    i2s_dout3 =
    i2s_din = port:PB12<2><1><default><default>

    More info:


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