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Posts posted by Igor

  1. The last build was done quickly so I made just boot test.


    Since cpufrequency scaling is working on Banana with the same kernel the problem must be elsewhere. DTB?


    Try boot with altered banana DTB.


     Am I'm right and the u-boot defaults [1] remain unpatched in this image? Does anyone have tested out other CONFIG_GMAC_TX_DELAY values?


    Yes, it's possible that it's not needed.


    And installing to NAND also doesn't work


    I think it's already done but not stable yet.

  2. @Igor: What could be the difference between the working and non-working images besides the kernel? 


    U-boot. If u-boot doesn't properly bring up the Ethernet it won't work.


    I made one boot test with fresh SD card. In first try it failed to initialize but than I cut power (reset might not be enough) and boot again without a problem. Wheezy with kernel 4.1 from the post above.


    It's working for me. If you won't be able to boot this image we need to figure out why.

  3. H3 is in the same position.


    There is no community support (yet) for kernel 3.4.x which means you need to use previously mentioned (Official) Allwinner SDK. Current result is poor so I don't want to build images using that kernel. Way too much bugs for a single person or a small group to fix and support.


    For mainline kernel (kernel.org) there are some patches for basic functionality but haven't got time to test.

  4. Kernel 4.1 for all A20 boards:



    (tested quickly. temperature readings are false which is the only noticed bug)

    Uboot is only for Banana! Don't install on other boards.


    Kernel 3.4.108 for Banana & Orange



    (tested quckly)

    Uboot is only for Banana! Don't install on other boards.


    Kernel 3.4.108 for Cubieboards, Lime1-2



    (tested quckly)

    Uboot is only for Cubietruck! Don't install on other boards.




    I started today with long term stability stress test. Configuration:

    Cubietruck Wheezy 3.4.107 on NAND, Wifi connect
    Banana Jessie 3.4.108 

    Olimex Lime Jessie 4.1


    Build today, using default configuration + some dummy stress scripts.

  5.  You mean this one I suppose https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib





    can I use "yes" and how to aim lxde with a full graphical env, include network managers, audio, etc that is provided almost in a desktop distro.


    This builds only basic desktop environment and it's not fine tuned. 


    It's a good start but far from plug and play.


    Can it run on a desktop distro of ubuntu or only the server image you point?


    On both. Server is minimum requirements.


    When it's over the output file is ready to dd to an SD card?




    One option is also to get an prebuild image an build a desktop of your wish on it. For hw acceleration you have to use kernel 3.4.x, Wheezy is recommended.


    Check here:


  6. warning - bad CRC, using default environment




    The whole problem (I think) is Ethernet initialization which is done in u-boot. This should be fixed in last edition but since there are still reports of problems I can conclude that we don't share exactly same hardware? It's possible in a quality manner. But anyway this should be fixable since it was working well all the time.


    wrong date and time


    I don't think it's related. Nothing has been change system wise. If your Ethernet is not up you can login via console eventually.


    I'll recheck again what's going on but as I said Ethernet is working o.k. on my board.

  7. I am working on re-enabling OTG in mainline, I am not done so I am not sure, but I think you also need to enable OTG in script.bin, right?


    Mainline doesn't have script.bin any more but Device Tree which has similar role but completely different structure.


    Sources are located in /arch/arm/boot/dts/ ... compiled under /boot/dtb




  8. Unfortunately no. A31 has only one kernel which needs a lot of re-work to become standard which is necessary for my script. Even if this is done the end result will be poor. Kernel is old and buggy, A31 hardware is abandoned and not many people work on the kernel if any.

    There is basic support in mainline kernel (kernel.org, I think 3.19 and newer). I could boot it but not even SD card was operational ... so I abandon the project and maybe in the autumn I'll try again and rework the board configuration, together with H3 and A80.


    Ok, thanks, LEDs are only design question, they can wait  :) I did last test: kernel upgrade 3->4 on SD card. After upgade service hostapd fails with some errors and after second reboot R1 changed to "Micro" on boot screen ...?? :-)

    I have not enough technical knowledge to solve this,

    I know about power limitations with this board. But my average power consumption is less than 1A, when I fully load the disk, I have ~ 1.5A so I think I am in limit.


    You need to change wifi module to brcmfmac and you need to use different hostapd binary and configuration. More info:


  10. What "recalculate"? Do you mean fex config for powering SATA? The setting is correct. I will return to old 3,4 kernel and switch off wifi. I dont understand why to do some hardware changes, if it is possible do by software as kernel 3,4 does.


    You mentioned:


    7 LEDs triggered by the system events


    So I thought you are using GPIO header. The numbers are different .


    Regarding power supply. There are some topic on this forum and else where this problem is worked into details. R1 has a design fail regarding power supply. If you want to use board in full scale than you need to fix powering. Micro USB has it's own power limits and they are less then what's needed for everything.



    Jessie  is proven only rock solid with kernel 3.16.x and up.


    Yes and no. I do many compilation and sometimes it does not build up, than in few days - when things are fixed - everything is fine. Is this a problem of debootstrap, packets, ... I don't explore. Jessie is the problem winner, than Trusty and Wheezy which is somehow logical.


    I am among those few % who notice such things. Yes, Jessie become stable. With minor, probably irrelevant, glitches.


    But if you can't boot the system due to bug which is most likely from os ? :)

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