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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. I don't know, I don't have s905w models. Until you try it yourself, you won't know if it works or not. The term "GPU usage" is very broad and it's not clear what you mean by that.
  2. This is weird. The result should be the exact opposite. If so, eMMC does not work correctly (there may be different reasons).
  3. The modules for the kernel, but there is no libMali for Linux. There is libMali only for Android and to use it, you need the libhybris library (it is only under 32 bits). mali-450 not mali-830
  4. yes (USB->SSD) But please note that the speed through USB 2.0 is very low.
  5. I don't understand why you are trying to install the system in eMMC from the beginning and then try to change the rootfs location ? Immediately write the system image to an external media and use it.
  6. What do you mean, support ? I'll see what I can do. Yes, there is such a problem. This is due to the peculiarities of the KODI (in the version that I collect with the acceleration of HW). I hope the situation will improve with the support output in the "4.1 x" hardware decoding kernel for Amlogic. Before that, you will have to use the recipe described by talrash (remove conflicting packages). In the /boot directory there is a kernel config with which it is built, you can compare what options you need to add and build your own version of the kernel. All sources are freely available. https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905-kernel/tree/khadas-3.14 https://github.com/snapcore/sample-kernels/tree/stable-3.14.y/kernel/configs/snappy
  7. Usually in the UART connector the extreme pins are "ground" (usually it has a square contact pad, look at the back of the connector, what kind of pads) and VCC power (this pin is not used to connect the UART). You can check with the tester which contact is connected to the ground and use it to connect the GRN. Two internal contacts are Tx and Rx, they can be swapped (if there is no output to the console). Yes, you will need the console to debug the installation into the internal memory.
  8. We should try to load the module manually. Details are in the first message in the topic about s905. Perhaps the reason for the survey is the core of existence connected HDMI. I think the reason is not dtb. Can you connect your UART console to the TV box ? This will allow you to see the entire startup process from the beginning of u-boot and can help in tests with kernel 4.x.
  9. This is an outdated version and all the issues you decide on your own. This question has already been described several times in this topic. There may be many different reasons (incorrect data in dtb file, outdated firmware and u-boot, etc.), which depend on the hardware itself. This issue you need to decide with the equipment supplier. The basic equipment provides me firm Khadas (VIM1 VIM2 etc). There are several variants of TV boxes Tronsmart Vega S95 (s905), S96 (s912) and s812. There are also many different noname s805\s905\s905x. All checks for S905X and S912 I spend on the equipment Khadas , part of the checks for s905\s912 I perform on Tronsmart. Check on the equipment noname I perform very rarely, on special request. Based on this, I can guarantee work on Khadas equipment. Other options are supported as optional as possible. Information for communication you can find on this page or write to the PM. https://github.com/150balbes
  10. Contact Amlogic for the necessary information (sources) and build your own version of the kernel.
  11. Write in detail all your steps, what and where you copied, what you did with the media, etc.
  12. Where is the BOOT partition and kernel files with startup scripts?
  13. So the reason is incorrect dtb. Try different dtb options. I do not plan to expand the options of images (they are already 6 pieces), their Assembly and verification take a lot of time. You can use a server image or Icewm and install ANY de shell on It.
  14. This is a new SD card or you have already launched with the same version Armbian ?
  15. Try using a USB flash drive. Perhaps this dtb does not work correctly SD card.
  16. That's bad news. The worst thing, they were going to implement their "tools".
  17. What do you want to check ? I am using LE version with kernel 4.16 for Khadas VIM. The main functions work but there is no HW decoding yet.
  18. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what the problem is ?
  19. What power supply do you use ? All Armbian images are guaranteed to work with SD card and USB flash drive with the correct dtb file. What dtb file do you use in the 3.14 kernel image ? What firmware is installed in the VIM2 itself ?
  20. Show the output for the system with kernel 3.10
  21. Use a version with kernel 3.14. Kernel " 4.xx " is a test build, they use other drivers. See the kernel documentation for their description "4.xx".
  22. Use a version with kernel 3.14. It can be installed in the eMMC (in the subject about s905 is in the first message details of setup and installation).
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