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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Module loade ? sudo modprobe wifi_dummy or sudo modprobe dhd For autostart WiFi Add 1 new line to /etc/modules wifi_dummy or dhd
  2. Add image Debian XFCE+KODI Works for me VIM Pro. Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Debian_jessie_3.14.29_xfce_KODI_20170623.img.xz
  3. Try the latest image with KODI. It needs to work properly. Don't forget to use the correct dtb from VIM (copy "kvim.dtb" the "dtb.img" to root FAT).
  4. What firmware in the eMMC ? I have VIM Pro (Android 6), Inphic I7 Pro (s905x), S95 Tronsmart Telos\Pro (s905). Everything works. There are problems with stability, sometimes the sound hangs.
  5. Beta version (20170623). Image c KODI. This way works as usual with the primary setting. Volume expansion occurs automatically. Pay attention now to run KODI you need to use the tab menu (graphics\sound). Works addons\setings. To configure the WiFi - need to use the setting in the main system. KODI works with hardware and settings, which are executed in the primary system. For WiFi you need to register the correct module in the startup file (/etc/modules). Armbian_5.27_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_3.14.29_mate_KODI_20170623.img.xz
  6. Figured with the launch KODI from the average user. For this you need to add it to the group. To run the command "sudo usermod -a-G audio,video,disk,input,tty user" And edit the file /boot/hdmi.sh replace 1 to 0 . The line after editing should be "echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink" After these steps, you can launch KODI from the menu.
  7. Hi Nofan Tasi Kernel use of the former. I added the library and the driver for the FB and setings .
  8. A test image of Ubuntu Mate KODI. It's a predefined way. The user "user" password to "1". The user "root" password "root". Launch KODI should run as root user (open a console and execute "su -" enter passwd root "kodi"). This version of KODI normally plays full-screen video. After leaving their KODI the screen remains black, you need to switch to another console (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and switch back (Ctrl+Alt+F7). S9xx_Ubuntu_KODI_20170621_3_14_29.img.xz
  9. The expansion of the section need to be run from another system (not from the running system). You can use Linux on a PC (not install, run in LiveCD mode). You can run Armbian with a USB stick and run the extension on the TV console. By the way, many do not know, but if you have Armbian on the USB\SD card , you can perform all operations on unpacking and recording new images on the media box from Linux.
  10. A test image with ArchLinux+KODI. Pay attention, this is only early alpha and many things not working and you need to run manually. To run this you need an image that would have been activated multiboot (yet in this way there is no file to activate multi-boot) use. 1. Decompress and write to the media (note that the original image has a size of 2 GB, and after the free not space. To expand the second partition ext4 manually on all media) 2. If necessary, add correct dtb file with the name "dtb.img" 3. After system startup, log in as the root user and the root password. To start KODI, type the command "kodi". The system allows you to establish regular means (pacman) any packets. Setting , as usual in ArchLinux. https://yadi.sk/d/BbH_N6HFzvjhm S9xx_ArchLinux_KODI_20170620_3_14_29.img.xz Also on the website there are modified packages to install (kodi-aml and libgl-aml). A minimal set of packages for this version of the KODI - xorg-server, xf86-video-fbturbo-odroid-c2-git kodi-aml, libgl-aml. To set permissions you need to edit the file /boot/hdmi.sh (as usual in the images Armbian).
  11. I have not tested the multi-boot into Android 7. To All By the way, there's good news, with the help of user SFS (from Russian forum puppyrus) I've worc with KODI to play videos in standard Linux. Only on the basis of ArchLinux, but I hope it can be transferred to the Armbian. Now need time to go to collect and debug and assembe a complete system. If you would be willing to help testing KODI on the basis of ArchLinux - write. Also welcome assistance in building packages for Debian\Ubuntu (I have little experience in this).
  12. image Armbian Ubuntu Mate 20170601 root@amlogic:/home/user/gl4es# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib root@amlogic:/home/user/gl4es# glxgears LIBGL: Initialising gl4es LIBGL: v0.9.7 built on Jun 15 2017 19:13:38 LIBGL:loaded: libGLESv1_CM.so LIBGL:loaded: libEGL.so LIBGL: Extension glBlendColor found and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_point_sprite detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_point_size_array detected LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_framebuffer_object detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_depth24 detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_depth_texture detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_texture_cube_map detected and used LIBGL: Extension GL_OES_draw_texture detected and used LIBGL: Max texture size: 4096 LIBGL: Texture Units: 8, Max lights: 8, Max planes: 1 LIBGL: Implementation Read is GL_RGB/GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 LIBGL: Current folder is:/home/user/gl4es Error: couldn't open display (null)
  13. I updated the image with ArchLinux. Also added to the website test versions of packages with kernel 3.14 and 4.12 (for installation via pacman). What version of KODI are you trying to run ? You want to install Armbian (Linux) on the internal memory ? Add the file /etc/modules a new line with the name of the module (wifi_dummy). Soon to be updated to the image-4.12\13
  14. UART is needed to monitor the system boot process from the beginning (from start of u-boot). It shows everything that happens in the system.
  15. The version of the image NEXT assembled with the use of a common GIT next. Therefore, it is not those patches to be included in the second image (the patches Martin). Without the console UART is not possible to understand, what a mistake.
  16. What command do you give to load the WiFi module ?
  17. Multiboot you have already activated, so you can try to start system from USB (to capture the image on the USB flash drive and try all the dtb files).
  18. Try this one dtb. https://yadi.sk/d/CbI-DQSG3JzHyX
  19. 1. Button makes the built-in bootloader (u-boot) in the first place to look for on an external storage medium a file (aml_autoscript). If it is, go to it aml_autoscript. If there is no such file, the loader starts the built-in recovery mode. In theory, you could write your own version aml_autoscript that will load from external media new u-boot and will give him control. But it requires a good knowledge of the structure of u-boot (source code for your specific model) and the availability of special commands for the complete transfer of control the new u-boot on an external drive. 2. If you need to boot from external media (without making any changes multi-boot) you can rename the script s905_autoscript in aml_autoscript and pressing the button will immediately run the script to start the system from external media. In this embodiment, for system start up from external media will need to click when you enable this button.
  20. What version image are you trying to run ? You can connect the console UART ? You have the opportunity to run Lebreelec from external media ?
  21. Update image 4.x Armbian_5.27_S812_Ubuntu_xenial_4.12.0+_server_20170608
  22. 1. After the first command, you need to wait 1-2 minutes and check the network connections Manager the advent of Wi-Fi. If your desired network appears, you need to open the file /etc/modules and add on a new line the name of the module wifi_dummy. After that, reboot the system, if you did everything correctly, you should automatically see the wifi network at startup. 2. If the first module (wifi_dummy) network did not work. You need to run the second command "sudo modprobe dhd" . Notice all the letters exactly as written. Capitalization is important in LINUX. dhd is not equal DHD. Other actions with the dhd module are the same as in the first point.
  23. What's the problem, write concretely. I understand that it is independent building the kernel ? Turn off all the WiFi modules from startup, maybe the system is waiting for answer from them.
  24. 1. Directories with the same dtb. Multiple directories with the same files - the result of the installation kernel, the installation script makes an advance copy with the version name in case of error. 2. You need the files where the name has the specified value, prefixed with "meson" all the same. You can check all files to find the one with which the system will work better. 3. In the last images have already appeared of the topic. 4. A list of extra files I will check, but it can be tied to the build scripts and dependencies. Thank you for the test and information, it helps to improve the system.
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