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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. No, use the information from the topic about new images (with kernel 5).
  2. There is no guarantee that this will work for your TV box, but you can try adding a u-boot to the SD card for the s912.
  3. Write in detail what and how you did and what the result.
  4. I check the work, only together with the script s905_install. After using it, the system normally starts automatically from eMMC. Important. The eMMC device number changes when the SD card is connected. With SD card, the eMMC number will be mmcblk1. Without SD card number mmcblk0. This should be considered when creating a startup script from eMMC. Also in this u-boot "built" MBR partition table with two partitions, the first FAT and the second EXT4.
  5. Can you check the installation in eMMC on K2 ? After recording the Armbian image for the TV box (add u-boot to SD card and DTB settings), you need to download and copy these two files to the /root directory on the SD card. After starting the system from SD card to K2, you need to run the script s905_install.sh from the user "root". The script should install the system on eMMC and create a new u-boot (special version for eMMC). I have on S905 this works (I installed in eMMC the latest armbian image with kernel 5.3.0). Before starting the system SD card and run install on K2, to avoid side effects, you need to completely clean the eMMC. If the u-boot installation does not work from the script, you can re-write the file (uboot_s905_emmc_1m. img) to eMMC after the script runs s905_install.sh two commands dd if=uboot_s905_emmc_1m.img of=/dev/mmcblkX conv=fsync bs=1 count=442 dd if=uboot_s905_emmc_1m.img of=/dev/mmcblkX conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 https://yadi.sk/d/3RhEo60liJuTDw For a quick check, you can immediately write uboot_s905_emmc_1m.img to eMMC with a single DD command and check the overall launch of the u-boot itself with eMMC. After writing u-boot to eMMC, there should be a partition table (two partitions) on eMMC.
  6. New image 20191025 NEXT (kernel 5.4.0-rc4)
  7. This has been discussed many times. You incorrectly create a new password "root", or you have a defective media.
  8. Do not use u-boot-2015 from HK, it is protected and it will not work on other hardware. Have you tried to write to eMMC bootloader from SD card (u-boot.bin.sd.bin)?
  9. Did I understand correctly that you run with eMMC only works when the SD card is installed ? Without SD card (with mmc connected with bootloader) there is no output to UART console ?
  10. In this case, I was interested in the overall startup (works u-boot) in the LE image. Files from this u-boot I asked to check for work with Armbian. If LE normally starts with these files, then Armbian should start as well.
  11. It is advisable definitely to mention. Users often make a direct copy\paste and do not think where it originates (as part of the regular image of these files are not).
  12. Be sure to connect the HDMI output. Rebooting is a standard automatic procedure after the first system startup (after partition expansion). After the first reboot, the system should start and enable the initial setup wizard (waiting for answers from the user to HDMI). SSH is disabled by default on the first run (it is enabled either with an option on the command line or via the GUI on the running system). The u-boot files uploaded are taken from the Le operating system you are running.
  13. I correctly understood that nothing is displayed on the HDMI screen and the system hangs on this message for a long time (from the last UART log) ?
  14. Can you test running this image ? Download, unzip, burn to SD and without changing anything check the launch on K2. Show UART log. https://yadi.sk/d/x-iFZEvYeh6Tew
  15. Strange, According to LE users, this version of u-boot they run from the SD card. You can write and check the file "u-boot.bin" on the SD card ?
  16. You need to write the u-boot loader with two commands. Then the partition table is saved. dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442 dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905/wiki/s905_Unbrik_Amlogic_S905 You tried for eMMC the second file (u-boot.bin)?
  17. I checked on old USB 2.0 flash drives, reboot and shutdown work. I notice on different TV box models that rebooting and shutting down work better on slow devices than on fast ones.
  18. Checked the startup USB on MX-10. Works USB connector next to SD card. Normally run Armbian and Libreelec completely from USB.
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