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    fabiobassa got a reaction from tommy in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   

    uhmmmmm     .... how can i drive my car? uhmmm what car have you ? fuel, diesel, electric , horse power ..
    if you don't give more infos, actually our crystal ball is broken. Which wifi chip if ? ssv6051, spe... 8023cs ??
    And last thing, if it is working under armbian-config and not in user-space programs ( docker) try to ask in docker forums ;-)

    there is a lot of interest in retro gaming and graphics use of those box but if you have read the whole 3ad (  and I'm not sure you did.. )  you should also have read that gpu hardware acceleration is in some way conflicting with x11 server and this is the reason why it runs smoothly on android or libreelec that were compiled with good performance on graphics but not so well on linux desktop. You can try to mixt up things among armbian and libreelec that uses wayland instead of xorg, but this is on yourself
    And NO at the actual state of progress there is few possibilities that the things will go better on 322x


    pardon I didn't understand ! What you mean ? That your box is claiming have mega mega mega tons or gigatons of ram and you see only one or two ?

  2. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    @Willy Moto Yes, your observation is right: load average is broken on legacy kernel. For some reason, it idles with a value of 4.00, where instead mainline kernel correctly idles with a value of 0.00
  3. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to SteeMan in Trying to learn more about u-boot for amlogic devices.   
    @Sameer9793  The TV Box environment for amlogic and rockchip is very different.  In these forums there are two threads that cover a lot of the rockchip varients (https://forum.armbian.com/topic/12656-csc-armbian-for-rk322x-tv-boxes and https://forum.armbian.com/topic/17597-csc-armbian-for-rk3318rk3328-tv-box-boards)
    @jock and @fabiobassa are the two experts in that area in the forum.
  4. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from ArkhanLK in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    and this assemption is soooo far away from the truth that you can imagine. Imagine those big factory that assemblies boxes, one factory.. many reseller !
    And in a certain moment a employee says " hey boss.. we finished ddr 3 ram and we have only ddr 2 now"
    And the boss answers " doesn't matter take the ddr 2 put in washing machine, erase old name and put on chip the right ddr  3 name and assembly 1000 other fuc**ng box!!  "
    This taht could sems just a lie or a joke I believe happenns very most often than we can even imagine
    Do you know how many box i have ABSOLUTELY  egual in name, brand shape, even names of chips inside.. and the uart log tells me the REAL SITUATION?

    Plenty !!! And me and @jock bumping head in the wall because one box working and the other NO ?!!!!

    So only solution is nice uart log or short the emmc/nand pins so you are sure you booting in maskrom and program a generic android even older that puts vesry piece in the right place of internal memory so you can start form scratch again
    Those box are quite unbrickable, and NO multitool and other tools offered with great generosity from jock cannot " destroy" boxes
  5. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    and this assemption is soooo far away from the truth that you can imagine. Imagine those big factory that assemblies boxes, one factory.. many reseller !
    And in a certain moment a employee says " hey boss.. we finished ddr 3 ram and we have only ddr 2 now"
    And the boss answers " doesn't matter take the ddr 2 put in washing machine, erase old name and put on chip the right ddr  3 name and assembly 1000 other fuc**ng box!!  "
    This taht could sems just a lie or a joke I believe happenns very most often than we can even imagine
    Do you know how many box i have ABSOLUTELY  egual in name, brand shape, even names of chips inside.. and the uart log tells me the REAL SITUATION?

    Plenty !!! And me and @jock bumping head in the wall because one box working and the other NO ?!!!!

    So only solution is nice uart log or short the emmc/nand pins so you are sure you booting in maskrom and program a generic android even older that puts vesry piece in the right place of internal memory so you can start form scratch again
    Those box are quite unbrickable, and NO multitool and other tools offered with great generosity from jock cannot " destroy" boxes
  6. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Here are some photos of my TV box for your inspection.  Though @jock already said it's a NAND memory model.
    Do you think it's a good idea if I replace the CPU heatsink with a larger one to increase the cooling effect? 


  7. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Hello all nice people, let me do this post since I repute it very important.
    There is a lot of people actively deploying things on rk 322x and rk 3318, some  media oriented things ( libreelec, kodi ) some desktop and servers applications.
    Now.......it happens that @jock and my self are actively working on those two platforms because I was so lucky in the past to buy for really few bucks ( and i say FEW )  more than 50 different boards reputed faulty, and there were not, just wrong firmware.
    But in this big STOCK of boards mostly were 322x ( 3228 3228a 3229 ) and ONLY ONE was 3318,and again I repeat just ONE 3318
    So it happens that quite EVERY  question on 322x we can answer with sufficient level of accurancy, but on 3318 our experience is limited on HK1,  that is a circle box without display.
    Every single help, every single uart log, bootlog any elselog is a mine of infos for us, in particular @jock , but at the same time is really hard provide you a satisfactory answer without debug info, our crystal ball is actually broken

    Help us to help you providing as much infos possible and not just saying " it doesn't boot" because in that way is a hard stuff to solve.


  8. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   

    This is a very aggressive way to find the exact  clock-pin of emmc and also very DANGEROUS. Luckly throught 1k resistor the current will be quite low, but the possibility to destroy some cmos part is still HIGH. The only way to be sure that you managing the righ emmc clock point is discovering it  with an OSCILLOSCOPE , as I did the very first time i managed to find on my board, but again unfortunately my board is different from yours !!!!!!!

    And as @jock already said , is needed more debug informations. Without a UART log we are pretty blind and also trying to help you is at the moment hard because lack of infos ( wrong ddrbin ? wrong trust-os?? wrong u-boot??? )
  9. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to AlwinLub in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    A couple of days have passed since my last post, and i must say, congrats @jock on your awesome work.
    The build is running smoothly without any hiccups or other noteworthy bugs. After optimizing my Kivy app a bit more, the whole interface runs at a steady 60-120 fps.
    I'm currently researching hardware accelerated video encoding to make the whole show complete (but, as you may have guessed, i know nothing about).
    I've read about the 'Rockchip-linux' github repositories, but it seems like it's waaay out of my league, but i will try to make the best of it as i continue to learn.
    HDMI audio didn't work right out of the box, you'll have to switch the default ALSA output (since the card gets recognized just fine)
    Edit (or create) /etc/asound.conf and insert the following:
    defaults.pcm.card 2 defaults.ctl.card 2  
    Reboot the box (or restart apps using audio output) and voilà. If that does not work, try searching for your 'HDMI' card using 'aplay --list-devices' and replace the number '2' with the one of your desired output.
  10. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    you are welcome to test every single image jock is assemblying bit I don't think this is the right approach to this CCS case community study on rk3318 and generally on every tvbox and every soc born to do other things in their life ( TVBOX !!!!)

    Just reporting " this doesn't work" or " this is lagged" or can you test cpu at 1.3 or 1,8 Ghz is overhealming problem of those @jock ( and me, but I am more the hardware man..) is already informed
    Until the whole X system isn't mature , every single piece is on place, every right library is in the right directory I think that we can enjoy the steps every day we are doing together, and what Jock did is so big step that mostly of ourselves can't believe !

    At the actual state of the art there is none or few chanches that every thing will work out of the box. Study first the whole picture and then go deep in particular features

    But the road is signed !!!
  11. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   

    well done !!
  12. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    you are welcome to test every single image jock is assemblying bit I don't think this is the right approach to this CCS case community study on rk3318 and generally on every tvbox and every soc born to do other things in their life ( TVBOX !!!!)

    Just reporting " this doesn't work" or " this is lagged" or can you test cpu at 1.3 or 1,8 Ghz is overhealming problem of those @jock ( and me, but I am more the hardware man..) is already informed
    Until the whole X system isn't mature , every single piece is on place, every right library is in the right directory I think that we can enjoy the steps every day we are doing together, and what Jock did is so big step that mostly of ourselves can't believe !

    At the actual state of the art there is none or few chanches that every thing will work out of the box. Study first the whole picture and then go deep in particular features

    But the road is signed !!!
  13. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to pakos96 in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    thanks for your reply. Sorry but I can only reply to the topic once a day. I've installed the minimal version and it's ok. No problem so far. I sent the links in the previous message in the hope that you can find something useful. I hope so
    I don't want to get the idea that I complained that it was "lagging" but it was just to be able to provide more information about my tv box and help in some way with the development.
    These are the double-sided photos of the card (if it can help):

    I am currently using the limited 1.1GHz version (although in reality the max speed is 1.01GHz), I have installed pi-hole and unbound and have not noticed any problems at the moment.
    Thanks again!
  14. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to Slider in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Sorry for my late reply, but looks forum not allow me to post more once per day.
    And Yes, you are right! I also found this step, and now latest armbian on this box :).
    I burn multitool to both sdcard and USB Stick, so it can boot. Booting from USB stick, but then works with sdcard (resize partition and search img files in images dir)
    About pictures, it is below:
    ROM - 16G eMMC Samsung KLMAG2WEMB-B031
    RAM - 4x4Gb DDR3 Samsung K4B4G0446B-HYK0
    WiFi - SV6051P

  15. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to AlwinLub in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    First things first; i haven't experienced any panics, crashes or other similar bugs. The new image runs smoothly as far as i can tell.
    Seondly; Kivy finally *bleep* works. After compiling 20+ builds with different configurations, throwing the tv off the wall, buying a new tv and starting all over again, i found out that the issue was to do with Mesa not playing nice with the anti-aliasing Kivy applied, which resulted in a black screen. It still runs at 10-15 fps, but i think that's due to this build of Kivy being built with OpenGL instead of OpenGL ES, so i'm currently in the process of building Kivy with GLES support. At least we're making progress and i can't thank you guys enough for thinking this trough with me (or actually 'for me').
    So for anyone who happens to come across this post with the same problem, set the 'multisamples' in the 'graphics' config to '0' like this (which may or may not help for you):

    EDIT: After building Kivy with OpenGL ES support, the whole ui works smoothly at around 30 - 70fps. Have a good weekend!
  16. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to usual user in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Then why not start, @jock has announced new versions and the links on the first page are already up?
  17. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    All bootloaders allows that, just because the bootloader is not involved in.
    The kernel driver does the thing: it wasn't there before, hence for performance reason booting at high DRAM frequency was good. Now it the driver is there, so there is no necessity to boot at high DRAM frequency because the driver can do the thing during run-time.
    You board however has NAND 100%, see clarification on first page.
  18. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    It becames to be the normality this odd behaviour of the loader so is good idea sit on the most compatible and left out the newer boards that need the famous 2t initialisation
    @Willy Moto
    The 2.51 is somehow I call the definitive ERASER 
    We discovered that old 2.47 +but ALWAYS spectec in name ) is one of the most compatible loader ever.
    Stay tuned because exactly in these days jock and me actively discovering more odds behaviour on some boards ( x96 mini e.g.) and trying to solve them. Are you sure your board IS NOT a emcp board instead of emmc or nand ?
  19. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Willy Moto in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Ciao Gianluca, molti italiani qui

    That is because in repository of armbian (  could be or could be not ) your deb doesn't exist!!
    I am not very fan of docker and I installed home assistant just once.. and it worked.

    But since not really interested in HA I deleted the steps to install docker . Sorry. Have a look for some instruction how to install docker on raspberry and choose the ARMHF architecture, NOT the aarc64

    Ican only say to you it worked smooth !
  20. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    I didn't see any overclocked dtb file here around... however I'm not really fond of overclocking for these chips: they already are scrap parts that somehow reach the nominal frequencies. Some of the rk3318 boxes are also downclocked by manufacturers to 1.1 Ghz to be stable, overclocking is not something I would really love about. It's already hard to get the things together and make the board working stable enough. Adding another big source of instability... hmm I don't think it is a wise idea.
  21. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to Wester_Minsk in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    14 hours up time on eMMC, with  Doker +HA + Pihole load. 
    At the beginning there was one freeze, after which I removed the parameter "rk3318-box-emmc-hc200"  from the armbian-config. 
    Then it works stably. 
    This is already much better than it was, the changes are obvious. 
    I will pick up a good sdcard, and start from it to eliminate the eMMC problem and continue testing. 
  22. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to Wester_Minsk in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   

  23. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Wester_Minsk in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    Consider that I have plenty of 3318 faulty. Those that are faulty completely is a form of "good luck"
    Those with intermittent fault are the worst , also because when they freeze nothing is written in logs.
    This kind of freezing could be related to faulty emmc or/and DDR. Especially because you say that have to flash back every thing on emmc
    One test , if you haven't already done , could be run every thing from SD. In other words erase emmc and do all the testing on SD.
    if freezing doesn't occur you have your answer
  24. Like
    fabiobassa got a reaction from Imad Addin in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    @Imad Addin
    the link is working fine. Try again tomorrow maybe, some route down maybe
  25. Like
    fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards   
    @Wester_Minskno, you misread the datasheet.
    Each chip is 2gbit, you have 8, then it's 16gbit / 8 = 2 gbyte, no way out. The specs given by the manufacturer are fake.
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