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    CryBaby got a reaction from Ami77 in Armbian - what kind of error is this?   
    That does look like a bad SD card. If another one works that would tend to confirm it.
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    CryBaby got a reaction from Ami77 in Armbian - what kind of error is this?   
    I would guess you have fiddled with /etc/fstab or copied your root partition from elsewhere without fiddling with your /etc/fstab. Or maybe /boot/armbianEnv.txt
    At any rate, the kernel is looking for a partition with UUID=0b77.... to mount at / but isn't finding it. So you need to either change the UUID it is looking for to the one your root partition has, or change your root partition to have the UUID it is looking for.
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    CryBaby got a reaction from Werner in Orange Pi 5 USB-TTL Output Garbled Characters   
    I think the one you have will be fine. Just don't connect the red wire, even on boards which have 4 pins.
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    CryBaby got a reaction from TRS-80 in Trying to control MPV Player through a python script   
    #!/bin/bash TOP=/home/share/video/music if [ -n "$1" ]; then TOP=$1 fi OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' find $TOP -name "*.[maowf][povgklm][gvim]" -print | shuf -n 100 > randomplaylist mpv -fs -vf=pp=de --playlist=randomplaylist rm randomplaylist IFS=$OLDIFS This will play 100 randomly selected files from /home/share/video/music and subdirectories or whatever directory you pass on the command line.
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    CryBaby got a reaction from Igor in Ambian's password rules are making me think that running Armbian is a mistake   
    This is the real solution. Annoying passwords are only enforced at installation. Change it straight afterwards and forget the annoying one.
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    CryBaby got a reaction from Werner in SSH connection refused from windoze (11 enterprise) ethernet   
    Unlikely, unless the PC is ancient. Most interfaces these days have auto-MDI-X.
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    CryBaby got a reaction from virgosystems in SSH connection refused from windoze (11 enterprise) ethernet   
    Is sshd running on your Pi? What do its logs say?
    Does your network have a route from to Can you ping it?
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    CryBaby got a reaction from Werner in Board Bring Up Station P2 rk3568, M2 rk3566   
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    CryBaby got a reaction from lanefu in Board Bring Up Station P2 rk3568, M2 rk3566   
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