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    Kwiboo got a reaction from Werner in Rock 3B armbian   
    There should only be an issue when someone use boot firmware intended for a different board.
    Please read the patch thread, the patch was partially rejected.
    If you want to do a custom patch just replace ethernet-phy-ieee802.3-c22 with ethernet-phy-id001c.c916 in Linux device tree.
  2. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from denni_isl in 4k HDMI output   
    I have some work-in-progress patches at https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/next-20200501...next-20200501-drm-rockchip that should enable up to 4k30hz hdmi modes on rk3399.
    My focus switched to rkvdec so these patches have been on hold for some time, they need to be synced with some of my older rk3328 patches for 420-mode support before they can be sent upstream. With 10-bit decoding now working I am expecting readying 4k/10-bit hdmi patches to be more fun :-)
  3. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from aaditya in Mainline VPU   
    Thanks for testing!, kodi has just moved to ffmpeg 4.3 so LibreELEC will follow as soon as all ffmpeg patches has been rebased.
    Do you have a sample to share? Also note that only Profile 0 is supported and videos using frame resize is expected to have issues.
    I do not expect these formats to work, the kodi drmprime video codec and renderer sw decoding parts have mainly been tested with 8-bit video.
    The crash should probably be fixed, unfortunately 10/12-bit sw decoding is not high on priority list, in future when ffmpeg filters are supported in kodi drmprime video codec converting to a 8-bit pixel format may be possible.
  4. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from aaditya in Mainline VPU   
    Thanks for testing, normally I try to keep ffmpeg_v4l2-request-hwaccel-master and ffmpeg_v4l2-request-hwaccel-4.2.2 in sync but I have not yet updated or tested the -master branch, I will try to update it in next few days.
    Background on my different ffmpeg branches:
    v4l2-request-hwaccel-x.y.z: Main branch that most of the time matches the patches used in LibreELEC master, x.y.z (4.2.2) matches the ffmpeg version used in Kodi master. This branch is usually tested on Rockchip/hantro/rkvdec by me and on Allwinner/cedrus by @jernej, fixup commits usually gets squashed right before we pick out a new patchset for use in LibreELEC.
    v4l2-request-hwaccel-master: This branch should contain the patches in v4l2-request-hwaccel-x.y.z on top of ffmpeg master, may see some delays at times.
    v4l2-request-hwaccel-4.2.2-rkvdec: work-in-progress branch for parts that currently only is expected to work on rockchip/rkvdec, e.g. 10-bit hevc decoding on cedrus stops working in this branch due to patches to handle rkvdec 10-bit decoding, patches should eventually flow to -x.y.z/-master branches once ready.
  5. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Sash0k in Mainline VPU   
    That branch was just something I played with for stateful decoding on RPi and Amlogic and not something that was finished nor do I expect it to be working.
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/FFmpeg/commits/v4l2-request-hwaccel-4.2.2 is the branch we use in LibreELEC. I was able to hw decode h264 with that branch and vanilla linux 5.6.6 on my RK3288 Tinker Board S a few hours ago.
    Also you should not need the --enable-libv4l2 configure flag, --enable-libdrm --enable-v4l2-request --enable-libudev should be enough to enable the request api hwaccels.
    What device are you testing on? I have not done any testing with rkvdec driver and there is no rk3328/rk3399 hantro driver for h264 in upstream media tree. Mpeg-2 and VP8 should work across rk3288/rk3328/rk3399.
    I do not expect h264 rkvdec to be working without changes to ffmpeg since there was some flags that got changed and now do not match between upstream rkvdec driver and my ffmpeg branch.
    I am hoping to get some time this weekend to update ffmpeg to work with rkvdec and hopefully submit the initial hantro h264 decoder for rk3328/rk3399 vpu2 to upstream.
  6. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from gounthar in 4k HDMI output   
    I have some work-in-progress patches at https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/next-20200501...next-20200501-drm-rockchip that should enable up to 4k30hz hdmi modes on rk3399.
    My focus switched to rkvdec so these patches have been on hold for some time, they need to be synced with some of my older rk3328 patches for 420-mode support before they can be sent upstream. With 10-bit decoding now working I am expecting readying 4k/10-bit hdmi patches to be more fun :-)
  7. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from aaditya in 4k HDMI output   
    I have some work-in-progress patches at https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/next-20200501...next-20200501-drm-rockchip that should enable up to 4k30hz hdmi modes on rk3399.
    My focus switched to rkvdec so these patches have been on hold for some time, they need to be synced with some of my older rk3328 patches for 420-mode support before they can be sent upstream. With 10-bit decoding now working I am expecting readying 4k/10-bit hdmi patches to be more fun :-)
  8. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in Mainline VPU   
    No problems! :-)
    I can recommend you to look at https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/commits/linuxtv-rkvdec-work-in-progress that is the branch that will continue to see updates as I prepare ongoing work for upstream.
    With this updated branch (work rebased on top of media_tree master) and latest 4.2.2-rkvdec ffmpeg branch vp9, h264 (high 10 and high 422) and hevc (main 10) should be usable.
    There is still one bit not properly being configured for hevc so there are some videos that produce small artifacts while decoding.
    Hoping to have initial patchset with focus on rkvdec fixes and rkvdec/hantro support for h264 interlaced/field encoded on media mailing list before the weekend is over :-)
  9. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from jock in Mainline VPU   
    That branch was just something I played with for stateful decoding on RPi and Amlogic and not something that was finished nor do I expect it to be working.
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/FFmpeg/commits/v4l2-request-hwaccel-4.2.2 is the branch we use in LibreELEC. I was able to hw decode h264 with that branch and vanilla linux 5.6.6 on my RK3288 Tinker Board S a few hours ago.
    Also you should not need the --enable-libv4l2 configure flag, --enable-libdrm --enable-v4l2-request --enable-libudev should be enough to enable the request api hwaccels.
    What device are you testing on? I have not done any testing with rkvdec driver and there is no rk3328/rk3399 hantro driver for h264 in upstream media tree. Mpeg-2 and VP8 should work across rk3288/rk3328/rk3399.
    I do not expect h264 rkvdec to be working without changes to ffmpeg since there was some flags that got changed and now do not match between upstream rkvdec driver and my ffmpeg branch.
    I am hoping to get some time this weekend to update ffmpeg to work with rkvdec and hopefully submit the initial hantro h264 decoder for rk3328/rk3399 vpu2 to upstream.
  10. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from aaditya in Mainline VPU   
    That branch was just something I played with for stateful decoding on RPi and Amlogic and not something that was finished nor do I expect it to be working.
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/FFmpeg/commits/v4l2-request-hwaccel-4.2.2 is the branch we use in LibreELEC. I was able to hw decode h264 with that branch and vanilla linux 5.6.6 on my RK3288 Tinker Board S a few hours ago.
    Also you should not need the --enable-libv4l2 configure flag, --enable-libdrm --enable-v4l2-request --enable-libudev should be enough to enable the request api hwaccels.
    What device are you testing on? I have not done any testing with rkvdec driver and there is no rk3328/rk3399 hantro driver for h264 in upstream media tree. Mpeg-2 and VP8 should work across rk3288/rk3328/rk3399.
    I do not expect h264 rkvdec to be working without changes to ffmpeg since there was some flags that got changed and now do not match between upstream rkvdec driver and my ffmpeg branch.
    I am hoping to get some time this weekend to update ffmpeg to work with rkvdec and hopefully submit the initial hantro h264 decoder for rk3328/rk3399 vpu2 to upstream.
  11. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from aaditya in Armbian v20.05 (Kagu) Planning Thread   
    Yes, I have had VPU working on 5.4 kernel since the new year started, my test images from 31 dec / 1 jan at http://kwiboo.libreelec.tv/test/ should "work", at least for MPEG-2, H264 and VP8 codecs on RK3288, RK3328 and RK3399.
    The VPU patchset used in LibreELEC has not been touched/rebased for 5.5/5.6 yet, but I am hoping to get some time to work on that later this weekend and next week.
  12. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in Armbian v20.05 (Kagu) Planning Thread   
    Yes, I have had VPU working on 5.4 kernel since the new year started, my test images from 31 dec / 1 jan at http://kwiboo.libreelec.tv/test/ should "work", at least for MPEG-2, H264 and VP8 codecs on RK3288, RK3328 and RK3399.
    The VPU patchset used in LibreELEC has not been touched/rebased for 5.5/5.6 yet, but I am hoping to get some time to work on that later this weekend and next week.
  13. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    @Myy I pushed some updated kernel branches to my linux-rockchip repo today that may help you get the vpu driver running.
    Earlier this week I sent out my ffmpeg V4L2 request API hwaccel as RFC on ffmpeg-devel mailing list, see http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2019-April/242316.html
    Important device tree and clk patches have already been merged or is queued for v5.1/v5.2.
    If you apply both of these two patches on top of v5.0.7 you should have a kernel with working vpu mpeg-2 driver for rk3288, rk3328 and rk3399:
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0.7...rockchip-5.x-hdmi-sound.patch - contains all mmind/for-next patches merged/queued for v5.1/v5.2 + few patches from mailing list + my hdmi sound and cec patches
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0.7...rockchip-5.x-vpu-v2.patch - contains all v4l2 related media tree patches merged/queued for v5.1/v5.2 + Ezequiel rockchip vpu v2 patchset + my additions for rk3288 and rk3328
    If you do not care for hdmi sound or cec improvements you can instead use the fromlist patch:
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0.7...rockchip-5.x-fromlist.patch - contains all mmind/for-next patches merged/queued for v5.1/v5.2 + few patches from mailing list
    For mali kernel driver I recommend https://github.com/Kwiboo/mali-rockchip/commits/utgard-r9p0, see below how I build it:
    make_target() { kernel_make -C $(kernel_path) M=$PKG_BUILD/driver/src/devicedrv/mali \ MALI_PLATFORM_FILES=platform/rk/rk.c GIT_REV="" \ EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DCONFIG_MALI400=1 -DCONFIG_MALI450=1 -DCONFIG_MALI470=1 -DMALI_FAKE_PLATFORM_DEVICE=1 -DCONFIG_MALI_DMA_BUF_MAP_ON_ATTACH -DCONFIG_MALI_DT" \ CONFIG_MALI400=m CONFIG_MALI450=y CONFIG_MALI470=y CONFIG_MALI_DMA_BUF_MAP_ON_ATTACH=y CONFIG_MALI_DT=y \ modules } makeinstall_target() { kernel_make -C $(kernel_path) M=$PKG_BUILD/driver/src/devicedrv/mali \ INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$INSTALL/$(get_kernel_overlay_dir) INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 DEPMOD=: \ modules_install }  
  14. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    I have not yet tested lima or panfrost drivers since libmali is working better for my use case, will switch to lima and panfrost in future.
    For midgard mali driver I am using https://github.com/Kwiboo/mali-rockchip/commits/midgard-r28p0 (contains a restore 10.6 api commit that makes it work with rk r14p0 libmali)
    See https://github.com/Kwiboo/LibreELEC.tv/blob/rockchip-5.x/projects/Rockchip/packages/mali-midgard-rockchip/package.mk for how I build the midgard driver.
    The midgard rk platform code is doing some unnecessary dev_info logging, but driver runs with mainline device trees on both rk3288 and rk3399.
    I am not sure the v4l2 testing tools by bootlin etc is working with rockchip vpu driver (nothing I have ever tested).
    The ffmpeg hwaccel from https://github.com/Kwiboo/FFmpeg/commits/v4l2-request-hwaccel and mpv patched with https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/6461 should work for both cedrus and rockchip vpu driver.
    kodi-gbm should also work as long as ffmpeg used is patched and is built with --enable-v4l2-request --enable-libudev --enable-libdrm
  15. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from TonyMac32 in The VPU driver   
    @Myy I pushed some updated kernel branches to my linux-rockchip repo today that may help you get the vpu driver running.
    Earlier this week I sent out my ffmpeg V4L2 request API hwaccel as RFC on ffmpeg-devel mailing list, see http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2019-April/242316.html
    Important device tree and clk patches have already been merged or is queued for v5.1/v5.2.
    If you apply both of these two patches on top of v5.0.7 you should have a kernel with working vpu mpeg-2 driver for rk3288, rk3328 and rk3399:
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0.7...rockchip-5.x-hdmi-sound.patch - contains all mmind/for-next patches merged/queued for v5.1/v5.2 + few patches from mailing list + my hdmi sound and cec patches
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0.7...rockchip-5.x-vpu-v2.patch - contains all v4l2 related media tree patches merged/queued for v5.1/v5.2 + Ezequiel rockchip vpu v2 patchset + my additions for rk3288 and rk3328
    If you do not care for hdmi sound or cec improvements you can instead use the fromlist patch:
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0.7...rockchip-5.x-fromlist.patch - contains all mmind/for-next patches merged/queued for v5.1/v5.2 + few patches from mailing list
    For mali kernel driver I recommend https://github.com/Kwiboo/mali-rockchip/commits/utgard-r9p0, see below how I build it:
    make_target() { kernel_make -C $(kernel_path) M=$PKG_BUILD/driver/src/devicedrv/mali \ MALI_PLATFORM_FILES=platform/rk/rk.c GIT_REV="" \ EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DCONFIG_MALI400=1 -DCONFIG_MALI450=1 -DCONFIG_MALI470=1 -DMALI_FAKE_PLATFORM_DEVICE=1 -DCONFIG_MALI_DMA_BUF_MAP_ON_ATTACH -DCONFIG_MALI_DT" \ CONFIG_MALI400=m CONFIG_MALI450=y CONFIG_MALI470=y CONFIG_MALI_DMA_BUF_MAP_ON_ATTACH=y CONFIG_MALI_DT=y \ modules } makeinstall_target() { kernel_make -C $(kernel_path) M=$PKG_BUILD/driver/src/devicedrv/mali \ INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$INSTALL/$(get_kernel_overlay_dir) INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 DEPMOD=: \ modules_install }  
  16. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    Sounds like it is linking to the static ffmpeg? I added the libudev dependancy to ffmpeg and only tested it on LibreELEC buildsystem where proper pkg-config file exists for libudev and -ludev is added correctly.
    Do you have full ffmpeg debug log? On my Tinker Board there is one media and three video devices and the v4l2_request probe code will try all media and related video devices until a video device supporting requested format is found.
    On Tinker Board the jpeg encoder is probed before the decoder and one output format not found is expected.
    Run mpv with --msg-level=ffmpeg=trace to get ffmpeg debug log.
    Output from v4l2-ctl --device /dev/video0 --all (and the other 2-3 video devices could be helpful to see if the MP2S format is supported).
  17. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    I never tested v4l2-request-test only peeked at the code to try and learn how to call the request api.
    The mpeg2/h264/hevc v4l2 ctrls currently lives in private kernel headers causing some troubles for user-space.
    My kernel vpu patcheset includes a revert to make the mpeg2 ctrl public and the hwaccel expects this, I plan to bundle the ctrl headers in next update to hwaccel.
  18. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from petatester in The VPU driver   
    @Myy The patches I have in my rockchip-5.x-vpu branch is on top of v5.0-rc6 + mmind/for-next and not a rockchip tree.
    All vpu related patches needed on top of v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    List of mmind/for-next patches rebased on v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x (patch)
    VPU related patches on top of mmind/for-next: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/rockchip-5.x...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    I have started to send some of my patches to linux mailing list and more will follow.
  19. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    @Myy The patches I have in my rockchip-5.x-vpu branch is on top of v5.0-rc6 + mmind/for-next and not a rockchip tree.
    All vpu related patches needed on top of v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    List of mmind/for-next patches rebased on v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x (patch)
    VPU related patches on top of mmind/for-next: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/rockchip-5.x...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    I have started to send some of my patches to linux mailing list and more will follow.
  20. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from chwe in The VPU driver   
    @Myy The patches I have in my rockchip-5.x-vpu branch is on top of v5.0-rc6 + mmind/for-next and not a rockchip tree.
    All vpu related patches needed on top of v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    List of mmind/for-next patches rebased on v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x (patch)
    VPU related patches on top of mmind/for-next: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/rockchip-5.x...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    I have started to send some of my patches to linux mailing list and more will follow.
  21. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from TonyMac32 in The VPU driver   
    @Myy The patches I have in my rockchip-5.x-vpu branch is on top of v5.0-rc6 + mmind/for-next and not a rockchip tree.
    All vpu related patches needed on top of v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    List of mmind/for-next patches rebased on v5.0-rc6: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/v5.0-rc6...rockchip-5.x (patch)
    VPU related patches on top of mmind/for-next: https://github.com/Kwiboo/linux-rockchip/compare/rockchip-5.x...rockchip-5.x-vpu (patch)
    I have started to send some of my patches to linux mailing list and more will follow.
  22. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    https://github.com/Kwiboo/rockchip-vpu-regtool may also be interesting, it generated the template vpu code used for the rk mpeg-2 decoder.
    I will push an update including txt-files with hw regs that needs to be set for other codecs later, buffer and reference frame handling code will need to be created by hand.
  23. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from Myy in The VPU driver   
    For mpeg-2 on rk3288/rk3328 there are some other patches needed, see my rockchip-5.x-vpu branch for working rk3288/rk3328 mpeg-2 decoding on v5.0-rc6. clk, drm and dts patches will be sent upstream any day now.
    Also check out https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/6461 and the linked ffmpeg hwaccel if you want to use mpv or kodi-gbm for testing, I recently pushed dynamic selection of media/video device to hwaccel so should work without forcing decoder to /dev/video0.
    I pushed two libreelec test images to http://kwiboo.libreelec.tv/test/ for tinker board and rock64 if you want to test mpeg-2 decoder, it includes patches from my rockchip-5.x-rebase and rockchip-5.x-vpu linux branch.
  24. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from balbes150 in The VPU driver   
    For mpeg-2 on rk3288/rk3328 there are some other patches needed, see my rockchip-5.x-vpu branch for working rk3288/rk3328 mpeg-2 decoding on v5.0-rc6. clk, drm and dts patches will be sent upstream any day now.
    Also check out https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/pull/6461 and the linked ffmpeg hwaccel if you want to use mpv or kodi-gbm for testing, I recently pushed dynamic selection of media/video device to hwaccel so should work without forcing decoder to /dev/video0.
    I pushed two libreelec test images to http://kwiboo.libreelec.tv/test/ for tinker board and rock64 if you want to test mpeg-2 decoder, it includes patches from my rockchip-5.x-rebase and rockchip-5.x-vpu linux branch.
  25. Like
    Kwiboo got a reaction from valant in ROCK64   
    Until Rockchip finished the SPL+DRAM init code for RK3328 we have to use the ddr+miniloader blobs to start u-boot, https://github.com/rockchip-linux/build/blob/debian/mk-uboot.sh#L48-L77 generates working idbloader.img, uboot.img and trust.img using tools and blobs from the rkbin repo.
    The BootROM will look for idbloader.img at 0x40 on SPI/eMMC/SD, and the miniloader will expect uboot.img+trust.img at 0x4000 and 0x6000 on the same device it loaded idbloader.img from, the miniloader before v2.43 had a bug that would always load uboot+trust from eMMC (or possibly SPI).
    http://opensource.rock-chips.com/wiki_Boot_option have some details on the boot process.
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