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How can I debug kernel source code in armbian build system very simply?

Each build will need to download source code from the git hub , if add a line of source code,also need  patch again,  but the process need very super time, what is the simple method?




unsure if you want to debug the kernel or want to patch a kernel


if you are using "lib" tool to create kernel or image, have a look at the  "userpatches" folder


on my VM dedicated to Armbian tool, look at my sections related to lamobo-r1 "sunxi-next" (patch & kernel config)




root@server1404:~/armbian# ls
compile.sh  compile.sh~  lib  output  sources  toolchains  userpatches

root@server1404:~/armbian# tree userpatches/
|-- customize-image.sh
|-- kernel
|   |-- sunxi-next
|   |   |-- 0001-crypto-sun4i-ss-support-the-Security-System-PRNG.patch
|   |   |-- X101-golfromeo.cpu.gmac.patch
|   |   |-- lamobo-r1
|   |-- udoo-default
|   `-- udoo-next
|-- linux-sunxi-next.config -> ../sources/linux-vanilla/config-sunxi
|-- misc
|-- overlay
|-- patch
`-- u-boot
    |-- u-boot-default
    |-- u-boot-dev
    |-- u-boot-neo-default
    |-- u-boot-next




@zhao_steven, you can avoid the github checkout if you wish to do incremental builds using "FORCE_CHECKOUT=no".


Than our patches doesn't work since we don't start with clean code.  :huh:


So we added debug mode, which stops the compilation and waits that user made some changes and produce a patch afterwards. This is o.k. for tiny and known changes, but when there is a lot to do?



I reworked this part. How it works?


1. Compile with DEBUG_MODE=yes

2. You are prompted to make u-boot changes. Your previous created patch in this process is already included.

3. Patch is (re)created in:


4. You are prompted to make kernel changes. Your previous created patch in this process is already included.

5. Patch is (re)created in:




When you are satisfied with your work, move this patch set to your:

# or

or eventually sent patches to include them into regular build.



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