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Armbian 20.05.2 Tinkerboard buster not working


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On 7/18/2020 at 4:10 PM, EddyBB said:

is this for the "Tinker S" otherwise is a kind of joke...


Armbian images are tested - we don't want to waste your time ... but did you read what's written on the download pages? Tinkerboard has some critical problems, which are impossible to fix in software.

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  • Igor changed the title to Armbian 20.05.2 Tinkerboard buster not working

Just tried it today, but without network though. It boots correctly. There's no desktop, obviously, since it's a minimal image. But I was able to log-in as root, add a user, reboot a few times and log-in as the user.

Could you tell us what's happening actually ?


No Tinkerboard led ? Stays red without any activity ? It boots without HDMI ? An error message appears ?


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