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Can not find image to download for TX3 mini

Ngo Thang

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11 minutes ago, tranhoangtech said:

I install Armbian susscesfully. BUT audio jack dont working

I'm glad you were able to get armbian running.  You should not however expect that you will be able to get the analog audio jack to work.  Along with wifi/bluetooth it is highly unlikely that anything other than audio over hdmi is going to work on a TV box like this.  If you haven't already, please read the "Please Read First" post to familiarize yourself with what you can hope will work.


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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

On 12/24/2020 at 9:21 PM, SteeMan said:

I'm glad you were able to get armbian running.  You should not however expect that you will be able to get the analog audio jack to work.  Along with wifi/bluetooth it is highly unlikely that anything other than audio over hdmi is going to work on a TV box like this.  If you haven't already, please read the "Please Read First" post to familiarize yourself with what you can hope will work.



It's a clear explaination. Thank you very much

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On 12/23/2020 at 3:11 PM, SteeMan said:

I don't have working wifi on any tv box I own.  That is why I always stress not to expect to be able to use the on board wifi.  If you need wifi, a cheap linux supported usb wifi dongle should work just fine.

Thank you for the blazing fast reply! I would have replied quickly too but the forum would not let me post more than once a day and then Christmas got in the way...
Anyway, yeah I never expected any of those things I listed to work, no problem there!
In fact, I've installed Armbian on my box regardless of all those missing things, mostly because I really prefer using my TX3 as an underpowered mini-pc over it's stock android tv uses (and I never managed to make the stock android just behave like a normal desktop-like os).

I know that getting linux to work on these things is quite a lot of work on it's own, and I also noticed that you guys seem to have dropped support for Amlogic devices on the new kernel, which, I guess, goes to show quite clearly how much you've had it with these Amlogic chips!
I realize that spending a few dollars on a cheapo usb-wifi dongle is waaaay easier (and cheaper!) than having one of you guys wasting your time on such a meaningless task.
It would be like asking to re-invent the wheel, I guess, and I agree with you, it would never be worth the time spent on it.

I asked you if you managed to get the wifi to work on your boxes just because, while roaming the forum, I have seen quite a lot of people claiming that they got it to work, though not one of their methods managed to get the wifi to work on my box.
After wasting quite a bit of my time on those fruitless attempts, I just ordered a usb-dongle and forgot that my box has a wi-fi/bt chip in it (I mean, it's such a garbage chip anyway, no 5GHz support and also, even though it is supposed to be a wifi/bluetooth chip, the bluetooth never worked on the stock OS, go figure...).

Thank you very much for the effort you guys put into your code, and in this forum too!

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I successfull installed Armbian_20.10_Arm-64_focal_current_5.9.0_desktop.img.xz on my TX3 Mini (Board 1.6). It's great to have a full linux on a cheap device like that, thank you so much for your effort and great community! Awesome work!


Anyone has also this issue? When I try to reboot from Desktop (Menú->Restart), it doesn't reboot (it logout, tipical power off texts, and screen off), but the device keeps on, and doesn't show the bootloader screen, and doesn't boots Armbian again. 


The curious about that: if I reboot the device from terminal (local or from ssh), with command


sudo reboot


, it always works!


The power off doesn't work from desktop nor by console. The device always keeps on.


Would be great to check if it's software related, so can be solved on future releases.



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On 12/24/2020 at 9:04 AM, tranhoangtech said:

I install Armbian susscesfully. BUT audio jack dont working

I'm glad to hear you have armbian installed and running.  However you shouldn't expect that the audio jack is going to work.  See:

Having said that, have you tried choosing different audio sources in pulseaudio?  I have only ever used audio over hdmi, so I really don't know if this will work or not.

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back to Wifi issue, when I run command "ip a", I see this result

# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether xx:yy:1c:a0:ee:a2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet 192.168.1.XX/24 brd scope global noprefixroute eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::dfd8:619:439b:4bf2/64 scope link noprefixroute
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether e0:76:d0:14:76:d3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff


So wlan0 still get its MAC address even wifi card is down, so I still hope there is any way to set and up wlan0, but I don't know how to do

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I'm still testing Armbian on my TX3 Mini (board 1.6). It works great, but this issue is making me crazy and I think it could be solved:


First of all I have Armbian installed on emmc and my use case is keep running the box with a few services using postgresql database.


The "sudo poweroff" and the "sudo shutdown -h now" commands doesn't work and they restart the device instead of power it off. So, when I need to power off the device the only way is to unplug the electrical plug directly. After doing this, sometimes (randomly) the next time when I try to start the box, it gives me HDMI signal but shows a black screen forever (not even show the TX3 Mini splash logo). I've tried to wait 1 hour and the box doesn't start (no ssh connection, no boot logo, no boot text).


It has happen to me 4 times, and the only way  to recover is to use the Amlogic USB Burning Tool and restore the stock firmware.


It seems eMMC corruption, but Armbian can corrupt the vendor bootloader and splash process? I've read about sd/emmc data corruption, but nobody with corruption in splash screen. Also I've heard something about readonly/freeze system, but I don't know if it's a good idea to keep the system readonly to work to services/databases.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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@robertoenr I have seen issues similar to what you are reporting (poweroff does a reboot) on some boxes.  I haven' had time to investigate as it isn't a big issue for me.  But what I recently noticed was that on some boxes while 'sudo poweroff' does a reboot, using 'sudo reboot' will actually poweroff the unit.


On your other issue, with the system not being able to restart sometimes, the workaround I have found is to have a spare SD card around that is configured for the device.  When the box doesn't boot from emmc, my experience is that it will boot from an SD card.  And after one successful boot from the SD card, it will again correctly boot from emmc, which is a lot easier than reflashing and starting over.  I'd be curious if your box behaves the same way as mine does.


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On 1/7/2021 at 7:49 PM, SteeMan said:

@robertoenr I have seen issues similar to what you are reporting (poweroff does a reboot) on some boxes.  I haven' had time to investigate as it isn't a big issue for me.  But what I recently noticed was that on some boxes while 'sudo poweroff' does a reboot, using 'sudo reboot' will actually poweroff the unit.


On your other issue, with the system not being able to restart sometimes, the workaround I have found is to have a spare SD card around that is configured for the device.  When the box doesn't boot from emmc, my experience is that it will boot from an SD card.  And after one successful boot from the SD card, it will again correctly boot from emmc, which is a lot easier than reflashing and starting over.  I'd be curious if your box behaves the same way as mine does.



Yes, I have been testing during these weeks. And sometimes it doesn't boot, it keeps on black screen forever. I have an USB drive configured for this device, when it happens I boot with the USB plugged in and it boots to the eMMC correctly. After this, I power off the TX3 mini, eject the USB drive, and power on again the TV Box. After this it boots again to eMMC standalone.


I suspect that armbian or something behind sometimes breaks the multiboot and this is the cause. This could be the reason that when plug some media (USB, SD card), it starts to boot again from eMMC.


@SteeMan do you know if I can check any file on /boot directory on emmc. It's strange that by using the external media and boot once, after this the box can boot again standalone. It's like something on the emmc boot system gets fixed automatically :unsure:

Edited by robertoenr
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