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All services are dead on reboot including sshd


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Hello I was finishing setting up my Helios64 (system installed on emmc) with Openmediavault (luks + snapraid + mergerfs + samba) on 3 disks, everything was working and I thought I should reboot to make sure that it is indeed the case (especially making sure that luks locked disks would not be an issue). An what a surprise, after booting up I couldn't ssh in so I connect the serial to log in as root. It seems that all services are dead like below.


# service ssh status
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enab
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:sshd(8)


And once I manually restarted the ssh service I get: 

"System is booting up. Unprivileged users are not permitted to log in yet. Please come back later. For technical details, see pam_nologin(8)."
Connection closed by port 22



Could anyone give me some directions on how I can start debugging this? 

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12 minutes ago, whollacsek said:

with Openmediavault (luks + snapraid + mergerfs + samba)


12 minutes ago, whollacsek said:

Could anyone give me some directions on how I can start debugging this? 

OMV changes OS beyond recognition - regardless of Hardware which support is happening in this community. Have you asked here:

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On 1/10/2021 at 8:39 AM, whollacsek said:

Could anyone give me some directions on how I can start debugging this? 


Since you have access to serial console. Can you check that your network is configured properly on Helios64.


Take note that OMV5 install wipe out any fixed IP configuration made through armbian-config tool.

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Thanks for your replies @gprovost & @Igor sorry I couldn't answer earlier as this is a new forum account.


I was disappointed by OMV so I decided to simply reinstall using the ubuntu image this time and setting up my stack manually.


@gprovost I don't think it's a network issue as I had rebooted after installing OMV and OMV service's status was also dead.  I mentioned that all services were dead because htop said there were only 16 tasks (I think) running on the machine.

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