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armbian-config Enable Desktop (select underprivelidged user / ok) ends with 'killed' and prompt (OrangePi Zero LTS 512MB)

Go to solution Solved by samos,

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I am trying to set up auto-login with enable desktop, using armbian-config as user root, and getting 'killed' once I select which under-priviledged user to enable. (There's two to choose from, and both behave the same with the same error reult).

I couldn't find a known issue, please help!

OPi Zero LTS 512MB / Armbian from armbian.com



22 minutes ago, samos said:


remote desktop or what is the intention behind this?


25 minutes ago, samos said:

There's two to choose from

Did you create those? If not try to create one using useradd

On 1/19/2021 at 10:01 PM, Werner said:

remote desktop or what is the intention behind this?


Did you create those? If not try to create one using useradd


Remote Desktop to enable vnc server access to the guidance, without any video out on the orange pi zero lts. this is so that any opizero 'out there' can be accessed and managed remotely without a user physically plugged in accessing the device directly.


in terms of users, yes they were added using adduser, and I will next try the orangepi one image (I'm currently testing with the debian package, and trying to add the various software components that I want to add) - will report back further updates..

  • Solution
On 1/20/2021 at 7:45 AM, Igor said:

Try with image for Orangepi One.

I tried that, got some distance, but in the end *I* couldn't get the GUI to work via the Armbian config tool (not with the hotplug override workaround for vncserver). On another note, I also tried with a stock Debian-buster, but ended up eventually with a corrupted sd card (??).


Went back to the 'proper' armbian-for-orange-pi zero, and although *I* can't get auto-login to work still, I've managed to workaround it with node-red. node-red's systemctl enable works, even without the user login, and upon startup, I've got node-red executing the 'vncserver' command line to start the vncserver....


no another topic awaits me - how to connect tightvnc to my realvnc cloud? (another thread somewhere I'm sure.....)

2 hours ago, samos said:

no another topic awaits me - how to connect tightvnc to my realvnc cloud?

Search for topic that is related to that or open a new one. This is forum.

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