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Hi Igor,

could you please look into the character set problem mentioned in the comments?


Jessie kernel 3.4:

Line-drawing graphics for programs like aptitude or mc don't work. The screen displays garbled characters instead, which renders all programms with a graphic interface unusable :-(.


After install I noticed that dpkg-reconfigure locales did not work as expected. LANGUAGE stays en_US and LC_MESSAGES stays posix. I configured them manually 

# update-locale LANGUAGE=de_DE.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=de_DE.UTF-8

but german umlauts (äöü) still don*t work although the system now seems to be configured correctly for de_DE.UTF-8.



I don't care too much about the umlauts but the garbled graphic interfaces are a major problem. Maybe both problems are connected.


Thank you for your work!



If I connect via ssh (xfce-terminal) the lines are drawn ok. But mc function keys don't work ... this is another problem I'm working on but probably not connected to this one because on console the function keys work ok.


Similar problems with line drawing graphics are usually reported in connection with ssh / PuTTY. It always has something to do with character sets (ISO / UTF-8) or fonts but the proposed fixes don't work on console debian.


Edit: I was searching for several days already but I finally used the right search words (which is sometimes difficult if english is not your native language) and found the solution here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/602824/ncurses-line-drawing-not-working-on-console.

dpkg-reconfigure console-setup was set to ISO-8859-something and not to UTF-8.


You should add 

# dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

to the FAQ, because if people choose UTF-8 on dpkg-reconfigure locales (which they will do nowadays) they sooner or later run into problems if the console-setup doesn't match.


As a side note: Via ssh now most of the mc function keys work, but not F2 F3 F4. So it had something to do with the Banana's setup. But the change fixed only half of them. Strange.


I'll add this to the script and to the FAQ. Thanks.


A quick solution:

export CHARMAP=UTF-8 FONTFACE=8x16 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

This is working for me - my locales are en_US.UTF-8. I guess this must be matched?


Now the mc looks ok, some functional keys works but that's another story since my keyboard has only F1-F8 :)


It works interactive but not in non-interactive mode. Another Debian bug :huh:  Working on walk-around.

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