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If you connect the console UART this will significantly help in the diagnosis. Not the fact that You have, this is the reason and the core is dumped to panic.



ЕÑли подключите конÑоль UART - Ñто заметно поможет в диагноÑтике. Ðе факт, что у ВаÑ, Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¶Ðµ  причина и Ñдро ÑваливаетÑÑ Ð² панику.


So, what i've got from UART:

Default Android boot: here

Try to boot from SD card: here



Also add boot from USB: here

And try to boot USB with MXQ dtb.img from balbes150 : log



Everywhere the same exception. 



Booting AlexELEC UART log

Booting corret with the same sd card.


So, what i've got from UART:

Default Android boot: here

Try to boot from SD card: here



Also add boot from USB: here

And try to boot USB with MXQ dtb.img from balbes150 : log



Everywhere the same exception. 



Booting AlexELEC UART log

Booting corret with the same sd card.


Looked at the logs. There is an assumption in what the reason - not correct work of the script (in a TV box the other option from u-boot). In the near future I will try to pick a new option.


Looked at the logs. There is an assumption in what the reason - not correct work of the script (in a TV box the other option from u-boot). In the near future I will try to pick a new option.

Thanks. Hope our work will be helpfull :)


Try to use this option. Preferably with SD card and USB stick, and then show the output UART.




I overwrite it on boot partition of linux sd/usb drive, right?

Seems to the same exception apear.

reading s805_autoscript

855 bytes read
## Executing script at 11000000
MMC: block number 0x1 exceeds max(0x0)
** Can't read from device 0 **

** Unable to use mmc 0:1 for fatload **
reading uInitrd
Enter Exception:0x00000004
	link addr:0x1ff24954

Boot from sd with s805/mxq dtb.img: https://yadi.sk/d/ebPkKQiWwLWns

Boot from usb with s805/mxq dtb.img: https://yadi.sk/d/8EJDmeeIwLYB2 


It looks like You have used your option for the format of commands in u-boot. To find the correct option. Connect to TV box USB flash drive with Linux. Turn on the TV box and immediately stop the running u-boot. After stopping the run, in command line u-boot, type the following commands :


 usb start

 fatload usb 0 0x21000000 uImage


If there is the same error as before, try to change the format of the command for


fatload usb 0x0 0x21000000 uImage


Need to find the proper settings for the boot file into memory. You can give the help command fatload. Results write here. More desirable to see the output of printenv and help for Your TV box.




Похоже у Ð’Ð°Ñ Ð¸ÑпользуетÑÑ Ñвой вариант Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð°Ñ‚Ð° команд в u-boot. Что-бы найти правильный вариант. Подключите к ТВ приÑтавке USB флÑшку Ñ ÑиÑтемой Linux. Включите ТВ приÑтавку и Ñразу оÑтановить запуÑк u-boot. ПоÑле оÑтановки запуÑка, в командой Ñтроке u-boot наберите такие команды  :


usb start 

fatload usb 0 0x21000000 uImage


ЕÑли будет Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¶Ðµ ошибка , как и ранее, попробуйте изменить формат команды на 


fatload usb 0x0 0x21000000 uImage  


Ðужно найти правильные параметры Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñ‹ загрузки файла в памÑÑ‚ÑŒ. Можно дать команду help fatload. Результаты напишите Ñюда. Еще желательно увидеть вывод команд printenv и help Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð’Ð°ÑˆÐµÐ¹ ТВ приÑтавки.


Can't stop boot on u-boot thru UART or USB keyboard. Is there a special hotkey?


Загрузку прервать не получаетÑÑ Ð½Ð¸ через UART, ни через подключенную usb клавиатуру. Ð’ терминале отображаетÑÑ Ñхо, пробовал отправлÑÑ‚ÑŒ брÑйки, но не реагирует. ЕÑÑ‚ÑŒ какаÑ-то ÑÐ¿ÐµÑ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð°?


Judging by Your log to the console UART to interrupt startup, press Enter. This is done in the console UART. There is a small period of time, so I usually do it in parallel with powering on the unit to the network, repeatedly press a key (with a frequency of 2-5 clicks per second) until you see that the startup process stopped.


Through what program you are connecting to the console UART ? Everything is correctly configured ? If in Windows, there should be properly negotiated speed of the port in the system and the program. You need to specify in the system the speed from 115200 COM port and try to change the value of the control port (softovoi \ hardware), in different PC it works differently.


Ð¡ÑƒÐ´Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ Вашему логу в конÑоль UART, Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÑ€Ñ‹Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð²Ñ‚Ð¾Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑка, нужно нажать клавишу Enter. Это делаетÑÑ Ð² конÑоли UART. Там малый промежуток времени, поÑтому, Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ñ‹Ñ‡Ð½Ð¾ Ñто делаю параллельно Ñ Ð²ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸ÐµÐ¼ блока Ð¿Ð¸Ñ‚Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² Ñеть, многократно нажимаю клавишу (Ñ Ñ‡Ð°Ñтотой 2-5 нажатий в Ñекунду), пока не увижу, что процеÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑƒÑка оÑтановилÑÑ.


Через какую программу выполнÑетÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ðµ к конÑоли UART ? Ð’ программе вÑÑ‘ правильно наÑтроено ? ЕÑли в Windows, там должно быть правильно ÑоглаÑовано значение ÑкороÑти порта в Ñамой ÑиÑтеме и программе. Ðужно указать в Ñамой ÑиÑтеме ÑкороÑÑ‚ÑŒ 115200 у COM порта и попробовать менÑÑ‚ÑŒ значение ÑƒÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¼ (Ñофтовое \ аппаратное), на разных ПК Ñто Ñрабатывает по разному.


Ok, i catch it.


1) fatload usb 0 0x21000000 uImage

m8b_m201_1G#usb start
(Re)start USB(0)...
USB0:   dwc_usb driver version: 2.94 6-June-2012
USB (1) peri reg base: c1108820
USB (1) use clock source: XTAL input
USB (1) base addr: 0xc90c0000
Force id mode: Host
dwc_otg: Highspeed device found !

scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
m8b_m201_1G#fatload usb 0 0x21000000 uImage
reading uImage
Enter Exception:0x00000004
	link addr:0x1ff24954
2) fatload usb 0x0 0x21000000 uImage  

m8b_m201_1G#usb start
(Re)start USB(0)...
USB0:   dwc_usb driver version: 2.94 6-June-2012
USB (1) peri reg base: c1108820
USB (1) use clock source: XTAL input
USB (1) base addr: 0xc90c0000
Force id mode: Host
dwc_otg: Highspeed device found !

scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
m8b_m201_1G#fatload usb 0x0 0x21000000 uImage
reading uImage
Enter Exception:0x00000004
	link addr:0x1ff24954
3)  help fatload

m8b_m201_1G#help fatload
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem

fatload <interface> <dev[:part]>  <addr> <filename> [bytes]
    - load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface'
      to address 'addr' from dos filesystem
4) help


?       - alias for 'help'
adc     - M6 ADC test
aml_sysrecovery- Burning with amlogic format package from partition sysrecovery
amlnf   - AMLPHYNAND sub-system
amlnf_test- AMLPHYNAND sub-system
autoping- do auto ping test
autoscr - run script from memory
base    - print or set address offset
bdinfo  - print Board Info structure
bmp     - manipulate BMP image data
boardid_prefetch- boardid sub-system
bootm   - boot application image from memory
bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
cali    - configure clock phare
calinfo - calinfo print the chip calibration info
cbusreg - cbus register read/write
checkhw - Get the hardware revsion
clear_rebootmode- clear rebootmode
clkmsr  - measure PLL clock
cmp     - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp      - memory copy
crc32   - checksum calculation
dcache  - enable or disable data cache
defenv  - default environment
defenv_without- defenv without environment variables
dhcp    - boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
dtbinit - init some env by reading dtb file
dtbload - load binary dtb file from a dos filesystem
echo    - echo args to console
editenv - edit environment variable
efuse   - efuse version/licence/mac/hdcp/usid read/write or dump raw efuse data commands or info(display chip efuse info)
env     - environment handling commands
ethchk  - check ethernet status
ethdbg  - set ethernet debug level
ethmode - set ethernet mac mode
ethrst  - reset ethernet phy
exit    - exit script
ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem
ext2ls  - list files in a directory (default /)
false   - do nothing, unsuccessfully
fatexist- find the file from a dos filesystem
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls   - list files in a directory (default /)
fdt     - flattened device tree utility commands
get_img_size- get img size and save the result as a environment variable
get_rebootmode- get reboot mode
go      - start application at address 'addr'
gset    - gpio commands
help    - print command description/usage
icache  - enable or disable instruction cache
imgread - Read the image from internal flash with actual size
imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
irdetect- Detect IR Key to start recovery system
irkey   - irkey key_value time_value
itest   - return true/false on integer compare
keyunify- key unify sub-system
kgdb    - enter gdb remote debug mode
loadb   - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loadenv - load environment at address 'addr'
loads   - load S-Record file over serial line
loadx   - load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
loady   - load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
logo    - logo sub-system
loop    - infinite loop on address range
macreg  - ethernet mac register read/write/dump
md      - memory display
mdc_clk - do mdc clock
mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
mmc     - MMC sub system
mmcinfo - mmcinfo <dev num>-- display MMC info
msleep  - delay execution for some time
msr     - Meson msr sub-system
mtest   - simple RAM read/write test
mw      - memory write (fill)
netspd_f- enforce eth speed
nm      - memory modify (constant address)
phyreg  - ethernet phy register read/write/dump
ping    - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv- print environment variables
put     - put  storage 
pwm     - pwm sub-system
rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
run     - run commands in an environment variable
saradc  - saradc sub-system
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
sdc_burn- Burning with amlogic format package in sdmmc 
sdc_update- Burning a partition with image file in sdmmc card
secukey - security KEY sub-system
setenv  - set environment variables
sf      - SPI flash sub-system
showvar - print local hushshell variables
sleep   - delay execution for some time
source  - run script from memory
ssecukey- NAND KEY sub-system
store   - STORE sub-system
suspend - suspend
test    - minimal test like /bin/sh
tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
true    - do nothing, successfully
unifykey- unifykey read/write based on the driver keymanage
unpackimg- unpack imgpack to single
update  - Enter v2 usbburning mode
usb     - USB sub-system
usb_burn- Burning with amlogic format package in usb 
usb_update- Burning a partition with image file in usb host
usbbc   - test usb bc
usbboot - boot from USB device
usid_prefetch- usid sub-system
uuid_prefetch- uuid sub-system
version - print monitor, compiler and linker version
video   - video sub-system




Try the new script. Looks like I fucked up, forgot that You only have 512 MB of memory, addresses to download were outside.


To correctly configure the script necessarily need the output from the command "printenv".


Here we are:


bootargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200n8 no_console_suspend storage=1 vdaccfg=0xa000 logo=osd1,loaded,0x7900000,1080p,full hdmimode=1080p cvbsmode=576cvbs androidboot.firstboot=0 hdmitx=cecf
bootcmd=run start_autoscript; run storeboot
initargs=init=/init console=ttyS0,115200n8 no_console_suspend storage=1
mmcargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} boardname=m8_board
preboot=if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then run prepare; run storeargs; run update; fi; if itest ${upgrade_step} == 1; then defenv; setenv upgrade_step 2; saveenv;fi; run prepare;run storeargs;get_rebootmode; clear_rebootmode; echo reboot_mode=${reboot_mode};run update_ir; run update_key; run switch_bootmode
preloaddtb=imgread dtb boot ${loadaddr}
prepare=logo size ${outputmode}; video open; video clear; video dev open ${outputmode};imgread pic logo bootup ${loadaddr_logo}; bmp display ${bootup_offset}; bmp scale;
recovery=echo enter recovery;if mmcinfo; then if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then bootm;fi;fi; if usb start 0; then if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then bootm; fi;fi;if imgread kernel recovery ${loadaddr}; then bootm; else echo no recovery in flash; fi;
sdc_burning=sdc_burn ${sdcburncfg}
start_autoscript=if usb start; then run start_usb_autoscript; fi; if mmcinfo; then run start_mmc_autoscript; fi;
start_mmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 0 11000000 s805_autoscript; then autoscr 11000000; fi;
start_usb_autoscript=if fatload usb 0 11000000 s805_autoscript; then autoscr 11000000; fi;
storeargs=setenv bootargs ${initargs} vdaccfg=${vdac_config} logo=osd1,loaded,${fb_addr},${outputmode},full hdmimode=${hdmimode} cvbsmode=${cvbsmode} androidboot.firstboot=${firstboot} hdmitx=${cecconfig}
storeboot=echo Booting...; if unifykey get usid; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.serialno=${usid};fi;imgread kernel boot ${loadaddr};bootm;run recovery
switch_bootmode=if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then run recovery;else if test ${reboot_mode} = update; then run update;else if test ${reboot_mode} = usb_burning; then run usb_burning;else if test ${wipe_data} = failed; then echo wipe_data=${wipe_data}; run recovery;else fi;fi;fi;fi
update=run usb_burning; if mmcinfo; then if fatexist mmc 0 ${sdcburncfg}; then run sdc_burning; else if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;run recovery;fi;else run recovery;fi;
update_ir=if irdetect; then run update; fi
update_key=saradc open 0; if saradc get_in_range 0 0x50; then msleep 50; if saradc get_in_range 0 0x50; then echo update by key...; run update; fi;fi
usb_burning=update 1000

Environment size: 3943/65532 bytes




Great. The system is fully started, that's good. So the kernel and dtb file were identified correctly. Now try from the console to perform the initial configuration. Login as username root, password 1234 , the system will immediately be asked to change it , change your password, create new user and try to give the command restart reboot. The monitors that connect via HDMI, sometimes it is this peculiarity, that they are not activated when you first turn on TV set-top box. Need to reboot (NOT shutdown and restart it). Another try after booting the system, press the combination keys reset (Cntr + Alt + Del). Perhaps no display in the monitor and the keyboard works.




Отлично. СиÑтема полноценно запуÑтилаÑÑŒ, Ñто уже хорошо. Значит Ñдро и dtb файл определилиÑÑŒ правильно. Попробуйте теперь из конÑоли выполнить первичную наÑтройку. Войти под логином root пароль 1234 , ÑиÑтема Ñразу попроÑит его Ñменить , Ñмените пароль, заведите нового Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ Ð¸ попробуйте дать команду перезагрузки reboot. У мониторов , которые подключаютÑÑ Ñ‡ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ· HDMI переходник, иногда бывает Ñ‚Ð°ÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¾ÑобенноÑÑ‚ÑŒ, что они не активируютÑÑ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸ первом включении ТВ приÑтавки. Ðужна перезагрузка (ÐЕ выключение, а именно перезагрузка). Еще попробуйте поÑле загрузки ÑиÑтемы, нажать комбинацию клавишь перезагрузки (Cntr + Alt + Del). Возможно нет Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ð±Ñ€Ð°Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° мониторе, а клавиатура работает.


Something strange happend while i logon:




Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS vegas805 ttyS0
vegas805 login: rootPassword: 
Last login: Fri Sep 23 10:20:55 UTC 2016 on ttyS0
    .[0;1;34;94m_.[0m              .[0;34m_.[0m             .[0;37m_.[0m        .[0;37m____.[0m   .[0;1;30;90m___.[0m   .[0;1;30;90m___.[0m  .[0;1;30;90m____.[0m  
   .[0;1;34;94m/.[0m .[0;1;34;94m\.[0m   .[0;34m_.[0m .[0;34m__.[0m .[0;34m___.[0m .[0;34m|.[0m .[0;34m|.[0m .[0;34m__.[0;37m_.[0m   .[0;37m__.[0m .[0;37m_(_).[0m .[0;37m___.[0m  .[0;1;30;90m/.[0m .[0;1;30;90m___|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m(.[0m .[0;1;30;90m_.[0m .[0;1;30;90m).[0m .[0;1;30;90m/.[0m .[0;1;34;94m_.[0m .[0;1;34;94m\|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m___|.[0m 
  .[0;34m/.[0m .[0;34m_.[0m .[0;34m\.[0m .[0;34m|.[0m .[0;34m'_.[0m .[0;34m`.[0m .[0;34m_.[0m .[0;37m\|.[0m .[0;37m|/.[0m .[0;37m_.[0m .[0;37m\.[0m .[0;37m/.[0m .[0;37m_`.[0m .[0;1;30;90m|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m|/.[0m .[0;1;30;90m__|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m\___.[0m .[0;1;30;90m\.[0m .[0;1;34;94m/.[0m .[0;1;34;94m_.[0m .[0;1;34;94m\|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m|___.[0m .[0;34m\.[0m 
 .[0;34m/.[0m .[0;34m___.[0m .[0;34m\.[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m|.[0m .[0;37m(_.[0;1;30;90m).[0m .[0;1;30;90m|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m(_|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m(__.[0m   .[0;1;34;94m___).[0m .[0;1;34;94m|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m(_).[0m .[0;1;34;94m|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m|.[0;34m_|.[0m .[0;34m|___).[0m .[0;34m|.[0m
.[0;37m/_/.[0m   .[0;37m\_\_|.[0m .[0;37m|_|.[0m .[0;1;30;90m|_|_|\___/.[0m .[0;1;30;90m\__,.[0m .[0;1;34;94m|_|\___|.[0m .[0;1;34;94m|____/.[0m .[0;34m\___/.[0m .[0;34m\___/|____.[0;37m/.[0m 
Welcome to .[0;91mARMBIAN.[0m Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 3.10.102-vegas805 
System load:  .[0;91m 1.94 .[0m           .Up time:       .[92m48 sec.[0m..
Memory usage: .[0;92m 24 %.[0m of 356Mb  .IP:            .[92m.[0m
CPU temp:     .[0;92m 43В°C.[0m           .
Usage of /:   .[0;92m 8%.[0m of 15G    .storage/:     .[0;92m 68%.[0m of 32M    .
.[0;31mThank you for choosing Armbian! Support: .[1m.[39mwww.armbian.com.[0m
Creating new account. Please provide a username (eg. your forename): adduser: Only one or two names allowed.
[   86.338631@0] Restarting system.
[   86.346227@0] Restarting Linux version 3.10.102-vegas805 (root@user-VirtualBox) (gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) ) #11 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 23 12:40:13 MSK 2016
[   86.346227@0] 




I changed root password, then system reboot.

Now system reboot, after log in.


Please note that after the first start the system must perform the initial setup (section expands, etc.). This takes considerable time. It is advisable to give 3-5 minutes for the system to prepare to first login as root user.


Please note that after the first start the system must perform the initial setup (section expands, etc.). This takes considerable time. It is advisable to give 3-5 minutes for the system to prepare to first login as root user.

It's looks like box autoreboot while perform the initial setup.

Is there any way to stop it?


armbian firstrun autoreboot is normal.



do you know if the modifications you've made for dilligaf's boot could also work for my s85 box with kernel crash ?

if you want me to test please give me the latest links/images i have to use.



You can try to use this script. But I think it will not help. You have the reason for the kernel panic, not in the download files in memory. After You have the files loaded fine and the system starts and then the error - falling into a panic. I have not yet found the cause of this behavior. Most likely, the reason is not the correct data in the DTB.


in catalog script




Thanks a lot for help @balbes150, @mdel!

After many reboot I create user, and perform the initial setup.

Now i got shell, and test the system. But still no video output :)


Огромное ÑпаÑибо за помощь! Ð’Ñ‹ проделали очень хорошую работу!


Congratulations. :)

If the system worked will be possible to deal with the output. While it is possible to use ssh and mc. Through it convenient to operate the system.


Hi everyone,


I read up to here trying to figure out how to run armbian on a MXQ 805.

But there where many steps that where corrected - what are the correct steps as of now?


I am happy to try and report back - but I can't see any uart on my board.




ok my system (cli) is up, thanks to  @balbes150, @dilligaf, @mdel 

Still got to try the desktop.



my steps:

enabled multiboot
as described here:
created my SD card (8GB):
dd if=Armbian_5.20_Vegas805_Ubuntu_xenial_3.10.102_20160923.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m
did not boot - had to choose a dtb.img file - 
booted without enthernet.
did not find the right one - extracted it from android:
Install shell app on android 
open shell app
box>su (to make sure you're root)
box>strings /dev/block/env
box>dd bs=1M if=/dev/block/boot of=/path/of/your/sdcard/boot.img
(wait it can be long)
installed split_bootimg.pl and device-tree-compiler
as described here:
sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
extracted it with script:
split_bootimg.pl boot.img
tried to compile it to blob
got incorrect magic number error
cut the first 2048 bytes with
dd if=dtb.img-second.xz of=boot-tmp.img skip=2048
dtc -I dtb boot-tmp.img -O dts -o m8_201.dtd
dtc -I dtb boot-tmp.img -O dtb -o dtb.img
copied dtb.img to BOOT 
booted fine - seems to work.

I tried the desktop image for Odroid with my updated dtb.img and s805_autoscript but no luck. No display, no ping. 


balbes150's desktop image (Armbian_5.20_Vegas805_Ubuntu_xenial_3.10.102_desktop_20160923)

worked after a few times rebooting, however with graphic distortions.

I had a few rw errors and a locked dpkg at first boot - was there any automated action?


- then it would not reboot after an apt-get upgrade


btw. I do have quite a few rw errors on SD - any advice?


@balbes150 did you list the modifications to the vegas805 images somewhere that make it work?






I tried the desktop image for Odroid with my updated dtb.img and s805_autoscript but no luck. No display, no ping. 


balbes150's desktop image (Armbian_5.20_Vegas805_Ubuntu_xenial_3.10.102_desktop_20160923)

worked after a few times rebooting, however with graphic distortions.

I had a few rw errors and a locked dpkg at first boot - was there any automated action?


- then it would not reboot after an apt-get upgrade


btw. I do have quite a few rw errors on SD - any advice?


@balbes150 did you list the modifications to the vegas805 images somewhere that make it work?





As a connected monitor / TV ?

Delete all files in /var which swears apt. As I understood, the apt is locked due to incorrect files and links that were formed during the first start (but for various reasons do not have time to form). Write error on the Sd card can occur due to bad blocks, TV consoles and more demanding to the quality of the SD card (perhaps that features of the built-in card reader).

What changes the last question ?




Can anyone with a C0, C1 or C1+ and serial console attached please help out: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/commit/e48da4e991af20673b55c0d2be3db931d1f8c4ba#commitcomment-19395963


I don't have these models. Perhaps I misunderstood the task, but perhaps the necessary information can be obtained from the source code of u-boot ?

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